Best 10 Vitamins and Supplements for Fertility


What are the best vitamins and supplements for fertility?

Vitamins and supplements that boost fertility!

Best Vitamins and supplements for infertility!

Researchers have shown that over the past twenty years, it is of no doubt that fertility problems have increased dramatically.

One in six couples now find it difficult to conceive and a quarter of all pregnancies can end in a miscarriage and more and more couples are turning to fertility treatments to help them have a family.

Things to consider:

Best 10 Vitamins and Supplements for Fertility


It may sound funny, but the truth is that many couples struggling to conceive simply aren’t having
enough sex. Regular sex increases levels of estrogen in your body, which helps regulate your periods
and boost your fertility. Sex about three times a week is ideal.

Get to a healthy weight

Insulin resistance can be caused by overweight which, in women, can affect hormone balance and
interfere with ovulation.

Research shows overweight men can also suffer from lower sperm quality, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction.

Being underweight can influence your ovulation – a lack of body fat can affect hormone balance – so try
to maintain a healthy weight for your height.

Beat bad habit

Smoking can trigger early menopause – as much as nine years early, study shows that if your man
smokes, it’s time for him to quit too; smoking reduces sperm motility and production.

Switch to herbal teas caffeine can interfere with ovulation in women, while research has found men who drink three cups of coffee – roughly the smallest size sold in coffee shops – a day are only half as likely to get their partner pregnant.

Try to swap at least some of your cuppas for herbal teas. If you can’t quit caffeine completely, go for
green tea, which is much lower in caffeine than coffee or standard tea.


Best 10 Vitamins and Supplements for Fertility

Do you know that good nutrition can help you get pregnant and prepare your body for the baby?

Here are the best 10 vitamins and supplements for fertility you should take:

1. Zinc

You and your partner should be getting more zinc. It contributes to ovulation and fertility in women and also semen and testosterone production in men.

Zinc deficiency correlates with impaired sperm production. It is therefore recommended that men should receive a daily intake of 11 mg of zinc while women take 8 mg.


2. Folic Acid

This one is a must-have. It is recommended that all women of childbearing age should consume about
400 micrograms of folic acid a day. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin that is used by the body to create
red blood cells.

It makes extra blood for your body during pregnancy and it decreases the possibility of
having a problem in the baby’s spinal cord which is known as neural tube defect. Folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin, while folate is the naturally occurring form and both are okay to use.

3. Multivitamins

If you’re already taking a multivitamin, you’re in good shape. If you’re not, start taking one now. Study
shows that over 18,000 women who were trying to get pregnant, researchers found a correlation
between taking a multivitamin supplement and having a lower chance of ovulation problem.

4. Coenzyme

Studies show that taking supplements of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) may help with both female and male
infertility. There is evidence that CoQ10 increases sperm count.

According to the Mayo Clinic, CoQ10 is produced by the body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells. For adults, the recommended daily dosage is 30 – 200 mg in divided doses throughout the day.

5. Omega 3 Free Fatty Acid

This essential fatty acid found in fish oil or certain plant or nut oils should be taken especially when
you’re undergoing IVF treatments. Your body can’t make omega 3 fatty acids; you have to get it through

6. Iron

It is good to increase the amount of iron in your diet if you are not getting enough. Women are
recommended to take iron in 18 mg a day, but pregnant women need around 27 mg daily. Iron is used
to make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells.

If your body doesn’t have enough iron, your body’s tissues and organs won’t get the oxygen they need to function properly.

You can normally get this iron in your multivitamin, but you can also find iron in foods like red meat, tofu, and dark leafy green vegetables.

7. Calcium

Nutritionist recommends that women looking to get pregnant should consume around 1,000 mg a day
because when you do become pregnant your growing baby will need calcium.

It is actually recommended that all adults between ages 19 and 50 consume that amount of calcium in order to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. Drinking lots of milk and eat leafy greens is also a good idea.

8. Vitamin B6

Researchers have suggested that women who consumed at least 10 mg of vitamin B6 before they
conceived reported less morning sickness than those who didn’t.

9. Antioxidants

Taking these supplements like vitamin C and vitamin E may help with fertility. These vitamins can be informed of a pill or consume foods like oranges and strawberries (for vitamin C) and almonds and
sunflower seeds (for vitamin E).

10. L-carnitine

It serves as an energy source for sperm and it helps in sperm maturation and metabolism. The addition
of L-carnitine enhances sperm motility in some male factor infertility cases. You can get L-carnitine in
supplement form.


Wrapping up

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