How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Carpet: DIY Guide

Learning how to clean mouse droppings from carpet is of great advantage to you and your family. Cleaning mouse droppings from carpet won’t just keep your carpet clean but will prevent the chances of contacting deadly diseases.

In this article, you will learn how to clean mouse droppings from carpet keeping your home safe from common virus associated with mouse droppings like hanta virus.


How to Identify Mouse Droppings

How to clean mouse droppings from carpet? You’ll have a better idea of what kind of mouse droppings you’re dealing with if you can correctly identify the common types of droppings that are left behind.


Roof Rat Droppings

How to clean mouse droppings from carpet

The droppings of roofrats are significantly longer than those of mice. They are approximately 13 millimeters in length, and in general, they are larger and thicker.

Each day, roof rats will leave behind 45 to 50 pellets. Depending on what they’ve eaten and how long they’ve been expelled, these pellets can also be a dark brown or gray color.


House Mouse Droppings

how to clean mouse droppings from carpet

The droppings of a house mouse have a grainy appearance. They range in length from 4 to 7 mm and have a diameter of approximately 1.5 mm.

They are typically a dark brown or gray color, but this can vary based on the diet of the mouse as well as the age of the mouse.

The pellet size of a mouse’s droppings ranges from roughly 50 to 75 every day. The most recent excretions have sharp points on their ends, and their bodies are enlarged in the centre.


Norway Rat Droppings

how to clean mouse droppings from carpet

The droppings of a Norway rat are a dark brown color and have blunt tips. They have a rectangular form and measure approximately 19 mm in length.

On a daily basis, Norway rats produce approximately 40–50 pellets.


Read also: What does Mouse Poop Look Like? Mouse Droppings


Do It Yourself Guide on How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Carpet

How to clean mouse droppings from carpet? Mouse droppings are so little and sticky, they can be difficult to remove from a carpet. Cleaning up, on the other hand, is not insurmountable.

If you want to keep your house clean and safe, keep reading to learn how to get rid of mouse droppings on carpet.


What You’ll Need to Clean Mouse Droppings from Your Carpet

When it comes to cleaning mouse droppings, the correct instruments are essential. The following are the recommended cleaning products:

  • Gloves made of rubber
  • Cleaner or disinfectant
  • Cloth napkins
  • Plastic Bags with Zippers


Read also: What Do Mouse Urine Stains Look Like?


Do It Yourself Guide

Below are the steps to clean mouse droppings from clean by yourself. Read carefully and follow steps to achieve it.

1. Preparation is Key

Preparation for disinfectants, paper towels, rubber gloves, and face masks is a good place to start.


2. Air out The House

Begin by opening all of your doors and windows for at least 30 minutes to allow the air to circulate through your home.

Remain away from the area until it has been adequately ventilated. This will prevent you from inhaling any dangerous dust that may be floating around in the air.


3. Apply a Disinfectant

Put on rubber gloves and saturate the area with a detergent or disinfectant.

Disinfectants are widely available. If you’re utilizing a carpet cleaner, make sure that it’s safe to do so.

This information can be found on a care tag or in the user manual included with your carpet.

Consult the manufacturer or a professional for assistance if you are unable to locate a care tag or owner’s handbook.

Use a spray bottle to apply the disinfection solution to droppings after determining whether disinfectant is safe for your carpet.

To disinfect your carpet, use a CDC-approved industrial disinfectant or a DIY chlorine bleach solution. Allow it to absorb for around five minutes after you’ve sprayed it on your carpet.


4. Let it Rest for a While

To properly disinfect the carpet, let the solution on the carpet for five minutes.


5. Removing Mouse Droppings

You should be able to simply remove the droppings from the carpet after five minutes of using the solution.

Use a paper towel to dry yourself off. When you’re done, put the paper towel in a plastic bag and seal it shut.


6. Disposing Mouse Droppings

Place the plastic bag containing the droppings in a garbage receptacle with a tight-fitting lid after you’ve done so.

Take the container outside if at all feasible. Pick up the mouse droppings with a paper towel and wrap them in a sealable plastic bag immediately.

In an airtight garbage bin, then dispose of your sealable plastic bag. After you’ve cleaned the carpet, disinfect the gloves, which are likely infected by this point, and thoroughly wash your hands.


7. Wash Your Hands and Gloves

Use antibacterial soap to clean the gloves before removing them from your hands. To get rid of any bacteria, give the gloves a thorough 20-second wash in hot water.

Then remove them and wash your hands in the same way.


8. Steam Clean Your Carpets

Use a steam cleaner to disinfect the carpet to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. To sanitize the surface, most alternatives come with an integrated heater.

In order to properly clean this type of surface, you’ll need a steam cleaner equipped with an appropriate nozzle and pad.


Read also: When to Call an Exterminator For Mice?


Can Sweeping and Vacuuming Remove Mouse Droppings from Carpet?

Vacuuming carpet

It entails sweeping the mouse droppings from the carpet into a dustpan using a broom and removing them from the carpet.

Because it disperses particles that are capable of causing Hantavirus, it is not a method that is advised for use.

The dust from the broom could transmit germs and possibly even the Hanta virus. The broom could shift some mouse droppings to tight corners and areas.

Because mouse droppings are sticky, vacuuming will also disturb the droppings, increasing the danger of contamination and spreading germs. This is because mouse droppings are sticky.

Utilizing a vacuum cleaner, this approach involves removing all of the mouse droppings from the area in question.


Diseases Linked to Mouse Droppings

Mice can cause more damage to your home than just your carpet. You can become sick from them as well. Diseases that may be caused by them are listed below.


1. Haverhill’s Ailment

These symptoms include vomiting, muscle aches and headaches as well as joint swelling. Exposure to a surface scraped by an infected rodent, in addition to droppings, is a significant factor in the transmission of the disease.


2. The Ailment of Weil

Inflammation brought on by bacteria. The disease can be transferred by coming into contact with polluted mouse urine and excrement.

Human sickness can be caused by contact with tainted soil or water. This illness can be treated with antibiotics.

There are a variety of unpleasant side effects, including nausea, vomiting, headaches, chills, and a general lack of energy.


3. An Infectious Disease known as Bubonic Plague

Sickness that is both fatal and highly contagious The Bubonic type accounts for around 80% of all recorded cases of plague in the United States. Infected individuals may experience severe headaches and lymph node swelling.


4. Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HPS)

Rare but dangerous disease. It is estimated that 15% to 20% of mice possess this virus, but the good news is that they die when they are exposed to sunlight. Inhalation of polluted air from infected mouse droppings is the only way this virus can spread.


5. Salmonellosis Ailment

Salmonella is most commonly transmitted by the consumption of contaminated human food contaminated with the excrement of mice.

Food poisoning is a common cause. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever are some of the side effects. Salmonella spreads more quickly in the winter because the bacteria like a chilly climate to live in.


Read also: 20 Effective Ways on How to Keep Mice Away From Your Bed


How Can You Keep Your Carpets Clean From Mouse Droppings?

Cleaning carpet

1. Clean Your Carpets

Mice can live in filthy conditions. What if you’ve had your rug for some time and it has acquired a lot of dirt from food and drink spills?

Mice are likely to be found on your carpet if this is the case. So, make sure your carpet is clean. Always. Make use of the services of an expert carpet cleaner whenever necessary.

2. Protect Your Carpet by Using a Rug Protector

Protect your carpet from mouse droppings by utilizing protectors. You’ll be able to keep your carpets clean and free of mouse droppings thanks to this product.

3. Don’t Let Them Get Near Your Carpet

Mice are attracted to food sources that are close to your carpet. Keep your food in an airtight container and store it in your kitchen cupboard, as mice prefer aluminum and light plastic to gnaw through.


4. Keep Mice and Rats Away

Seal any openings in your house that lead to the outside. These openings make it easier for mice to get into your dwellings.

Use a vermin guard on all pipes, as well as on doors and windows.


5. Set Traps and Check Them Every Day

Keep mouse glue, baits, and other traps in the places where you’re most likely to encounter them. The use of rat poisons as a trapping system is not recommended.

Toxic gas could fill the house if the poisoned mouse dies in an isolated spot that’s hard to find. You should also keep an eye on it every day to make sure that any imprisoned mice don’t get out.


Read also: Best Ways to Killing Mice With Toothpaste



How to clean mouse droppings from carpet? Prior to and during the cleaning of mouse-infested areas, take safety precautions. After trapping and sealing up any possible entry points for rodents, begin the cleaning process.

For 7 days, keep trapping. After a certain amount of time has elapsed, any infectious viruses in the rodent’s urine, droppings, or nesting material are no longer contagious, and the active infestation can be declared over.

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