
How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants: 5 Effective Ways

Do you know how to get rid of lawn ants? Are you having an ants infestation on your lawn? Lawn ants are not dangerous but this pest can pose a serious threat and inflict dangers on your lawn.


This article will be helpful for you. We have carefully selected 5 effective and simple ways how to get rid of lawn ants.


Lawn Ants and Their Impact on Your Garden

How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants
Lawn Ant

They construct intricate nests, which may house thousands of individuals. Insects like ants are sociable, and they live in well-organized hives.

Queen Ants, the reproductive females of an ant colony, can number in the dozens. When a female lays an egg, she does so in a special section of the nest known as a Brood Chamber.

Most of the other ants in the colony are smaller females with the responsibility of guarding, maintaining, and expanding the nest; they are called Worker Ants.

Soldier ants and Drone ants are specialized foraging ants. Nests built by ants are incredibly intricate. Sometimes they dig tunnels specifically to improve ventilation.

There are farm rooms, food storage rooms, and nurseries where the larvae can be fed and cared for after.


Read also: Natural and Chemical Sugar Ants Repellents


How Lawn Ants Affect Your Lawn

Well-drained, non-compacted soil in lawns is ideal for these ants. Ant nests are frequently seen in or just under grassy areas.

This implies that even the most meticulously maintained lawns can get infested with ants.

But not every one of them is evil. Your grass will benefit from its predatory nature and its nests will aid in aeration.

As they work, though, they will leave the dirt they dig up on your grass. Several things can go wrong when these ant mounds are in your yard:

Lawns can become unbalanced if these things are present. Make it hard to mow the grass because the mower blades will get caught in the clumps of dirt.

Grass under the mounds of dirt must be eradicated, especially if it is particularly short.

This may cause areas of the lawn to become brown and dead. They also devour the grass down to the root system as they establish their nests.


Read also: How to Keep Ants Off of Trees


Tips on Eliminating Ants and Their Mounds from Your Lawn

Below are tips on eliminating ants and their mounds from your lawn.

  •  Do Away With the Ant Mounds

The ant hills on your lawn are simply piles of earth that were excavated and abandoned. If the soil is dry, you may just spread them around with a paintbrush.

I use a worn-out vacuum cleaner to rake the dirt. I know it seems weird when I say vacuum the grass, but it does the trick.

Wet soil is more difficult to move, as it smears when spread and can entangle grass if left unattended. When possible, use your hands to pick things up. The grass may be damaged if it were scooped up with a spade.


  • Spray Some Ant Killer Granules Around the Area

It is recommended that you purchase ant granules and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing the product with water (or less water for a more powerful solution).

The ants should be eradicated in a matter of days if the weather holds. In a dry spell, use a watering can or knapsack sprayer and spray it directly on the ant mound and the ants around it.


  • Set Up Bait Stations to Stop Ants From Re-colonizing Your Yard

They lure in foraging ants, which then carry the poison back to their nests and wipe off the colony while it is still manageable in size.

It’s not worth the effort to try to eradicate ants from your garden. However, bait stations can be used to stop them from colonizing new areas.

Keep these bait stations near your former nesting grounds.

To prevent them from colonizing other areas, it’s a good idea to acquire a couple and place them strategically throughout your garden. So, do you understand how to get rid of lawn ants? Let proceed!


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How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants

How to get rid of lawn ants? Below are the most effective ways of getting rid of lawn ants.

1. White Vinegar

How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants
White Vinegar

How to get rid of lawn ants with this method is quite simple. White vinegar’s effectiveness in driving away ants, and how to use, are listed below:

  • White vinegar and water in equal amounts.
  • You can spray the concoction around your home’s entryways and other potential points of ant intrusion to keep them away and eliminate any traces they may have left behind.
  • The remaining ants can be driven out of the nest by pouring the mixture inside.


A description of the operation:

The ants were not eliminated by the vinegar treatment.

The pheromones that ants use to communicate with one another and find their way to food sources and back to the nest are disrupted by the powerful smell of this substance.

If you use vinegar to get rid of the pheromones, the ants will stop coming to your house and yard.


Is it intended for indoor or outdoor use?

Use vinegar only in the house. It can also be used outside, however only in areas where good grass and plants are not present.

Vinegar is acidic and can cause soil drying, which is bad for plant growth.

Any typical pest, except wood-boring species like carpenter ants and acrobat ants, may already be established in a building’s masonry.


2. Boiling Water

How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants
Boiling Water

Here’s the procedure for using boiling water to get rid of ants:

  • To gain easier access to the massive underground nest, rake or otherwise disturb the surface anthill.
  • To begin, get some water boiling in a big pot.
  • Slowly pour the hot water into the ant nest, being careful not to burn yourself. In this case, you want the water to flow into the subterranean shaft.
  • Do this a few times a week until the ant problem has been resolved to your satisfaction.


Step-by-step Instructions:

Water at a rolling boil will kill any ants that come into touch with it while also destroying the nest.

Due to the rapid rate at which water cools down, it may not reach the deepest portions of the colony (where the queen often resides) while still being hot enough to kill on contact.


What about using it indoors versus outdoors?

Boiling water is effective against ant nests only if they are located outside. Wet, soggy patches in your yard can be caused by the hot water, which can also harm your grass.

This strategy should only be employed if the ant colony is situated in an open area or amid a hard surface, such as a pavement.

This strategy is effective for all kinds of ants that are considered pests and build their nests outside. How to get rid of lawn ants with this method requires care.


Read also: Is Terro Ant Killer Safe for Pets?


3. Using Soapy Water

Soapy water
Soapy Water

How to get rid of ants with soapy water:

  • Any typical pest, except wood-boring species like carpenter ants and acrobat ants, may already be established in a building’s masonry.
  • For every quart of water, add 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap or 1/4 cup of Castile soap.
  • Use the spray to get rid of ants and their trails.
  • If you want to kill off an entire colony of ants, just pour the concoction inside their nest.
  • When necessary, continue treatment. Any ants that come into touch with soapy water will be killed. It can be wiped away and won’t leave any marks.


A description of the operation:

Soap is lethal to ants because it dissolves the waxy covering they need to be alive and disrupts their cell membranes.

If you add oil to the mixture, such as canola or olive oil, the ants’ spiracles will become clogged and they will suffocate.


Is it intended for indoor or outdoor use?

Soapy water can be used both indoors and outdoors without risk. If you want to keep your grass and plants healthy, avoid spraying them with soapy water.


4. Boric acid / Borax

How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants
Boric Acid

How to get rid of ants with borax or boric acid:

  • Put out the baited borax or boric acid near the spot where you’ve noticed the most ants. This can be near an anthill, an ant route, or even an entryway into your home.
  • Send out scouting ants with a load of bait for the colony. They’ll feed the entire colony, including the queen, from the food supply, and that includes the poison.
  • Sugar, syrup, peanut butter, or any other ant-attracting food can be used in conjunction with borax powder or boric acid. You can get both the adult ants and the larvae to eat the bait if you use both liquid and solid foods.


Step-by-step Instructions:

Boron comes in a few distinct forms; borax and boric acid aren’t quite the same, but they are related. When consumed, both of these substances cause digestive disturbances and death in ants.


What about using it indoors versus outdoors?

The approach works best on hard, plant-free surfaces such as concrete or paved areas such as patios and driveways. Despite their minimal toxicity to humans and animals, borax and boric acid can cause damage to vegetation.

Aside from wood-boring carpenter ants and acrobat ants, all are common pest species.


5.  Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth

DE Ant Killer Instructions:

  • If you want to prevent ants from entering your home, you should sprinkle more powder around the building’s perimeter and any openings.
  • From any garden center or online, you can purchase DE powder fit for human consumption (NOT industrial grade, which is what you’ll find in pool filters).
  • Apply more DE powder when it rains or after you irrigate the lawn. It is rendered useless by water and is thus easily removed.
  • Sprinkle the powder around the anthill or nest if you’ve spotted a lot of ants in that area.


Step-by-step Instructions:

The fossils used to create DE are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope.

Though the powder is safe for people and other animals, the small fragments are extremely dangerous to insects like ants. When the ants’ exoskeletons are pierced, they lose water and die.


What about using it indoors versus outdoors?

Anywhere you apply DE powder won’t be a problem. It poses no danger to people or animals and has no negative effects on vegetation.


What kinds of ants may use this technique?

Aside from wood-boring carpenter ants and acrobat ants, all are common pest species. This method is considered the most effective method on how to get rid of lawn ants.


Finally on How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants

At this point, you will know effective ways of how to get rid of lawn ants naturally without using chemicals.

The most important thing you need to know about ants is they always walk in colonies, you have to know about ants in other to get rid of them effectively. Feel free to contact us for more, by dropping a comment below!

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