
Dog Disease: 11 Dog Diseases That Kills a Dog in a Week

Dog disease develops as a result of no intensive care, most people keep dogs as pet, however, this makes them important in the family. The way humans fall ill as a result of infection, insect bites or any other bites, meal contamination and more, the same happen to dogs.


In our previous article, we discussed diseases that are deadly to cats, moreover, some diseases that can kill a cat also could possibly kill a dog too. In this article, we giving you clues on the deadly diseases that kill a dog worldwide not minding the breed and also the possible symptoms.


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11 World’s Most Deadly Dog Diseases

Below are the world most dog diseases that can kill a dog in a week;


This dog disease comes from a virus called rabies, this disease transmits by biting or saliva from any animal that has the virus, and it is very deadly once your pet has it and even more, when it begins to develop.

Symptoms of rabies:

The symptoms for rabies in a dog are fever, pain, tingling or burning at the wound, hyperactivity. Once your pets start exhibiting these symptoms, we advised you to visit a veterinarian.

How to prevent rabies:

This disease is so dangerous that it could infect humans too, for now, no treatment is available for this disease but you could prevent your dog from contracting it by keeping them away from infected animals and also have it vaccinated.


Lyme disease

Lyme disease is another deadly dog disease, caused by a bacterium from deer tick bites and when not treated, this disease could get fatal when it’s got to the blood of pet, it now moves to the joints and inflicts pain on your pet.

Symptoms of Lyme disease:

These are the symptoms of this disease; pain, loss of appetite, fever, limping. However, a veterinarian can help you treat this disease, it’s better your visit one than trying to get drug prescription elsewhere.

How to prevent Lyme disease:

Antibiotics are used to deadly dog disease and you can possibly prevent it by getting your pet vaccinated and with a regular body checkup.


Read also: Dog Bite from Another Dog; Best Remedies For Dog Bite


Kennel cough

Kennel cough is a well-known disease developed from a contagious respiratory infection, it causes swollen pains and irritation in the lungs.

This disease is a fast-spreading, it spreads easily to other animals sharing shelters, parks, boarding kennels, and also sharing of contaminated bowls or blankets.

Symptoms of kennel cough:

The symptoms of kennel cough are heavy coughing, gagging, lethargy. Your pet is at risk, puppies, unvaccinated dogs, and older dogs are more likely to get kennel cough due to their weaker immune systems.

How to prevent Kennel cough:

In a case where your pet is infected with this disease, a veterinarian can treat it or prescribed antibiotics, and cough drugs that will help cure it.

To prevent your pet from having this disease, keep it away from infected animals and also have it vaccinated.



The leptospirosis disease can be transmitted by a body interaction either directly or through an infected dog that has the bacteria. This deadly dog disease can be found in soil and natural water like streams, lakes, or rivers.

Another possible way in which your pet can get infected with this bacteria is by taking contaminated food or bedding or a bite from an infected animal.

Symptoms of leptospirosis:

Fever, muscle tenderness, lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, jaundice are the symptoms of leptospirosis. When your pet starts exhibiting these symptoms, we recommend visiting a vet.

How to prevent leptospirosis: 

A veterinarian can treat this disease by providing intensive care and also prescribe antibiotics that will cure the illness, from your end, you can prevent this disease by keeping your pet from sick animals and have it vaccinated.


Canine distemper

Canine distemper is another deadly disease, it is a highly contagious viral disease that’s transmitted through airborne exposure or contact like shared food bowls, it hardens dogs’ noses and footpads.

Symptoms of Canine distemper:

Canine distemper symptoms are runny eyes, fever, coughing, vomiting, paralysis, your pet is not at good health exhibiting these symptoms. It mostly affects puppies and pets that are likely to suffer airborne viruses.

How to prevent Canine distemper:


In a situation where your dog has this disease, don’t fail to visit a veterinarian.  A vet is in the right position to provide whatever medical care your pet needs.

To avoid unexpected expenses, you can prevent this disease by keeping your pet indoors and also away from sick animals. Having your pet vaccinated is another good way of preventing this disease.


Canine parvovirus

Parvovirus is another world’s most deadly dog disease that infects dogs that come in contact with the feces of an infected dog. This disease is easily transmitted but when it gets to the internal organs of your pets, it becomes fatal.

Symptoms of canine parvovirus:

The symptoms of this disease are fever, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss.

How to prevention canine parvovirus:

This disease can be prevented and treated by a vet, from your end, you can keep your pet from this disease by having it vaccinated and keeping him away from all feces, especially infected feces.



Heartworms are micro-organisms that live and feed in your dog’s heart when your dog is infected, it poses a threat to your pet heart, blood vessels, and lungs. This disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.

Symptoms of heartworms:

The symptoms of heartworms are lethargy, coughing, respiratory problems, heart disease, weight loss. When your dogs start showing these symptoms, don’t fail to visit a vet.

How to prevent heartworms:

In a situation where your pet has heartworm, expect a rigorous regimen of steroids, antibiotics, and an organic arsenic injection.

You could best prevent this disease by using preventative measures with annual blood tests, regular pills, and medical checkups.


Kidney disease

Kidney disease will stop the discharge of protein wastes, balance body water, salts, and acids to produce quality urine.

This deadly dog disease cannot be cured or reserved, it gets rampant and fatal in aged dogs, the rate at which it spreads and infects can be slowed as soon as it’s found.

Symptoms of kidney disease:

The signs of this disease are weight loss, increased urination, and thirst, loss of appetite, vomiting. It’s best you contact your veterinarian when observing any symptoms.

How to prevent kidney disease:

In a case where your pet has this disease, a veterinarian is the right person to prescribe medications and kidney-friendly diets, but you can prevent this by regular medical checkups.


Dogs also can develop diabetes as part of the aging process. While diabetes in dogs can often be controlled by a plan of diet and exercise, most dogs will need regular insulin shots.

Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of this deadly dog disease are increased urination and thirst, weight loss, vomiting, plantigrade stance.

From time to time, you need to go for checks to see if your pet high levels of glucose, and, ultimately, diabetes, your vet will run urine and blood tests.

How to Prevent Diabetes

In a situation where your dog is ill of diabetes, insulin injections should be given twice daily together with its diet and the weight of your pet should be watched.

To ensure your pet is sound and safe, you might need to go for a diabetes check-up, also monitoring its blood and urine at home, and get her on a high protein/low carb diet.



This disease is very viral in aged pets. It makes them sluggish in the morning, and find it hard to jump.  Currently, the cure for this ailment is not available, but there is a good supplement that can make them strong.

Symptoms of arthritis

in pets include reluctance to walk or jump, difficulty playing or doing stairs, and trouble rising from a resting position. Limping and crying out in pain may occur.

How to prevent arthritis

Your veterinarian is the right person to carry out a certain examination on your pet, the diagnosis of arthritis starts with a thorough physical and orthopedic exam by your vet. X-rays under sedation or anesthesia do help.



The same way obesity causes heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and premature death in human, the same happens to your dog. Pet obesity is caused by doting pet parents who overfeed and under exercise their dogs.

Symptoms of obesity:

The symptoms of obesity are excess fat, and weight and eating too much. Once your dog start showing these signs, we advise you to visit a vet for an examination.

How to prevent obesity:

Currently, there’s no fast treatment for this disease, but, just like with a human diet, check with your veterinarian for feeding and exercise prescription.

We hope this will help you care and prevent your dog from health ailments, we’ll like to hear from you soon.

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