How long do termites live after treatment? The lifecycle of an ant is considerably different from that of a bee in many respects. To the point where one could wonder how long-termites can survive after being treated for them.
This article is crafted to answer your search query “how long do termites live after treatment?” As you read on, you get to find the answers you have been searching for.
Termite Lifespan
Most termite colonies in the United States are home to eastern subterranean termites, whose queens can live up to 30 years but often only survive for 15 to 17 years.
The queens of some African termite species can live up to 50 years, but the queens of other species, such as dry wood termites, only survive 10–12 years. Termite workers have a lifespan of roughly two years.
Life for a termite begins when it is a nymph or a young termite. Termites mature and find a place in the termite caste system.
Workers, soldiers, and reproductives all the way up to the queen make up the termite colony’s social classes.
Pheromones that the queen constantly releases into the colony let her exert control and even prevent other queens from developing.
There comes a point when the colony’s expansion outpaces the queen termite’s ability to produce eggs.
Here, she may foster the maturation of a select few nymphs into future auxiliary or backup queens. By doing so, the colony is able to maintain its growth and prosperity.
When the pheromone that the queen maintained is no longer present, new queens will form if the queen dies or if the nest is divided.
When the queen dies, the colony will continue to function without her. Termites are a problem no matter what form they take or when they appear in the life cycle.
Read also: How Long Do Termites Live? | Lifespan Explained
How Long Do Termites Live After Treatment?
How long do termites live after treatment? Once established, these creepy crawlies rule as either kings or queens over their own termite colonies.
The current termite pattern begins with a mating flight, during which swarms of winged reproductive males and females disperse to find new colonies and begin reproducing.
Winged termites arrive, shed their wings, and then proceed to build new colonies.
After the colony has discovered and spread the bait, it typically takes six weeks for the bait to become effective and eradicate all of the termites.
Extermination of termites by a trained expert typically results in the death of the colony within a week.
Read also: What Attracts Termites to your Home? 4 Vital Things
How Long Do Queen Termites Live?
The role of the queen termite is to reproduce the species. Along with the king, she is cared for by the workers, and she secretes the pheromone that regulates specialization in the colony.
A queen termite can live for many years and is usually the oldest member of her colony. Queen termites can lay eggs for up to ten years, and they can live for anywhere from 25 to 50 years.
When the queen dies, she stops producing her reproductive-blocking pheromone, and the colony develops a new queen.
Read also: Can Termites Fly? | Flight Pattern of a Termite
How Long Do King Termites Live?
The principal job of the king termite in the life cycle is to mate with the queen termite. This is done both directly and indirectly through the release of chemical compounds known as pheromones, which are attractive to the queen.
While the king only lives for one to four years on average, the queen is the longest-living member of the termite colony, living for roughly twenty-five years or even longer on average.
Read also: How to Kill Formosan Termites Permanently
How Long Does Termite Treatment Last?
How long do termites live after treatment? The typical lifespan of a termite treatment is 5 years. In contrast to the annual maintenance and short lifespan of termite bait stations, liquid termite treatments can be effective for up to five years.
Treatments for Termites that Use a Liquid Substance: On average, the effectiveness of these termite treatments will persist for five years. Professional termite exterminators will dig a trench around the foundation of your house and pour the liquid treatment down the trench.
That’s not to suggest that termites won’t cross in five years; they just might not.
If the chemical barrier around your house has any weak spots, some of them may be able to get inside. Preventing this threat is as simple as getting annual termite checks.
Pesticide-Free Termite Control Using Bait Stations: Keeping up with termite bait stations year-round is essential for their continued effectiveness. The baits will be strategically placed around your property by an expert.
While out foraging, termites will eat the bait and return it back to the colony, where it will spread to the rest of the termites.
It may take several weeks to eradicate the colony, but it may take termites months to discover the bait stations.
Finding answers to the question, “how long do termites live after treatment?” can be very useful in preventing an infestation and mitigating the damage that termites can do to a building.
After reading this article, we are confident that our readers and researchers throughout the world will be able to confidently declare the average lifespan of a termite colony member.
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