Metcel VMF herbicide is safe when used according to the label directions. Wearing personal protective equipment is essential when handling, measuring, mixing, and applying the product.
Metcel VMF contains an active ingredient that may cause sensitivity in some plants. Read the label carefully and don’t apply if you are not sure if your plants have been fully established in the area.
To protect areas not targeted from exposure, it is important to use proper drift control techniques. Keep reading to find out more!
How Do I Describe the Metcel VMF Herbicide?

Metcel VMF is a preemergent and a post-emergent herbicide that controls annual grasses, weeds, and other noxious weeds in commercial and public areas.
Metsulfuron Methyl is the active ingredient in Metcel VMF herbicide. It can be used to quickly control weeds, woody plants and weeds on many non-crop surfaces.
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How To Use Metcel VMF Herbicide?
Do Your Calculations:
Multiply the length and width to find the square footage. (Length x width = Square footage). Divide the square footage by 43,560 in order to find the acreage.
Metcel VMF Herbicide application rates vary depending on the application site and the type of weed to be controlled.
Established grasses, apply 1 oz. Metcel VMF herbicide, 1 oz. For specific application rates, refer to the label.
Follow The Metcel VMF Herbicide Label Instructions:
Fill the sprayer half full with water. Add the Metcel VMF herbicide to the sprayer based on the calculations you made and the target weed.
Pour the remaining water into your sprayer and agitate the mixture thoroughly. You are now ready to apply.
Spray the Metcel VMF Herbicide over the desired area. Make sure to wet the entire surface of any weeds that you are targeting.
Please follow the label directions for your application method, and which plants you are applying.
These factors can affect the application method, so it’s important to check the label to know how to apply the product at your chosen site.
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According to the Metcel VMF Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?
- Rights-of-way
- Industrial sites
- Non-crop areas
- Drainage ditches
- Turf grass
- Conifer
- Hardwood plantations
When Do I Use the Metcel VMF Herbicide?
Metcel VMF Herbicide is most effective when applied to young, active weeds. To control perennial weeds at their bud/bloom or fall rosette stages, apply the herbicide during the active growth stage.
What are the Target Pests of the Metcel VMF Herbicide?
- Annual sowthistle
- Aster
- Bahiagrass
- Beebalm
- Bittercress
- Bitter sneezeweed
- Blackeyed-susan
- Blue mustard
- Bur buttercup
- Chicory
- Clover
- Cocklebur
- Common chickweed
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Common yarrow
- Conical catchfly
- Corn cockle
- Cow cockle
- Crown vetch
- Dandelion
- Dogfennel
- False chamomile
- Fiddleneck tarweed
- Field pennycress
- Flixweed
- Goldenrod
- Lambsquarters
- Marestail/horseweed
- Maximillion sunflower
- Miners lettuce
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Plains coreopsis
- Plantain
- Redroot pigweed
- Redstem filaree
- Rough fleabane
- Shepherd’s purse
- Silky crazyweed
- Smallseed falseflax
- Smooth pigweed
- Sweet clover
- Tansymustard
- Treacle mustard
- Tumble mustard
- Wild carrot
- Wildgarlic
- Wild lettuce
- Wild mustard
- Wooly croton
- Wood sorrel
- Yankeweed
- Blackberry
- Black henbane
- Broom snakeweed
- Buckhorn plantain
- Bull thistle
- Common crupina
- Common sunflower
- Curly dock
- Dewberry
- Dyer’s woad
- Garlic mustard
- Gorse
- Halogeton
- Henbit
- Honeysuckle
- Multiflora rose
- Musk thistle
- Oxeye daisy
- Plumeless thistle
- Prostrate knotweed
- Rosering gaillardia
- Seaside arrowgrass
- Sericea lespedeza
- Tansy ragwort
- Teasel
- Wild caraway
- Common mullein
- Common tansy
- Field bindweed
- Greasewood
- Gumweed
- Houndstongue
- Lupine
- Old world climbing fern
- Perennial pepperweed
- Poison hemlock
- Purple loosestrife
- Purple scabious
- Scotch thistle
- Scouringrush
- Salsify
- Snowberry
- St. Johnswort
- Sulphur cinquefoil
- Western salsify
- Whitetop
- Wild Iris
- Canada thistle
- Dalmation toadflax
- Duncecap larkspur
- Russian knapweed
- Tall larkspur
- Wild parsnip
Read also: How To Use Flagstaff Fluroxypyr Herbicide
What Is the Shelf Life According to the Metcel VMF Label?
Metcel VMF herbicide remains effective in storage for up to 3 years when stored in a dry, cool place. Metcel VMF herbicide kills weeds in 1 to 2 weeks.
Additional Product Information?
What are the Active Ingredients? | 60 % Of Metsulfuron Methyl |
What are the Possible Areas of Application? | Outdoors |
What Is the Chemical Type? | Herbicide |
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? | No |
Which Products Can Be Compared To This Product? |
Is It Safe To Use Around Children and Pets? | Yes, it is safe to use around children and pets. |
What Is Its Formulation? | Water Dispersible Granule (WDG) |