Female Cardinals typically exhibit a behavioural tendency to perch at lower heights within shrubs and trees, as well as engage in foraging activities either on or in close proximity to the ground.
These avian species are frequently observed in proximity to bird feeders, yet their presence may go unnoticed in other settings unless one becomes acquainted with their distinctive and audibly resonant metallic chip vocalization.
In addition to males, female cardinals possess a crest and a robust red-orange bill. Female Cardinals can be observed in populated regions, including residential yards, public parks, wooded areas, and the boundaries between shrubby forests.
The nesting behaviour of Northern Cardinals is characterized by their preference for densely intertwined shrubs and vines.
How Do I Identify the Female Cardinal?

Female cardinals typically exhibit colours such as grey-brown, grey-green, or olive. The outer upper wings of female individuals retain a red-orange hue, albeit with a diminished vibrancy compared to their male counterparts.
The dorsal and wing regions of these avian specimens exhibit a comparatively darker shade in contrast to their ventral regions, specifically the breast and throat, which display an almost pristine white colouration.
Certain female cardinals exhibit limited amounts of red plumage around or beneath their ocular region.
Although female cardinals exhibit similar facial markings to males, these characteristics are typically less prominent and appear more greyish rather than black.
Despite not possessing the vibrant crimson plumage exhibited by the male counterpart, the female cardinal exhibits a distinct and refined aesthetic appeal.
Her appearance is characterized by a pleasing warm hue, displaying a buffy tan shade across her dorsal region, breast, and lateral areas.
Additionally, she showcases red-orange pigmentation on her wings, tail, and crown, accompanied by a darkened “mask” of blackish colouration.
Female cardinals possess similar physical characteristics to males, including a crest and a robust red-orange bill.
Adult males and females can be readily differentiated based on their colouration. In stark contrast to the subdued plumage exhibited by females, males of this avian species display vibrant red feathers.
The name “Northern Cardinals” is derived from the distinctive colouration of these birds, which early European settlers associated with the red robes worn by Catholic cardinals.
Females exhibit a slight size reduction compared to males, albeit the disparity is inconspicuous. Immediately following the process of fledging, there is a lack of visual distinction between juvenile male and female cardinals.
Both specimens exhibit a less vibrant appearance compared to mature females, characterized by a bill of grey or black hue, a shorter crest, and an absence of the red-orange accents typically observed in adult females.
Male birds can be identified when they undergo moulting from their juvenile plumage and exhibit red splotches.
However, it is not possible to differentiate between male and female birds based on their plumage, which resembles that of females, and their dark bills.
Over the past few decades, there has been a gradual northward expansion of its distribution, extending from New England to the southeastern regions of Canada.
Additionally, this avian species have been introduced to the regions of Hawai`i and Bermuda.
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What is the Shape of the Female Cardinal?
The female cardinal exhibits a relatively smaller and lighter physical stature in comparison to its male counterpart.
The size range of male cardinals is typically observed to be between 8.7 to 9.25 inches (22.2 to 23.5 centimeters).
The weight range of male cardinals is typically observed to be between 42 and 48 grams, equivalent to approximately 1.4 to 1.5 ounces.
The size of female cardinals ranges from 8.2 to 8.5 inches (20.9 to 21.6 centimetres).
The weight range of female cardinals is typically recorded as 38 to 42 grams, equivalent to 1.4 to 1.5 ounces.
The observed disparity in dimensions and mass is inconspicuous. Additionally, it has been observed that males exhibit a slightly more erect posture compared to females.
This behaviour is believed to serve the purpose of displaying their vibrant plumage, which acts as an indicator of their overall physical condition.
Furthermore, this upright posture also enhances their visibility within their respective territories.
How Do I Describe the Behavior of the Female Cardinal?
Male and female cardinals exhibit a strong inclination towards defending their respective territories. During the non-breeding season, certain cardinals exhibit sociable behavior by forming peaceful flocks in winter.
However, during the breeding season, cardinals exhibit a change in behaviour as they form pairs and establish territories, leading to a decrease in their overall calmness.
During the reproductive period, male cardinals exhibit heightened aggression towards other males, as well as towards other avian species and females.
The vocalization of the male is characterized by heightened volume and increased aggression in comparison to that of the female, thereby facilitating the establishment of territorial dominance.
In the majority of avian species, male cardinals engage in courtship behaviours to attract and pursue females.
In certain regions of the United States, it has been observed that male individuals engage in vocalizations to attract and court females, a behaviour commonly referred to as singing.
This courtship behaviour has been documented to commence as early as January.
Male individuals exhibit a concise and relatively uncomplicated courtship ritual, characterized by the rotation of their abdomens and the expansion of their pectoral regions.
Certain courtship displays can exhibit excessively aggressive behaviour, leading to prolonged pursuits between the male and female participants, lasting approximately 30 minutes.
Cardinals generally exhibit monogamous behaviour, although a small proportion of approximately 20% of couples undergo divorce annually, primarily in cases where they encounter difficulties in successfully rearing their offspring.
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How Do I Describe Feeding In the Female Cardinal?
After forming a pair bond, cardinals proceed to establish a specific territory within which they construct their nest. The initiation of nest construction typically occurs between February and March.
The female avian species commonly vocalize to the male counterpart as a means of indicating her readiness to commence the construction of the nest.
The construction of the nest is primarily undertaken by female cardinals, while the male cardinals contribute by procuring materials and providing sustenance.
The behaviour in which the male provides food to the female during the breeding season is commonly referred to as courtship feeding, a practice that may continue beyond the courtship period.
The male is engaged in efforts to ensure the female’s physical well-being and fitness in preparation for the forthcoming egg-laying process.
Additionally, this behaviour can be interpreted as a manifestation of fondness or attachment. The construction of cardinal nests typically requires a period of approximately 2 to 3 weeks for completion.
After the deposition of the clutch of eggs, the female initiates the incubation process, which typically lasts for a duration of approximately 11 to 13 days. Males also engage in brief periods of incubation for the eggs.
Nevertheless, the primary function of the male cardinal during the incubation period is to provide nourishment to the female.
It has been documented that male cardinals engage in feeding the females approximately three times every hour.
After hatching, the female assumes the responsibility of brooding the chicks, while both males and females contribute to their feeding.
In certain studies, it was observed that males were the primary caregivers for the chicks in the majority of cases, while in other studies, they constituted the minority.
How Do I Describe the Female Cardinal’s Singing and Calling?
Both male and female cardinals exhibit vocalization behaviour, with Northern cardinals demonstrating a diverse array of songs that exhibit significant variation based on their geographical location.
Indeed, should a cardinal venture several hundred miles away from its customary breeding habitat, it may only possess a limited ability to identify the vocalizations of fellow cardinals.
The investigation of these regional variations has been the subject of extensive scholarly inquiry, as virtually every aspect of a cardinal’s vocalizations exhibit alterations contingent upon its geographical placement.
It is noteworthy that females exhibit no discernible bias towards males about the geographical origin of their vocalizations.
A migratory individual originating from a distinct geographical area retains the ability to engage in courtship behaviour with a female possessing a dissimilar vocal repertoire.
Male individuals exhibit a higher frequency of vocalization compared to their female counterparts, particularly during the reproductive period, wherein their vocalizations exhibit a positive correlation with elevated levels of testosterone.
The vocalizations produced by males exhibit greater volume and a higher degree of aggression in comparison to the vocalizations produced by females.
In certain instances, females are characterized as engaging in strategic vocalizations, specifically for communication.
In contrast, male individuals exhibit a propensity for vocalizing freely throughout the entirety of the year.
Research conducted in Kentucky and North Carolina revealed that the frequency of singing among females was found to be significantly lower, ranging from 10% to 20% in comparison to their male counterparts.
In both Desert and Vermillion cardinals, a comparable pattern emerges wherein female desert cardinals exhibit infrequent vocalization, primarily utilizing song as a means of nest defence or to signal alarm.
Female birds frequently engage in vocalizations while incubating and brooding to communicate their nutritional requirements to their male partner.
Males typically exhibit a prompt response to these vocalizations. Both male and female cardinals occasionally engage in nocturnal singing, particularly during the winter months when they are roosting.
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The population of female cardinals is approximately equal to that of male cardinals, indicating that the likelihood of encountering a female cardinal is not significantly different from that of encountering a male cardinal.
However, it is worth noting that female cardinals present a greater challenge in terms of visual detection compared to their male counterparts, as they lack vibrant red plumage and exhibit a relatively effective camouflage that allows them to blend harmoniously with their environment.
Male cardinals may exhibit greater conspicuousness in their behaviours and movements, as well as emit louder vocalizations, potentially resulting in increased attention directed towards them.
Moreover, during the periods of breeding and nesting, female cardinals may assume the role of nest-sitting or chick brooding, resulting in their reduced visibility compared to males. Thanks for reading!
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