How To Get Rid Of Skinks In Your House

Do you want to know how to get rid of skinks in your house and learn more about these interesting animals? People often mistake skinks for snakes, but they add a special charm to the wild.

This article will answer many of the most popular questions about skinks, such as how friendly they are, whether they are safe as pets, and what role they play in the ecosystem. We’ll also talk about how to get rid of skinks if they’re a problem in your home. Let’s get started!


Is Skink A Snake?

How To Get Rid Of Skinks In Your House
A picture of African House Skink

Skinks are not snakes, Although they share some external features, skinks and snakes actually belong to different branches of the reptilian family tree. Skinks are members of the lizard family, and they are easily distinguishable from snakes by their smooth, overlapping scales and their typically more robust limbs.


Are Skinks Friendly?

Discover the temperament of skinks and whether they make suitable pets. Their behavior can vary between species, providing insights into their friendliness and compatibility with human interaction.


Is It Safe To Hold Skinks?

Whether or whether a skink is friendly can depend on a number of things, like the species, the individual skink, and how it was raised and/or treated by people. According to most reports, skinks are not very mean. In fact, some species can even get used to being around people.

But, like any wild animal, they might feel frightened or stressed if you touch them, so be careful and respectful when you do. If you keep a skink as a pet, its behavior can be affected by where it lives and how well you educate it. Always keep in mind the individual needs and habits of the skink species you are dealing with.


Read also: Are Skinks Poisonous?


What Is A Skink In English?

The word “skink” in English refers to a type of lizard from the family Scincidae. The bodies of skinks are long, their scales are smooth and meet, and their legs aren’t very long. They live in many places around the world, from tropical woods to deserts.

The Greek word “skigkos,” which means a type of lizard, is thought to be where the word “skink” came from. Skinks vary in size, color, and pattern based on the type they are. Some are kept as pets, while others do well in the wild.


How Harmful Is Skink?

Most of the time, skinks don’t hurt people. Usually, they’d rather not get into a fight. But if they feel attacked or squished, they might bite or scratch. It’s important to be careful and gentle with skinks, even though their bites aren’t poisonous or dangerous.

Some kinds of skinks may have mild poisons in their saliva that they use to stun their prey. But these toxins don’t generally hurt people, and they’re not injected in enough amounts to have big effects.


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How Fast Can Skinks Run?

Skinks are known for being quick and agile, but the speed of different kinds varies. Most of the time, skinks can run fast to get away from danger or catch prey. The exact speed can be anywhere from a few miles per hour to about ten miles per hour, based on things like the skink’s size and species.

They can move quickly on land because their bodies are smooth and their arms are strong. These animals may not be as fast as some other snakes, but their speed and ability to move quickly and easily help them get around. Don’t forget that a skink’s speed can also be affected by its weather, age, and health as a whole.


Are Skinks Good To Have Around the House?

In some ways, having skinks around the house can be good. When skinks are hungry, they often eat bugs and spiders that are bothersome. If you have problems with small bugs in your home, skinks can help keep the number of them down.

But it’s important to think about a few things. If you want skinks to live near your house, make sure your yard or garden has places for them to hide and natural food sources. Also, don’t use chemicals that could hurt skinks or the animals they eat.


Read also: Do House Lizards Eat Cockroaches?


How To Get Rid Of Skinks In Your House

If you want to keep skinks from coming near your property, here are some gentle and effective ways to do it:

  1. Take Away Places Where Skinks Can Hide
    Skinks like places where there are lots of places to hide. Keeping your yard clean will cut down on the places they can hide. Get rid of the trash, rocks, and piles of wood.
  2. Seal Entry Points
    Check your house for any cracks or holes that skinks could use to get in and block it. They can’t get inside if these holes are sealed.
  3. Limit Food Sources
    Skinks eat spiders and insects. Controlling the number of insects around your home will cut down on the food sources they can use, which will make your house unattractive to them.  Use insecticides rarely and choose methods of pest control that are better for the environment.
  4. Use Natural Pest Repellents
    Some people think that natural skink repellents, such as coffee grounds or citrus leaves, can work. Spread these things out in places where you don’t want them to be.



Skinks make the natural world more interesting with their many kinds and unique traits. Understanding their behavior is important whether you like having them around or want to find good ways to deal with them.

This guide gives you a complete picture of skinks, from busting myths about how friendly they are to looking into where their name comes from in language.

Should you decide to do something about skinks living in your home, the part on how to get rid of them gives you useful and humane ideas. Being able to live with these interesting animals means knowing how to treat them with care and knowledge.

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