Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Bug Zappers?

Are mosquitoes attracted to bug zappers? Bug zappers are insect killer with remote and voice control, 4000V, 20W electric, kills mosquitoes and other pests work with Amazon’s Alexa.

In this article, we have carefully answered the above question. You just have to continue reading to reveal the answer to the question, but before we get there, what are bug zappers?

What are Bug Zappers?

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Bug Zappers

Insects enticed to light can be killed by using a device called a bug zapper, also known as an electrical discharge insect control system, electric insect killer, or (insect) electrocution trap.

So, are mosquitoes attracted to bug zappers? Generally, mosquitoes and insects at large are attracted to light. Insects touch the high-voltage wires in an electrical grid and immediately die.

This is an onomatopoeic term for the “zap” sound made by an electric current killing an insect.


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Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Bug Zappers?

Are mosquitoes attracted to bug zappers? When you’re being attacked by mosquitoes or gnats, even the most enjoyable outdoor activities become less than enjoyable.

Instead of staying inside, many people seek out methods to eliminate the bugs, such as using a bug zapper.

Bug zappers, also known as electronic insect-control systems or electrical-discharge insect-control systems, use light to attract insects, which are then killed by an electrical discharge.

Insects appear to be drawn to the fluorescent, neon, or mercury lights used in these places.

The lights’ mesh covers, which normally use 12-volt electricity, are now capable of withstanding voltages of 2,000 volts or more, thanks to a transformer.

With an insect-sized gap between the screens, any flying insects that make contact with the wires will be electrocuted.

More than ten thousand insects can be killed with a bug zapper in a single evening. Even yet, a bug zapper may not be the most effective strategy for eliminating mosquitoes.

Only 31 of the 14,000 insects destroyed in six zappers placed at various locations around Newark, Delaware, were biting gnats or mosquitoes, or less than one-quarter of one percent.

However, contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes are not drawn to ultraviolet light as many other insects are, rendering the typical bug zapper nearly ineffective.

The sheer volume of beneficial insects killed by the zappers can have a negative impact on the environment.

Mosquitoes can be dealt with electrical insect zappers that release the pheromone octanol, often in combination with carbon dioxide.

Mosquitoes are drawn to the carbon dioxide we exhale through our skin and breath, therefore this method of insect control is counterproductive.

In addition, pesticides can be used to reduce the mosquito population. Insect repellents, from skin sprays to citronella candles and torches, are available if you’d rather keep your distance from the mosquitoes than kill them.


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Why are Mosquitoes not Attracted to Bug Zappers?

The female mosquitoes that bite humans have evolved to respond to the pheromones our bodies release. They give zero care about zapper indicators.

A female mosquito can detect our exhaled carbon dioxide from great distances. Female mosquitoes are able to verify that we are a viable blood source due to the chemical signatures of our bodies as she flies closer.

Information courtesy of the National Institute of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, USA proves that mosquitoes aren’t drawn to bug zappers because they can’t mimic human scents and movements.


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Does Bug Zappers Kill Other Bugs?

The study found that bug zappers have the potential to negatively impact local ecosystems due to their influence on beneficial insects such as beetles and moths.

Colorado State University Extension and the American Mosquito Control Association have conducted investigations and compiled expert opinions concluding that bug zappers are ineffective at reducing mosquito bites.

Bug zappers, according to the experts mentioned in a Wire cutter story, have the unexpected consequence of killing helpful insects.


Read also: Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Light?


Alternatives to Bug Zappers Killers

We recommend using either bug repellent spray or spatial mosquito-control equipment on your patio or yard to deal with bugs.

Vanderbilt University professor of biological science and pharmacology Laurence Zwiebel told us, “Repellents don’t kill anything.

No explanation is given other than “don’t bite this” and “don’t eat that.” Live a long and prosperous life, please. Finally, he emphasized, “You want to push [insects] away, you do not desire to pull them in.”

The first thing we would suggest is using some sort of spray repellent. Something with a 20% picaridin concentration is recommended, as it is just as effective as DEET.

Unlike DEET, however, picaridin leaves no lingering scent and does not break down plastics. In this comprehensive guide to bug sprays, we cover the finest options for both types of protection.

If you’re sitting on a deck or patio and don’t feel like dealing with a spray repellent, a spatial repellent is another alternative.

This compact device sits on a table and releases a fine mist of insect repellant, effectively sealing off a small area.

During our investigation for this guide to mosquito-control equipment for your patio or yard, we discovered that they are effective, provided there is no breeze.

Thirdly, you may try using a fan. Poor fliers that mosquitoes are, they can’t hold their own against a strong wind, the kind you get from the fans we recommend.

Some mosquito species, particularly those that carry Zika, “tend to favor the lower extremities to bite” and “like to lurk behind outdoor furniture,” therefore Conlon, who is also a devotee of fans, suggests directing the airflow low, below table level.

In addition to directing his fan downward, Day tells us that mosquitoes “move lower and lower into the air column until they reach to that transition zone right over the ground in which there is no wind and they fly in that” when the wind picks up.



Bug zappers are not effective when it comes to killing mosquitoes, but they rather kill other bugs which makes them not reliable in eliminating mosquitoes.

Going through this post, you will know more about bug zappers, and how it works, you will also get to know alternative to use instead of using bug zappers.

I really hope you found this post to be informative and helpful. Let us know how well your personal insect zappers work by leaving a comment below.

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