Flu Symptoms: Causes, Management & Prevention

The flu has become one underrated disease that is slowly making it to the top of the radar. This is why the flu symptoms must be studied to ensure that individuals do not mistake it for the common cold.

The flu symptoms and symptoms of the common cold are quite similar, and this is why most people are sometimes taken by surprise by this influenza virus.

In this informative article, we will be looking at the symptoms of the bird flu, ways to prevent it from even happening, and more.


What is the Flu?

The flu is simply an illness from a viral influenza. It is usually common during the winter, which makes it difficult to differentiate from the common cold.

The symptoms vary, in that they may be mild or severe depending on the person involved.


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What Causes Bird Flu?

The influenza virus is what causes the flu. The most common types of flu that may infect humans are the following:

  • Influenza A
  • Influenza B
  • Influenza C

People infected with influenza A and B are more likely to experience severe symptoms that may require medical intervention. This flu is seasonal and more rampant during the winter.

Influenza C is the opposite of the other influenza viruses. This means that this virus does not result in severe symptoms and is not seasonal.


Who is More Likely to Fall Victim of the Bird Flu?

Flu Symptoms
People with Underlying Illnesses such as Obesity Will Experience Severe Symptoms of the Flu

Before looking at the flu symptoms, we will first list out people who are more likely to fall victim to this flu with severe symptoms.

People with the following complications are more likely to fall victim to this illness (with severity):

  • Diabetic patients
  • Sickle cell patients
  • People who have chronic lung diseases such as:
    • Asthma
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, etc
  • Pregnant women
  • People who take aspirin on a regular basis (and are under the age of 19)
  • People who are over 65 years and under 5 years
  • People who have a history of the following diseases:
    • kidney diseases
    • Heart diseases
    • Liver diseases
    • Stroke
    • Neurological diseases
  • Individuals who live in long-term facilities.
  • Obesitic patients
  • People with weak immune systems that are as a result of the following:
    • HIV/AIDs
    • Immunosuppressive medications
    • Cancer
  • Individuals who find it difficult to cough or swallow.
  • Non-Hispanic black people
  • Non-Hispanic American Indians
  • Alaska Native people
  • Latino people


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What are the Flu Symptoms 2025?

Flu Symptoms
The Flu Symptoms are Somewhat Similar to the Common Cold Symptoms

Finally, what we have been reading for: the flu symptoms. Below are flu symptoms that you should be aware of:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Tiredness
  • Chilly feeling
  • Vomiting
  • Body ache
  • Runny nose
  • Diarrhea

You must note that not all these symptoms will occur to make it the flu. Sometimes you may just experience a few of these symptoms, and this is why you must go for a medical checkup to be certain it’s just a common cold.


How To Manage the Bird Flu Symptoms 2025

Besides going for medical checkups, there are simple things that can be done to manage the flu. These include the following:

  • Prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water
  • Get enough rest.
  • Take antitussives such as dextromethorphan to calm the cough.
  • Use hot water to suppress aching muscles.
  • Clear mucus out of your lungs by using expectorants such as guaifenesin.
  • Oral decongestants can help with runny noses. They include the following:
    • Phenylephrine
    • Pseudoephedrine
  • Feverish feelings and body aches can be lowered with the following OTCs:

Even though these OTCs are sure to handle the job efficiently, it is important that you check with your healthcare provider before using them. Some medications may not be good to use together, and this can result in more serious complications.

How To Prevent H5N1 Bird Flu

One of the best ways to prevent the flu is by getting flu shots on a yearly basis. This flu vaccine will help to keep your antibodies active and fight against any impending influenza viral attack.

Below are ways to prevent and reduce the risk of contracting the flu:

  • Try as much as possible not to touch the following parts of your body:
    • Mouth
    • Face
    • Eye
    • Nose
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Do not share your eating utensils with others.
  • If you are sick, do well to wear a face mask, especially when you are with people.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow and not your bare hands. Always cover your nose and mouth whenever you sneeze or cough.
  • Avoid contact with people who are ill with the flu so that you do not become the next victim.


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From the information gathered in this informative article, we have seen that this flu is either mild or severe depending on the individuals or circumstances involved.

The flu is one viral illness that should not be joked with, no matter how simple it may seem. Do well to share this with your friends or loved ones so that they can stay vigilant and also avoid this virus.

Thank you for reading.

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