In this article we will be answering the question, “Do rats eat roaches?” If you have roaches and mice in your house, you might think that the mice will eliminate the roach problem, but we are here to tell you that the two pests can cohabit without causing too much harm to one another.
Do rats eat roaches? well, let us now find out!
What Do Rats Eat?
Rats have a varied diet that is dependent on the environment in which they dwell. Rats that live in rural areas and woods consume a greater proportion of plants than their urban counterparts, who consume a greater proportion of animal protein.
Rats are omnivores. Fruits, vegetables, cereals, and proteins derived from animals make up the majority of their diet. Rats get the majority of their protein from dead animals that they stumble upon, but they also get it from human food scraps and insects. They take in over 10 percent of their body weight each day through their diet.
Even while rats can live if they consume the same meal day in and day out, doing so is not good for their health. Consuming only one food source over an extended period of time (such as roaches, for example) might result in vitamin and mineral shortages.
Read also: Rats vs Mice: How to Control Infestation
Do Rats Eat Cockroaches?
Yes! Regardless of the size of the roaches they consume, rats will consume a variety of roach species. Rats are naturally carnivorous, but they only resort to eating roaches after they have exhausted all other food sources and are desperate for sustenance.
Rats are hunters by nature, and they only hunt down and consume roaches when they are starving. The rotting scent of protein that is produced when roaches die is one that rats have a hard time avoiding. Rat’s favorite meal consists of female roaches that are nursing their young in their abdomens.
To ensure their own survival, rats consume both dead and living cockroaches. Rats are unable to survive for a week without eating, thus they will eat almost anything and always choose the simplest foods available to them.
Why Does Rats Eat Cockroaches?
Cockroaches are the primary source of nutrition for rats when no other food is available. Rats have a daily dietary requirement of 10 percent of their body weight. When they have no access to any other food sources, rats will hunt and consume other insects, most commonly cockroaches.
This particular species of cockroach is ovoviviparous, which means that it gives birth to live babies. Its offspring consume this milk after hatching from eggs while they are still inside their mother’s wombs. Rats enjoy the nutritious and sugary milk that is produced by female cockroaches since it is made by cockroaches.
After devouring a roach, a rat will only leave behind the roach’s legs, antenna, and wings. Other components of the roach will be consumed by the rat. Rats will literally chase after roaches, capture them, and then consume the roach; they have no trouble eating either dead or alive roaches. Roaches pose no threat to rats when they eat them.
Read also: Why Do Roaches Come Out At Night?
Do Mice Eat Roaches?
Yes! Because of the great amount of protein that can be found in cockroaches and other bugs, mice consume them. However, it can be difficult to catch these little critters because they are quicker than mice, and they frequently escape from their predators.
You shouldn’t put all your hope in the presence of mice or rats to eliminate a cockroach infestation in your home.
Mice will consume roaches if they find them trapped in sticky traps or if they have been killed for any other cause; however, mice do not typically catch roaches expressly for the purpose of eating them as part of their diet.

Why Do Mice Eat Cockroaches?
Roaches are one of the most efficient and convenient ways for mice to obtain the proteins they require for long-term survival in their diet; hence, mice consume roaches. In addition, the cockroaches possess a significant quantity of the essential minerals that are required by the mice.
Not only that, but their wings as well as other components of their skeletal system play an important part in the digesting process of mice. In addition, mice will consume certain species of roaches since these roaches are harmless and do not provide any health risks to the mice who consume them.
Roaches like hissing roaches and Dubai roaches are included in this group. The mice are more likely to have abdominal pain and diarrhea if they are exposed to any other type of roach.
The only time a mouse will attack a roach is when there is no other source of food in the area and the bug is the only thing that will satisfy its hunger. That indicates that mice would rather eat something other than roaches.
Read also: Which Of The Following Indicates a Cockroach Problem?
Tip-Off: Do Rats Eat Roaches that are Dead?
Roaches that have not been killed by any deadly intoxicants are consumed by mice because even after they are dead, roaches carry all of the important amino acids and other minerals that mice usually hunt for. Roaches that have been slain by poisonous intoxicants are not consumed by mice.
The mice are relieved beyond compare to discover a dead roach rather than a living one because the former eliminates the need for them to chase after and capture the latter.
The rotting proteins that are given off by dead roaches are a scent that draws in a variety of predators, including mice. However, because decaying roaches are colonies of germs, these roaches can occasionally be a disaster for the mouse.
It’s possible that some of them are transporting poisonous pesticides and other potentially lethal compounds. The majority of the time, roaches make their homes in filthy and unsanitary environments, making the food they produce potentially hazardous for mice to consume.
Do rats eat roaches that are dead? well, now you know! Do let us know your thoughts on the subject topic via the comments section below.