
How Long Do Flies Live?

It is quite interesting researching flies, knowing certain facts about flies, like how long do flies live, and what their life cycle is like.


Have you ever had a time out when you decided to know things about certain insects? However, if you do, you have definitely wandered to the right place, as we have placed below a piece of unique information on how long do flies live.

As involved in this article are facts about flies, and other cool kinds of stuff you need to know about flies.


Facts About Flies

The scientific term for flies is Diptera, which comes from the Greek words “dyo,” which means “two,” and “pteryga,” which means “wing.” Flies belong to the order Diptera.

The hindwings of these insects have developed into complex mechanosensory organs known as halteres. These halteres operate as high-speed sensors of rotational movement and allow dipterans to conduct advanced aerobatics. Insects belonging to this order have only one set of wings that they utilize for flight.

Although only about 125,000 of the estimated one million species that belong to the order Diptera have been documented, this is a huge group that includes species such as horse-flies, crane flies, hoverflies, and others.

Flies have a head that can move around, a pair of big compound eyes, and mouthparts that are either adapted for piercing and sucking or for lapping and sucking in the case of the other kinds of flies.

Their wing configuration affords them excellent control when in the air, and the combination of claws and pads on the soles of their feet enables them to adhere to almost any surface.

Flies go through a complete metamorphosis; the eggs are frequently put on the source of nutrition for the larvae, and the larvae, which do not have proper limbs, develop in a sheltered habitat, frequently within the source of nutrition for them.


Facts About Flies

Below are some interesting facts about flies:

  • House flies survive on a liquid diet.
  • They have gustatory receptors in their foot.
  • Flies that live in houses excrete… a lot.
  • They are capable of transmitting a variety of illnesses.
  • Flies seen in homes are able to walk backwards.
  • Flies have the ability to observe what is happening behind them.
  • A house flies typically only live for a short period of time.
  • Flies found in homes have incredible response times.
  • They reproduce in a manner that is not sanitary.
  • The male house fly is always on the lookout for a female companion.
  • Flies that live inside are among the youngest insects on the planet.
  • Flies that live in homes make they’re living off of filth.
  • Flies that are often seen in homes may be found practically everywhere people congregate.
  • They only have a single set of wings.
  • They are missing their teeth.
  • In motion throughout the daytime hours.
  • Multiple other species have genetic similarities with humans.


Read also: Stable Flies: Facts and How to Get Rid


Picture Of Flies

Below is a picture of flies:

How Long Do Flies Live

Read also: Lots of Flies In House Suddenly | Reason Behind This Mystery


Life Cycle Of Flies

The life span of a fly is not very long. They typically survive for anything between 15 and 30 days. In the same way, as other insects do, they pass through the four stages of their life cycle during this time: the fly egg, the larva, the pupa, and the adult.


Egg Stage

The egg is the initial stage of development in the life cycle of a fly. The male flies are responsible for fertilizing the eggs that the female flies have laid, which happens after they have mated.

Flies lay their eggs in warm, humid environments, typically on rotting organic matter such as food waste, rubbish, carrion, or the feces of animals or humans.


Read also: Small Flies In House All Of A Sudden


Larvae Stage

The fly larva, which is often referred to as the maggot, is the second stage of development in the life cycle of the common housefly.

The larvae of flies resemble worms and are colorless and pallid in appearance. They stay in close proximity to the area that provides them with food and finds that feeding on dead animals, dung, and waste gives them the most nutrition.


Pupae Stage

Following the completion of its final molt, the larva advances to the pupa stage. Flies are often quiescent at this stage of their life cycle.

They do not move at all and do not consume anything. They create what looks like a cocoon around themselves and simultaneously generate wings, antennae, and legs.

Flies mature into their adult form as soon as they emerge from their cocoons, at which point they are completely developed.


Adult Stage

The pupae take anywhere from three to six days to complete their metamorphosis into full-grown house flies, emerging from their cocoons with legs and wings.

Female house flies are capable of reproducing within two to three days of reaching sexual maturity.

How Long Do Flies Live?

It’s possible that different species of flies have different life spans. For instance, the lifespan of fruit flies is somewhat greater than that of other types of flies.

After a period of roughly 40 to 50 days, these insects perish. They are capable, much like other kinds of fly, of producing many generations throughout this period. There might be as many as 500 progeny produced by a single mother fruit fly.

The life span of a typical house fly is around one month. Within that span of time, females are capable of laying anywhere from five to six clutches of eggs.

Even though they are most active during the summer months, house flies continue to spawn throughout the year.



Rapping up on this topic of “how long do flies live,” the answers to your questions have been provided.

In a nutshell, our research has led us to discover that the average lifespan of a fly in the wild is one month. If maintained in the laboratory for as long as three months.

Leave a message in the comment box below if you need assistance, have anything to contribute, want more research done, or have questions about how long flies live.

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