How To Get Rid of Squirrels In My Garage

I have always wondered how to get rid of squirrels in my garage for good, living in a place full of wooded areas, and green spaces, squirrels have always found their way into my garage. Here are some tips I found that worked for me and would like to share them with you. Let’s get into it!


Why Is A Squirrel Trying To Get In My Garage?

How To Get Rid of Squirrels In My Garage
Picture of a squirrel looking for food

A Squirrel is trying to get into your garage for many reasons. Squirrels are resourceful creatures, always on the lookout for warm and safe places to nest. If your garage offers them the perfect shelter from the elements, it makes it an attractive target for these furry intruders. Additionally, squirrels are opportunistic eaters, and they may be attracted to any potential food sources or nesting materials present in your garage.


How To Get Rid Of Squirrels In My Garage

Identification: Is It a Squirrel?

Before jumping into squirrel-proofing your garage, it’s good to confirm that the unwelcome visitor is indeed a squirrel. These agile climbers are generally between 8 and 20 inches long and weigh no more than 2 pounds. They have a distinctive bushy tail and are most active during the day. If you notice barking or purring-like noises coming from your garage, it’s a clear indication that squirrels are present. Spend some time observing and identifying the pest to make sure you’re using the right tactics and bait.


Inspection: Where to Look for Squirrel Activity

The best way to get rid of squirrels in your garage is to find out where they like to hang out the most. Squirrels are likely to seek shelter in your garage when temperatures drop, look for common hiding spots. Start by checking cluttered areas, storage bins, corners, and crevices. If you have wiring in your garage, pay close attention to any signs of damage caused by squirrel gnawing. Look for squirrel nests, droppings, and chew marks as telltale signs of their presence.


Treatment: Using a Live Trap

Once you’ve confirmed the presence of squirrels and identified their activity areas, it’s time to take action. Live trapping is a humane and effective method to capture and remove squirrels from your garage. Follow these steps to properly set up and use a live trap: If you don’t have a live trap, you can buy it here


Step 1 – Remove Food Sources

Get rid of any other food sources in the garage before setting up the trap. Put your garbage in bags and cover the bins you use to dispose of it. Put pet food in a sealed container and keep it inside, out of the reach of rodents like squirrels. By removing potential food sources, you enhance the likelihood of the squirrels entering the trap and not exploring deeper into your house.


Step 2 – Place the Trap

Based on your inspection, find the areas where squirrels are most likely to be found. These are the best places to set your live trap. Make sure the trap is placed on a flat surface so the squirrels can’t knock it over to get to the bait. For extra stability, put a brick or weight on top of the trap to discourage anyone from trying to change it.


Step 3 – Bait and Set the Trap

Choosing the right bait is important for successfully capturing squirrels. While squirrels are fond of nuts and fruits, peanut butter works best as bait, as it prevents them from stealing it without entering the trap. Place the bait near the back of the trap, ensuring that the squirrel needs to step on the trigger plate to reach it. Once the bait is in place, set the trap by pushing the door lock and lifting the door plate, making sure that the trigger arm is securely set.


Read also: How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels


Step 4 – Monitor the Trap

To make sure the trap works, it needs to be checked on a regular basis. It is best to check the trap twice a day, in the morning and at night. If you need to, add more bait, and don’t trap an animal for more than 24 hours. Checking the trap often might make squirrels less likely to come near, so be patient and keep trying.


Step 5 – Relocate the Squirrel

Once you’ve successfully captured a squirrel, it’s time to move it. Check with your local authorities to ensure you are following the correct procedures for releasing the animal. Approach the trap slowly and use a gentle voice to avoid startling the squirrel. Place a towel over the cage to provide a sense of security during transportation. When you have reached a suitable location far away from your property, carefully open the trap and release the squirrel.


Prevention: Keeping Squirrels at Bay

After successfully evicting squirrels from your garage, it’s now time to take preventive measures to ensure they don’t return to your garage. If you implement the following strategies, you can squirrel-proof your garage and discourage future infestations:



Maintaining a clean and clutter-free garage is essential in preventing future squirrel intrusions. Remove all unnecessary items and debris, as they provide potential nesting materials. Store any potential food or water sources, such as pet food or standing water, in sealed containers indoors. By eliminating enticing factors, you reduce the chances of squirrels finding your garage attractive.



To prevent squirrels from entering your garage, inspect the foundation for any cracks or crevices. These entry points should be identified and immediately sealed to prevent further pest animals from gaining access. Stuf-Fit Copper Mesh and caulk can be useful tools for creating an airtight seal. You may prevent squirrels from gnawing through your caulk by inserting this permeable material between the caulk and your foundation.


Read also: Squirrel Bite: Facts and Prevention


What Do Squirrels Hate The Most? Homemade Squirrel Repellents

In addition to the above preventive measures, there are certain scents that squirrels find unpleasant, which can act as effective repellents. Here are a few homemade squirrel repellents that you can try:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Squirrels dislike the strong smell of apple cider vinegar. Place drops of apple cider vinegar on cotton balls and distribute them throughout your garage. You can also soak a rag in apple cider vinegar and place it in a plastic bag to intensify the scent.
  • Ammonia: Similar to apple cider vinegar, squirrels detest the smell of ammonia. Soaking cotton balls in ammonia and strategically placing them in your garage can help deter them.
  • Peppermint: Squirrels have an aversion to the strong smell of peppermint. Use peppermint essential oil or peppermint leaves to create sachets or sprays and place them around your garage.

By incorporating these natural repellents, you can make your garage less appealing to squirrels and discourage them from returning.



With the help of this DIY guide, you can effectively get rid of squirrels in your garage with a humane approach. By properly identifying the problem, inspecting the areas of activity, using live traps, and implementing preventive measures, you can reclaim your garage from these unwanted guests.

Remember, it’s important to handle squirrels with care and respect, ensuring their safe relocation. With a combination of patience, persistence, and preventative actions, you can keep your garage squirrel-free and protect your property from any further damage.

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