
Welcome, Do you want to post a well-written article that you have authored and would like to see published on pestclue? Send us an email with your story attached, and we will consider it for publication if you send it to the address listed below., Text messages or Whatsapp at +2349063843208. is constantly interested in collaborating with new advertising and promotion companies, and we would be happy to assist you in bringing your product to the attention of our readers.

We would like to extend an invitation to you to become a guest contributor on this site so that you can post articles with fascinating information. If you plan on writing an article, you should ensure that it is of the highest possible quality.

Your article will be published as quickly as we can manage once we give it our best effort to do so. However, you should surely keep in mind that the item you are publishing on the website, Pestclue is the only place you will publish it; you will not publish it anywhere else.

We email over 30,000 of our email subscribers with your advertisement (advertorial), reaching a total of over 30,000 people.

The advertisement or advertorial will remain on our website for as long as does, and it will continue to drive visitors to your program through both our website and search engines such as Google, Bing, and Duckduck.

  1. Banner Advertising: In addition, there are advertising slots measuring 300 by 250. (sidebar).

Note the following:

  1. The article will be in the Do-Follow format
  2. We won’t mark anything as sponsored unless you specifically request it.
  3. The post will remain on the website indefinitely, and we will continue to update it.
  4. Keep in mind that all of the links will be permanent and set to the do-follow attribute.


Reaching-out to Us

If you have any articles that you would like to send, please email them to Or you can text or WhatsApp me at +2349063843208. If you still have any questions after reading this, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comment section.

Furthermore! Are you interested in making an advertisement inquiry, making a request for our rate card, or asking questions about advertisements on Send an e-mail to, or contact us via text message or Whatsapp.

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