
How To Catch Fruit Flies: DIY Methods and Tools To Use

Do you know how to catch fruit flies? Lately, have you been having uninvited visitors in your kitchen? Do you hear that buzzing/whizzing sound around your fresh fruit, vegetables, and trash can?


Ooh! Your empty beer bottles are not left out; are there flies hovering around them? If that is the case, then you are dealing with a fruit fly infestation.

Let me take you through the journey of knowing what fruit flies are, how they come about, and how to catch and get rid of them completely with homemade traps.


What are Fruit Flies?

How To Catch Fruit Flies
An Image of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies have the same looks as tiny reddish-brown flies. They fluttered around your kitchen, possibly near your fruit bowl.

Although your windows and doors are possible access points for fruit flies, they can also be brought in from the grocery store through the fruits and vegetables bought.

Fruit flies lay their eggs on rotting food material and sugary surfaces. They get into fruits at the grocery store through any cuts or nicks on the fruit surface.


Read also: Do Fruit Flies Bite People?


Do Fruit Flies Bite?

Fruit flies do not bite, but they are bacteria-carrying organisms. And transfer this from one source to another.

They reproduce quickly; one female fruit fly can lay up to 50 eggs per day, and each of these eggs develops from larvae to adults within the space of one week.

How To Catch Fruit Flies

Being annoying creatures, we know you will do anything to eliminate these pests. Here are five ways to get rid of these creatures:

1. Identify the source:

First things first, you need to find out where these creatures are coming from. If they are feasting on any open food items, take them out and clean up that area with any disinfectant. Getting rid of their home to an extent drives them away.

2. Sanitation:

 It is very important to know that fruit flies do not like clean or neat surfaces. So make sure to always have a clean surface at all times. Use disinfectants and thoroughly scrub at all times.

Also, try to always check out the trash cans for signs of fruit fly infestation because fruit flies are also known to lay eggs in trash cans.

If you notice something around your trash cans, try to empty them and also wash them with heavy-duty cleaners like bleach. Be sure that your trash cans are completely dry before using them again.

3. Wash Your fruits:

Simple hygiene has taught us to wash our fruits and vegetables when we buy them. But to keep fruit flies away, the usual quick rinsing under a tap isn’t enough.

Here are more viable ways to wash these fruits and vegetables suggested by

  • Get a bowl filled with water.
  • Add two (2) tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Use your hands to gently scrub the fruit(s) in the water.
  • Rinse the fruit(s) with clean, cool water.

4. Do Not Forget the Drain:

Decay and decomposition are highly attainable in a moist environment. Check the drainage system in your kitchen and be sure no decaying food particles are clogging it. Just like every other insect, fruit flies thrive in a warm environment.

They are likely to infest your home during a warmer period, so turn up your cooling system to create an unconducive environment for them.

5. Use the Rotten Fruit Against Them:

Here, you use their trophy (rotten food items) as bait against them. Rather than throwing these food items away, you put them in a disposable container.

You cover the container with plastic, then you make a few holes in the wrap, place it within their reach, and let them swarm into the bait food items.

Cover them up and dispose of them as you deem fit. You can do this repeatedly until you are sure you have gotten rid of them all.


Read also: Discover the InVite Fruit Fly Traps & How To Use


How To Catch Fruit Flies With Homemade Traps

You can also carry out these experiments to get rid of these flies. There are homemade traps, and as is, they should be easy and cheap to pull off.

It only requires available materials within your home. Some of these traps include:

1. Jar and Funnel Trap:

Place some food items like overripe fruits, apple cider, beer or wine, ketchup, etc. as bait inside a jar.

Use a funnel over the jar lid. You can also use a paper cone; just be sure to use something that can allow easy access into the jar but is difficult to come out for the flies.

As the flies swarm into the jar, you can wait for them to die off before you dispose of them, or you can as well put the jar into the freezer to quicken the process.

2. Bottle and Plastic Wrap Trap:

This can be done with a nearly empty bottle of red wine, vinegar, beer, or any other surgical substance.

You put a plastic wrap around the bottle, and just like in the funnel method, make a hole big enough to let the flies swarm in but not out.

Wait until they have expired, floating on the surface of the liquid. Then you can toss them away.

3. Bowl and Soap Trap:

This is for a tougher case. Here, you mix apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave the mixture to make it more aromatic.

Leave the bowl in the open, uncovered, as fruit fly bait. The soap helps in surface tension reduction; this causes any fruit fly to drown.


Read also: Bonide Fruit Tree Spray: How To Use



You can keep fruit flies away by thoroughly inspecting the fruits, vegetables, and other perishable food items you buy. Be sure there is no crack or nicks where fruit flies could be hiding.

Make washing and drying of unrefrigerated produce a habit, as this helps in removing fruit fly’s eggs on the surface.

Fruit flies are attracted to any sugary or fermented produce, they lay their eggs on their surface, so be sure to regularly clean up spills, take your garbage and clean out your sink drain.

You can also try out the homemade traps to catch and get rid of fruit flies in your home.

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