The feeding pattern of this rodent and destructive activities accompanied by their infestation have driven many to want to know how to get rid of voles.
Voles are very similar in behavior and identification to moles and other tiny rodents that you know; however, their feeding pattern is what distinguishes them.
Let us now find out briefly what voles look like to be able to distinguish them and their activities from other rodents, and how to get rid of them.
What Do Voles Look Like?
Before we discover how to get rid of voles, it is only important that we get a brief info about what this rodent looks like and why getting rid of them is important.
First of all, voles are rodents and are small in body size, as they measure between 8 and 23 cm. However, the body size of the vole is dependent on the species of vole.
Normally the female vole gives birth to just 2 offspring, but on the off chance she may likely birth 5 to 10 offspring.
Gestation (period of developing inside the womb between conception and birth) in voles lasts for about 3 weeks before the young voles reach sexual maturity.
So you wanted to know why it is important to get rid of voles? Well, their growth process is the problem; it is quite fast! They develop so fast that within a short period of time, you’ve got voles scampering around your yard.
It is very common to mistake the vole for other small rodents, such as the following:
- Moles
- Mice
- Rats
- Gophers
- Shrews
You may mistake them for voles because of their similarity in behavior and even appearance. Just like the shrews, voles also feed on dead animals, and just like the mice (and rats), voles also feed on fruits and nuts.
However, one characteristic feature that differentiates voles from these other rodents and makes their presence more evident is their obsession with plants.
This obsession is quite unhealthy for plants, as voles use a technique known as “girdling” to feed on these plants and small trees.
Girdling, also called ring-barking, is the circumferential removal or injury of the bark of a branch or trunk of a woody plant. According to Wikipedia.
This feeding technique aims at destroying the plant (or small tree) without having to destroy the whole tree.
Read also:Â Vole Vs Mouse: What are the Differences?
What are the Signs of Voles in My Yard?
It is important to know the signs of voles activity in your yard, as this will help you know what you are dealing with and how to get rid of them effectively.
Below are signs to look out for that may signify the presence of voles in your yard:
- Voles create burrows that are connected by well-traveled runways (2 inches wide) that might be partially hidden by ground cover or grass.
- Voles feed on plant roots, bulbs, leaves, and stems.
- You may notice dead patches in your lawn areas.
- Vole droppings are a sure sign to look out for (as in other rodents).
- Look out for gnaw marks on the following:
- Vegetables
- Shrubs
- Base of trees
- Plants
- Leaning of trees could be as a result of extensive damage from vole attack.
If you notice (or have noticed) any of the above signs, then it is time to discover how to get rid of voles in your yard.
How To Get Rid of Voles
1. Set Traps:
Setting traps is effective when getting rid of voles, but only in small areas. In large areas, the trapping method may prove ineffective, and this is because of the population of the voles versus your single traps.
The best time to use the trapping method is during the winter when there is a low supply of food sources. The unavailability of food sources makes the voles vulnerable and easy to trap.
2. Set Barriers:
To set a barrier between your young trees and voles, you can make use of cylinders (made of hardware cloth). Ensure that the mesh size is very small to prevent the voles from squeezing through.
3. Habitat Modification:
Habitat modification simply means changing things that already were to make the environment unconducive for the voles. Below are several ways to modify (or change) the habitat to be unfavorable for voles:
- Voles prefer to dwell in habitats that are covered with weeds, litter, ground cover, etc. You can get rid of voles by eliminating these attractive spots from your environment (lawns, cultivated areas, etc.).
- Frequently mowing your lawns and turfs can reduce attractive spots, which in turn reduces the vole population.
- Create a 3-foot barrier between your trees and mulch.
- Placing crushed stone in and around your yard can make the environment uninviting for voles.
- Control vegetative growth in your crop fields by regularly carrying out the following activities:
- Grazing
- Spraying
- Mowing
- Soil tillage is an effective control method that helps in getting rid of voles. This method not only destroys already-built runways by voles but also kills some voles in the process.
- It is more advisable to plant annual crops than perennial crops, as the former supports soil tillage, hence reducing the likelihood of voles.
4. Make Use of Repellents:
Another way to get rid of voles in your yard is by using repellents. Repellents that can be used effectively against voles include the following:
- Vole repellent
- Urine from predators such as the following:
- Fox
- Bobcat
- Coyote
Below are safety measures when using these repellents:
- Ensure to wear waterproof gloves.
- Avoid using repellents (such as liquid urine) on plants that are to be consumed by humans.
- Apply care when using liquid urine on plants.
5. Make Use of Anticoagulants:
In combating voles, anticoagulants have proven to be very effective. These baits do not take effect immediately like the traps or repellents but are more effective than the 2 combined.
When you place an anticoagulant, it is expected that this bait takes effect between 5 and 10 days of consumption. The more the bait is being consumed, the more effective it becomes.
To ensure the effectiveness of the bait and the safety of its application, the following measures should be applied:
- Do not place baits in areas threaded by non-target animals.
- Place baits in tamper-resistant bait stations to reduce the effect of moisture.
Read also:Â What Does Vole Poop Look Like? Pictures
How To Prevent Voles
Knowing how to get rid of voles is essential, but prevention, they say, is much better than cure. In this case, I’d say prevention is better than control.
As I mentioned earlier, voles prefer areas with dense vegetation where they can hide and build underground burrows that are unnoticeable. The best way to prevent this is through the following methods:
- Frequently keep your lawns mowed.
- Eliminate weed growth.
- Rake leaves to prevent clustering.
- Prune shrubs.
- Create a 3-foot barrier between your trees and mulch.
- Voles, like most rodents, also feed on fruits. Picking up fallen fruits from trees is effective in preventing them.
- Remove bird feeders (or keep them clean) to reduce spilled seeds that may attract voles.
How to get rid of voles has been made easy through this informative article. You can easily prevent voles from infesting your yard by simply keeping it clean and tidy.
A dense vegetative area creates a suitable habitat for voles, which can be very dangerous for your plants and trees.
I am certain that you did learn a thing or 2 from this research-based write-up. If you still have questions relating to how to get rid of voles, feel free to contact us via the comments section below!
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