Leaf Miner Treatment | How to Get Rid of Leaf Miner

Do you know how to apply leaf miner treatment? There are effective strategies contain in this article that will help know how to get rid of leaf miner on your property.

Meanwhile, leaf miners are common problematic pests in the United States, more commonly seen in the inner layers of healthy plant leaves.

It causes signs of wilt and eventually death if left alone. Leaf miner populations can increase leading to more severe foliar damage in your shrubs.

So, in this article, we are discussing the permanent ways on how to get rid of leaf miners on your property.


What are Leaf Miners?

According to Wikipedia aid with further research, leaf miners are types of bugs where the larval stage resides in and eats the leaf tissue of plants.

By far most, leaf-mining bugs are moths (Lepidoptera), sawflies (Symphyta, the mother clade of wasps), and flies (Diptera).

A few bugs additionally show this conduct like woodboring insects. Leaf miners are shielded from numerous hunters and plant guards by taking care of inside the tissues of the leaves, specifically eating just the layers that have minimal measure of cellulose.

While assaulting Quercus robur (English oak), they additionally specifically feed on tissues containing lower levels of tannin, an impediment substance created in incredible wealth by the tree.

The mine frequently contains frass or droppings, and the example of frass affidavit, mine shape, and host plant personality is helpful to decide the species and instar of the leaf miner.

Some mining creepy crawlies feed in different pieces of a plant, like the outer layer of an organic product or the petal of a flower.


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How can you Identify a Leaf Miner?

Leaf miners, refer to the larvae of over 100 species of insects that feed within plant leaves and create distinctive-looking galleries. This includes moths soft flies and beetles, regardless of all miner’s actual species.

Most Leaf miners will look similar bearing either a worm-like appearance or a maggot-like appearance growing to not more than a quarter of an inch in length.

Leaf miners can be white brown, light green, or yellow in color and they do not have legs or obvious heads capsules.


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Picture of a Leaf Miner

Below is a picture of a leaf miner:

How to get rid of leaf miner
Leaf Miner


Signs of Leaf Miners on your Property

Once, you know what your pest looks like check around your property to confirm their presence or find spots of their activity.

You are likely to spot leaf miners at stout door foliage like trees shrubs, gardens, and plants Phil feet underneath. The top layer of belief resulting in the invisible discoloration shows that the leaf miners have traveled.

This results in distinct galleries visible on infested leaves similar to some termite or carpenter ant calories.

You’ll want to search shrubs and foliage wherever you suspect pest activity to find Leaf miners as soon as possible, the earlier you find an investigation, the easier it is to treat.


How to Get Rid of Leaf Miner

It’s time to start treatment, but before using any treatment materials (chemicals, and spray), ensure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE.

Also, ensure to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry. When applying chemical treatments, below are practical steps to attempt:

  1. You’ll first need to prune away the infected leaves, not only will this get rid of any active Leaf miners you may have, but this will also remove any eggs. This will prevent the next generation of leaf miners from thriving.
  2. You’ll need to treat your foliage with a liquid insecticide made for tree treatment like bifenthrin-based insecticide, when applied properly the bifenthrin will leave a long-lasting residual level control a wide variety of pests.
  3. We recommend you make this application with a 1-gallon handheld pump sprayer as it’s versatile and makes mixing and applying the solution, quick and easy for a bifenthrin product to mix with a concentration of 7.9 percent active ingredients.
  4. You’ll apply is 0.5 to 1 whole fluid ounce of the product over 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
  5. Use the larger application, if you’re dealing with a heavy pest infestation.
  6. Fill your sprayer halfway with water and your measured amount of products into the sprayer then add the remaining water up to the 1-gallon line.
  7. Close the sprayer and shape to ensure even distribution.
  8. Pump the sprayer a few times to produce a low-pressure spray with a cone setting.
  9. Spray foliage leaves from top to bottom until the point of sweat but not Rudolph.
  10. Be sure to spray the undersides of leaves as well.
  11. Once you’ve treated all desirable foliage, allow the product to dry when applied properly, the bifenthrin will kill Leaf miners inhabiting your shrubbery.

And it will leave a residual that will continue to control-treated areas for up to 90 days, pests affected by the product will have their nervous system impacted and will die within the hour.


How to Prevent Leaf Miners from Returning to your Property

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check, even after you’ve applied pesticides. It is advised to make sure it can’t happen, in order to stop leaf miner’s activity.

You’ll need to take measures to prevent the mature pests from harboring on your property and laying eggs.

  1. First, get rid of fallen leaves and other debris on the ground.
  2. Next, you may need to start mowing your lawn properly and trimming away excess growth in your shrubs and foliage, these areas are ideal for many pests to hide in.
  3. It’s better to maintain a clear and clean lawn so you can see as much activity as possible.
  4. Many pests are also attracted to excessive moisture. So you may need to adjust your watering habits.
  5. Be sure to water your lawn properly with at least one inch of water. every week and be careful, not to overwater your garden or potted plants by watering with just enough water to keep your lawn and garden healthy.
  6. Finally, keep up with the application of your bifenthrin-based insecticide.
  7. We recommend you spray quarterly to keep pests away year long.



Leaf miners are destructive pests that will eat and kill shrubbery on your property. However, following these DIY steps on how to get rid of leaf miners.

There are ways to prevent an infestation from getting out of hand, stopping Leaf miners from infesting your property.

What are your secret ingredients to getting rid of leaf miners? Do well to share down the comment section!

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