Does Cinnamon Kill Ants?

Does cinnamon kill ants? Ants present a significant challenge for homeowners and business owners alike, and each species of ant has characteristics that are distinct from itself.

The ease with which chemical solutions may put an end to most species of ants is something that all of these insects share in common.

Let us now find out how cinnamon kills ants!


Will Cinnamon Kill Ants?

Cinnamon won’t get rid of ants on its own, but oil derived from it can. This is because cinnamon does not kill ants directly or when exposed to them; rather, it merely drives them away from an area by acting as a repellant.

This indicates that if you apply an excessive amount of cinnamon in a single location and the fragrance becomes overpowering for the ant colony, they may begin searching for another location in which to establish their home.

If you want to use cinnamon oil as an ant repellent, you can apply cinnamon oil on cotton balls and then place the cotton balls in areas of your home where ants are entering, such as the windowsills or the baseboards of rooms that are close to doors that lead outside.

Ants will avoid these areas. In addition to that, you can combine it with water and then spray it all over the region. No, cinnamon will not kill ants, even though some people believe it would.

However, cinnamon oil will if it is used in sufficient amounts. It is essential to take into account the fact that this represents a very high concentration.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom?


Does Cinnamon Kill Ants?

Although cinnamon does not kill ants very effectively, it does drive them away and has the potential to prevent other ants from returning.

Cinnamon is another common treatment because it is safe to use around both children and animals.

When making use of cinnamon oil, it is recommended that it be diluted using a mixture consisting of one part water to 99 parts cinnamon oil.

Then, using a spray bottle or mister, you may apply that solution to the exterior of your home and any other areas where ants might enter or congregate. You will need to apply the mixture once more after every fourteen days.



Does Cinnamon Kill Ants

Why Does Cinnamon Kill Ants?

The cinnamon oil drives away the ant colony without killing the ants, and it does so in a way that is not harmful to either children or animals. Cinnamon has also been shown to be effective against a variety of other pests, including cockroaches, fleas, and moths.

Cinnamaldehyde is the name of the chemical component that can be found in cinnamon. Cinnamaldehyde is not only what gives cinnamon its scent and taste, but it also works as a natural repellant that ants find quite offensive.

Cinnamon oil can be lethal to ants when it is present in high enough concentrations; however, this method is not as effective as utilizing cinnamon oil as a repellant.


Read also: Does Bleach Kill Ants?


What are the Steps to Use Cinnamon to Kill Ants?

Step 1. Follow Ant Trails:

Finding out where the ants are entering the home is the very first step in using cinnamon oil as a treatment for them.

People have a propensity to believe that the ants have infested the entire house while in reality, the infestation is confined to a single section of their property.

Step 2. Spray Affected Area With Cinnamon Mixed with Water:

Cinnamon essential oil and water should be combined at a ratio of one part cinnamon essential oil to 99 parts water.

Apply the mixture with a cotton swab to any of the spots in your home where you have seen ants crawling, or dilute it in a spray bottle and spray it all over your property.

Cinnamon will not kill the ants, but it will make them more reluctant to enter your home, preventing them from becoming a nuisance.



The essential oil form of cinnamon is significantly stronger than the powdered version, which means that it has a more pungent fragrance that will get rid of ants more quickly. Because of this, the essential oil is often used in place of powdered versions.

It is not known whether the powdered version is effective against ants; nevertheless, there are cases in which it can cause the ants to suffocate when they breathe in the powder. What do you think? let us know in the comments section below!

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