Exactly how often do corgis shed? Since Corgis shed anywhere from moderately to heavily, expect it to happen regularly throughout the year.
Therefore, you should keep up a consistent grooming schedule to minimize the fur your puppy will shed all over your house.
In this article, we will be explaining why corgis shed, and even how to groom a corgi while shedding.
Facts About the Corgis Coat
There are two distinct varieties of corgi, each with its own unique coat. Namely:
- Cardigan Corgi
- Welsh Pembroke
Despite their seeming variances, these two have nearly equal coat lengths and textures. Because of this commonality, we will speak of all corgi varieties collectively when discussing their shedding tendencies.
Medium-length coats are characteristic of both the cardigan corgi and the Welsh Pembroke. However, some people’s genetics allow them to grow a hair or two longer than average.
Their coats are dense and coarse overall, but the fur near their faces is sometimes gentler to the touch.
Their outside coat may feel rough, but they have a soft undercoat that keeps them comfortable no matter the weather. Because of their double coat, they shed not only constantly but more heavily in some seasons.
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How Much Do Corgi Dogs Shed?
Now that you know more about the corgi’s coat, we can talk about how much hair it loses. The popular corgi is a moderate to heavy shedder.
If your corgi sleeps on the couch, the floor, or the bed, you can count on finding a covering of fur there in the morning. Fur tumbleweeds will occasionally blow over the floor, too.
Even though you shouldn’t be yanking out clumps of fur every time you pet your dog, you will notice a significant quantity of shedding.
Why Do Corgis Shed?
Do Corgis Shed Because of Ectoparasites?
A case of ectoparasites may be to blame for your corgi’s excessive itching and shedding. The term “ectoparasite” is used to describe any external parasitic, such as fleas or skin mites, that dwell on a dog.
These microscopic pests can irritate the skin and cause excessive shedding and fur loss.
If you notice that your corgi is constantly licking or chewing at his skin, he may be suffering from ectoparasites. Itching, redness, and skin infections are among the symptoms of ectoparasites.
Also, keep an eye out for any specks of dirt or bugs that can indicate that your dog has fleas.
The most noticeable symptoms of a cutaneous parasite are those listed above. We recommend consulting a veterinarian if you suspect your child has fleas.
Do Corgis Shed Due To Skin Allergies?
Allergies to the skin are extremely common in our beloved corgi buddies. It’s possible for a corgi to be allergic to everything from pollen to the perfumes you use.
If your corgi suffers from skin irritation, you may notice that she sheds more than usual.
Besides skin redness, a corgi with skin allergies may also have itchy eyes, bald spots, ulcers, recurrent skin infections, and even ear infections.
Always see your veterinarian for advice on how to treat your corgi if you suspect he or she has allergies. Many corgis will need vet-supervised ongoing allergy treatment.
Do Corgis Shed Due To Hormonal Changes?
When your female corgi is in heat, you may notice an increase in her shedding if she has not been spayed. Similar shedding can happen immediately after a female dog gives birth.
Hormonal shifts are closely related to these alterations in fur. It’s normal as long as you aren’t noticing any skin discomfort or bald spots.
Read also: 13 Mixed-Breed Dogs That Don’t Shed a Lot
Do Corgis Shed Due To Their Double Coats?
A double coat means double the shedding when your corgi blows her coat. This occurs most frequently in the spring and fall when her body is preparing for a season shift.
This period of accelerated shedding typically lasts for around a month. An increase in brushing sessions may help reduce the amount of loose fur floating around your house.
Do Corgis Shed Due To Age:

It’s normal for a corgi puppy to shed much during his first year of life, so keep that in mind if you take care of one.
Until he is about six months old, a young corgi will often still retain a fluffy puppy coat. Then his adult coat can start taking shape on his body.
Your corgi’s silky soft coat will start to roughen up. Typically, this shedding takes place between the ages of 6 and 12 months.
How To Groom a Corgi Dog that is Shedding?
- Employ Shedding Tools:
Your corgi may benefit from a weekly brushing with a shedding tool if he is currently shedding. With these, you can tackle his tough undercoat and pick up any stray fur before it reaches the floor.
- Regular Brushing is a Necessity:
Your corgi’s shedding can be controlled by brushing her at least three times per week. In addition to reducing her shedding, this may help improve the health of her skin and coat.
When her skin is well hydrated, regular brushing can reduce her excessive shedding by triggering the creation of natural oils.
Read also: Do Newfoundland Dogs Shed?
Most corgis shed more in the fall to get ready for the colder months, then again in the spring to get ready for the warmer months.
During these times, you may notice that they are shedding more than usual. But if you brush more often, it’s not hard to maintain. Although shedding occurs year-round for most Corgis, there are peak shedding seasons.
In this article, we have been kind enough to mention these reasons why corgis shed as well as how to manage (groom) them during this period. Thank you for reading!