How to Get Rid of Millipedes Indoors

When faced with millipede infestation indoors, how to get rid of millipedes indoors should be the first process you tend to.

Millipedes are creepy crawling that can get people agitated. If you have a phobia of millipedes, then you should have a really hard time having an infestation.

However, we have got you covered, as we have found the best steps on how to get rid of millipedes indoors, these steps cost you less money and are Do It Yourself (DIY).


Facts About Millipedes

Millipedes are a class of arthropods that are distinguished from other arthropods by the presence of two sets of jointed legs on the majority of their body segments.

As a result of this characteristic, millipedes are referred to scientifically as members of the class Diplopoda. Every segment with double legs is composed of two single segments that have been joined together.

The bodies of most millipedes are very long and cylindrical or flattened, and they have more than 20 segments. In contrast, the bodies of pill millipedes are shorter and can roll up into a ball.

Millipedes are invertebrates that may take on a cylindrical or somewhat flattened shape. They are not insects, but rather have more in common with lobsters, shrimp, and crayfish than with other arthropods.

Although the term “millipede” literally means “a thousand feet,” no millipede has anywhere near that many feet, even if the name of the creature suggests otherwise.

There are 7,000 different species of millipedes in the globe, and the United States and Canada are home to 1,400 of those different species.

The smallest ones are shorter than an inch (2.5 centimeters), while the typical spirobolid millipede can grow to be longer than 12.5 centimeters in length (13 centimeters).


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Their Choice of Habitat

Millipedes may be found on every continent with the exception of Antarctica, and they can be found in practically any terrestrial ecosystem.

Their range extends as far north as the Arctic Circle in Iceland, Norway, and Central Russia, and as far south as Santa Cruz Province in Argentina.

They make their homes in the leaf litter, dead wood, or dirt, and they favor circumstances that are humid. These creatures may be found living on the forest floor.

Millipedes may reach concentrations of over 1,000 individuals per square meter in damp deciduous woods found in temperate zones; these woodlands have the highest concentration of millipedes.


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What Do Millipedes Eat?

The vast majority of millipedes are detritivores, meaning that they consume rotting plants, excrement, or organic debris that has been combined with soil as their food source.

They frequently contribute significantly to the process by which plant litter is broken down and decomposed.

Consumption rates for specific species are estimated to range anywhere from 1 to 11 percent of the total leaf litter, depending on the species and the location.

Millipede populations as a whole have the potential to devour almost all of the leaf litter in an area.


Read also: Where Do Centipedes Come From?


What Hunt Millipedes?

Millipedes are susceptible to attack by a diverse group of predators, some of which include insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals, as well as amphibians and reptiles.

Before feeding on their meal, some mammalian carnivores, such as coatis and meerkats, may roll millipedes they have trapped on the ground in order to deplete them of their protective secretions and remove them.

In addition, it is thought that some species of poison dart frogs absorb the deadly chemicals of millipedes into their own defense mechanisms.


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Picture Of Millipede

Below is a picture of a Millipede:

How to Get Rid of Millipedes Indoors
Picture Of A Millipede


Signs of Millipedes Infestation

If you have a severe millipede infestation within your home, there are probably millipedes reproducing in your yard or near your home’s foundation beneath mulch, leaf litter, or trash. This is especially likely if you have a large infestation inside your home.

If you think you have an infestation on your property, check for places that have things that pests would like to consume, such as mulch, leaves, firewood, and other plant debris that is in various stages of decomposition.

Millipedes do not often leave behind a lot of evidence when they infest a space. In most cases, the only method to determine whether or not you have millipedes is by watching the creatures as they move from one hiding place to another.


How To Get Rid Of Millipedes Indoor

Once millipedes have entered your home, they are unlikely to leave since they are unable to figure out how to exit the building again.

It is not difficult to get rid of millipedes. We have listed ways below to wipe them out for good. Below are ways on how to get rid of millipedes indoors:

  • Set glue traps.
  • Check to see that the grass on your yard is not wet.
  • Fill up and seal any holes or cracks you find in the basement.
  • Destroy them as soon as you see them.
  • Make a bug barrier.
  • Make every effort to maintain a dry environment in your restrooms.
  • Use insecticides.



Battling millipede infestation indoors can be challenging without experience. Going through this article, we believe you can get rid of millipedes indoors without hiring an expert.

Also, you’re welcome to get in touch with us for any assistance, questions, or contributions on this topic “how to get rid of millipedes indoors”.

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