When used according to the instructions on the label, Cavalcade 4L herbicide can be safely used around children and animals. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment when mixing or using this product.
If you want to avoid damaging foliage, ensure that the foliage is adequately wet prior to application. Or make sure adequate irrigation is applied afterwards.
Sprinkler patterns that overlap too much can cause injury to ornamentals and leatherleaf plants. Do not allow pets or people to enter until 24 hours after the application has passed. Keep reading to find out more!
How Do I Describe the Cavalcade 4L Herbicide?

Cavalcade Herbicide 4L is a pre-emergent concentrated suspension that kills grasses and weeds on warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses in commercial and residential areas.
This non-staining weed killer contains the active ingredient, prodiamine 40%. It controls weeds like crabgrass and panicum at the germination phase to prevent them from establishing in your turf or other terrains.
Cavalcade 4L is a unique, pre-emergent weed killer that can be used at two times of the year: fall and spring. These are the most active periods for weed growth.
Read also: How To Use Tebuthiuron 80WG Herbicide
How To Use Cavalcade 4L Herbicide?
Do Your Calculations:
Square footage is calculated by multiplying the length x width (length X width). Divide the square footage by an acre to get acreage (square footage/43,560 sq. ft. = acre).
Apply between 0.23 and 1.1 fl. depending on the type of turf. oz. Calvacade Herbicide 4L, 0.5 gallons water per 1,000 sq. ft.
The product can be applied multiple times a year, as long as it does not exceed the maximum rate of application for each turf species.
Follow The Cavalcade 4L Herbicide Label Instructions:
Pour the remaining water into the spray tank after adding the Cavalcade 4L herbicide. Shake the sprayer tank until a solution is well mixed. Close the lid of your sprayer and close it.
Spray Cavalcade 4L herbicide on a low-pressure setting directly onto the weeds or spray over the top of the soil in areas where weeds were previously visible.
After application, or within 14 days of application, irrigate treated areas using 0.5 inches of rainwater.
Read also: How To Use Hyvar X-L Herbicide
According to the Cavalcade 4L Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?
- Established turfgrass
- Lawns
- Sod nurseries
- Ornamentals
- Christmas tree farms
- Right-of-ways
- Grounds of utilities
- Ungrazed fence rows
When Do I Use the Cavalcade 4L Herbicide?
Cavalcade Herbicide 4L can be applied in the fall or winter, either before weeds germinate after removal or after. The product can also be used if light rain is forecast within 24 hours of application.
It is not advisable to harvest (cut) treated sod less than 30 days after the application. Applying the product to freshly laid sod before it has fully rooted, and its exposed edges are filled in will prevent turfgrass injury.
Do not apply this product on turf that is stressed due to conditions like drought, low fertiliser, or pest damage.
What are the Target Pests of the Cavalcade 4L Herbicide?
- Barnyardgrass
- Bluegrass
- Annual (Poa annua)
- Carpetweed
- Common Chickweed
- Mouseear Chickweed (from seed)
- Crabgrass (Large, Smooth)
- Crowfootgrass
- Cupgrass
- Foxtails Wooly
- Goosegrass Annual
- Henbit
- Itchgrass
- Johnsongrass (from seed)
- Junglerice
- Knotweed
- Kochia
- Lambsquarters Common
- Lovegrass
- Panicum (Texas, Fall, Browntop)
- Pigweed
- Purslane Common
- Pusley Florida
- Rescuegrass
- Shepherdspurse
- Signalgrass Broadleaf
- Speedwell Persian
- Sprangletop
- Spurge Prostrate
- Witchgrass
- Woodsorrel Yellow
Read also: How To Use Chaparral Herbicide
What Is the Shelf Life According to the Cavalcade 4L Label?
Cavalcade Herbicide 4L will last for up to three years when stored in an area that is cool and dry, away from heat, seeds, fertilizers or foodstuffs, as well as other flammable materials.
Additional Product Information?
What are the Active Ingredients? |
What are the Possible Areas of Application? | Outdoors |
What Is the Chemical Type? | Herbicide |
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? | No |
Which Other Product Can Be Compared With This Product? | Barricade 4FL Herbicide |
Is It Safe To Use Around Children and Pets? | Yes, it is safe to use around children and pets. |
What Is Its Formulation? | Suspended Concentrate |