The budwing mantis is a mantid that appears in shades of grey and brown with a hint of color. They are small for mantis.
Despite their diminutive stature, they’re as vicious as they come, and, in a deviation from conventional mantid behavior, will hunt down their prey rather than wait for it to come to them. They also like eating (family and friends included) and are completely ignorant of when to quit.
What are the Facts About the Budwing Mantis?
They’re native to Kenya and come in a variety of shades of brown and pink. When held in captivity, they’ve been known to eat themselves to death if given access to an endless supply of food.
Because of how active they are, they require more space than other mantis species to be housed in captivity.
The average lifespan of a canine companion is around a year, but that can be extended by providing a lot of love and attention to the animal. Despite this, they have been known to enthrall and pleasure their owners, and are a popular choice for the hexapod.
What Is the Lifecycle of the Budwing Mantis?
Budwings, like the rest of their huge family, tend to have a unique lifecycle.
It all starts out in the fall when a female finds herself a suitable mate, following which she will lay a maximum of 400 eggs.
The female budwing protects them in a foamy case known as an ootheca and places them in a suitable spot, on a branch, for example.
Budwing junior emerge from its egg case about one month later (depending on the weather and climate) looking like a little adult with an appetite to match. Anything within its vicinity is fair game, including its own siblings.
And yet, raging appetite notwithstanding, the little mantid is just in as much danger from other vicious predators lurking around such as spiders, wasps, birds, frogs, and lizards.
However, five molts later when it has attained full adulthood (a process which should take about six months), the tiny budwing will morph into a miniature killing machine ready to take on virtually anything in sight.
Read more: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Praying Mantis?
How Do I Identify the Budwing Mantis?
Unlike most mantids which are leafy green or even brown in color, budwings come in shades of grey and brown with darker specks. This almost makes them seem like they’re wearing combat fatigues.
As is the case with all their other relatives, females are significantly larger than their male counterparts.
The former also has stubby wings while the latter has wings that are larger than their bodies enabling them to fly.
It is also worth noting that males have a longer abdomen with eight segments compared to females who only have six.
What Is the Behavior of the Budwings?
For some pets, the presence of another member of their own species is essential to their well-being.
Mantids, on the other hand, should be kept in separate cages because of their hostility.
There are, however, a few species that are known to be tolerant of one other’s companionship.
The tetchy, confrontational bulk of budwings fall into this type, not the inherently cantankerous and prowling Budwings.
It is therefore highly essential that you keep them in separate enclosures as described above since failure to do so could result in you moving from having two pets to one or none at all.
Budwings, unlike many of their other cousins, like to take a more proactive approach to seek prey. Since they’re so hungry, they’ll go after any poor bug or creature they see.
These mantids are also thought to be one of the few mantid species capable of devouring their prey that has died. The owner of a pet budwing noticed that his bird had a taste for a dead goldfish floating in a fishbowl.
Additionally, the females of this species are known to be exceedingly aggressive and never back down from a fight.
In contrast, its males are far from rugged and have no qualms about running away from danger, both literally and metaphorically (since they can fly).
What Makes Up the Diet of the Budwing?
A budwing’s primary concern is keeping their stomachs filled at all times. This means that almost everything is fair game: siblings and mates, as well as dead insects and animals.
Those with soft bodies are special favorites, but any species small enough to be snatched up and eaten is fair game.
This species has been known to overindulge to the point of disease.
Because of these inclinations, pet owners must keep their mantid charges well-fed while keeping an eye on overfeeding.
Cockroaches, fruit flies, locusts, mealworms, and waxworms are just a few of their favorite prey items.
If your pet mantid’s abdomen is bloated, it’s clear that it’s had a few too many fruit flies. There is a two-day period during which no food will be allowed to touch the animal’s mandibles.
If you don’t, you run the risk of causing significant harm to your pet. However, as your mantid is about to molt, you will notice a significant decrease in its appetite. Before the process begins, it will refrain from eating for roughly 48 hours.
Can Budwings Be Kept as Pets?
You can keep budwings in an egg case to breed mantises, but it’s not necessary. The nymph, on the other hand, is a good choice because its life has just begun.
If you don’t know how old a creature is or how many molts it has had, it may not be a good idea to buy an adult because it may only be around for a short time.
Budwings, like other arthropods, are delicate and must be handled with care. Holding out your hand to your pet and allowing it to explore your fingers is advised by experts. Attempting to grab it could result in a small stab from its front leg spikes, which could injure you.
Fortunately, aside from the minor discomfort, those little pinpricks aren’t poisonous or extremely damaging, so all you have to do is wash the wound, and it should heal quickly.
Be sure to keep an eye on your budwing so you know when it’s molting, as this is the time when you’ll need to avoid contact with it for at least a few days.
It must also be kept out of the reach of the neighborhood’s resident dogs and cats with extra care (and even avians).
If you have a mantis in your home, you may want to keep it out of the reach of curious dogs (as well as the restraint required to deal with a resulting jab).
That being said, the worst-case scenario is that your pet mantis ends up as food for your golden retriever or Scottish fold.
Your pet will not suffer any harm from a self-defense stab from the front legs; all you need to do is clean the wound.
If your mantis has been eaten by a wicked furball, there is no danger of poisoning. A trip to the vet may be necessary, however, in order to avoid any possible negative outcomes, such as a stomach upset, for example.
What are the Factors Necessary to Keep Budwings as Pets?
- A Suitable Accommodation Must Be Provided
Experts recommend an enclosure that is twice the height and three times the length of the pet. Cross-ventilation is also recommended to ensure that your small guest gets enough fresh air as it would outside.
If you’re looking for material, either glass or acrylic will do the trick because the budwing mantis is a naturally adept climber.
A comfortable place for your pet to relax after molting is required until its exoskeleton has had a chance to harden anew.
In order to keep them from falling out of the enclosure, they’ll need a support beam or a mesh ceiling that they may hang on during molting.
The molting process, your pet’s comfort, and the ability to drink are all made possible by moisture. Spraying twice a day is recommended by experts.
(Mantids dislike being sprayed, so keep the blast away from your budwing to prevent enraging the insect.)
Experts also recommend placing paper towels or soil at the bottom of the box to keep the mantid in a healthy environment. Rocks, real or fake plants, or twigs can also be provided for the creature to climb.
Your pet’s enclosure should also be kept clean to prevent mold and germs from forming, which might be lethal to your pet.
- Should Be Exposed to Warmth
There is just the proper quantity of sunshine and moisture in the air where these mantids live. Your pet will therefore require some warmth (between 25 and 29 degrees Celsius) as well as some spraying (more to come on that later).
Warming mats put above the cage, controlled by a thermostat, are recommended by experts so that you can keep an eye on the temperature and ensure your mantid is comfortable.
Can Budwings Be Bred?
It’s possible that you could create a new generation by breeding them. If this is the case, you’ll need to arrange for the female mantid to go on a date with her male counterpart under close observation.
According to experts, the event should take place around a month after the female’s last molt. If you don’t pay attention to what’s going on, you could end yourself as the main course at the dinner table.
Experts also advised that the female budwing arrive well-fed in order to avoid the temptation to eat her partner.
Be on the lookout for any changes in your female’s behavior so that you can get the male out of the way in time.
The budwing mantis is a good pet and like other arthropods, is delicate and must be handled with care. Holding out your hand to your pet and allowing it to explore your fingers is advised by experts.
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