Discover the Pendimethalin Herbicide & Its Features

Before handling or administering pendimethalin herbicide (or any other chemical we carry), it is advised to put on the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

A variety of herbicides are available to help effectively manage the invasion of grassy and broadleaf weeds on your turf.

We will give you a brief overview of pendimethalin in this post, along with information on how it functions and why it is so effective.


What is the Pendimethalin Herbicide?

Pendimethalin Herbicide
A Picture of the Pendimethalin Herbicide

Pendimethalin is a selective herbicide that has been specifically developed to manage a wide variety of weeds, such as woody, broadleaf, and annual grass species. Pendimethalin belongs to the dinitroaniline family of herbicides.

For the pre-emergent and post-emergent control of a variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds on numerous agricultural crops, such as:

  • Cotton
  • Corn
  • Sorghum
  • Peanuts
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Wheat
  • Potatoes
  • Soybeans
  • Sunflowers
  • Tobacco
  • Ornamentals
  • Non-bearing fruit
  • Nut crops
  • Vineyards

Pendimethalin was first registered in 1972 and approved by the EPA.

Pendimethalin is a systemic herbicide that functions similarly to Oryzalin, its active ingredient, by interfering with the germination and growth of seedlings.

It often occurs in granular or emulsifiable concentrate form. Pendimethalin is originally a solid that resembles crystals, with an orange-yellow appearance and a delicious smell.


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How Does the Pendimethalin Herbicide Work?

Plant cell division and elongation are inhibited by pendimethalin, which is how it works.

This indicates that it stops the target weed’s roots and shoots from spreading. The weed eventually perishes since it is unable to grow any farther.


What is the Advantage of the Pendimethalin Herbicide?

Being a selective herbicide, pendimethalin only kills the designated weeds and leaves other plants alone, not destroying any plant it comes into contact with. You won’t lose any desired plants or grass.

When undesirable weeds start to appear in lawns, both residential and commercial, ornamentals, and crop and non-crop areas, use pendimethalin to suppress them.


Read also: Tordon RTU Herbicide: A How-To-Use Guide


What is the Disadvantage of the Pendimethalin Herbicide?

You must be cautious where you apply Pendimethalin formulations since some of them contain a yellowing ingredient that can discolour hard surfaces like driveways and sidewalks.

Timing is critical when applying the substance as a pre-emergent to prevent seeds from sprouting. The product might not control the targeted weeds if you apply it too late. Established weeds are not controlled by pendimethalin.


Where To Buy the Pendimethalin Herbicide


Read also: How To Use Plateau Herbicide For Prairie Grass Management



Since treatments containing pendimethalin are pre-emergents, they should typically be applied in the early spring. Depending on where you are in the nation, this might occur anywhere from early March to late April.

As instructed on the product label, you must water the treated area with at least 1/2 inch of water after application.

Thank you for reading!

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