How To Pick Up A Tarantula

Are you curious about how to pick up a tarantula safely? Whether you’re an experienced tarantula fan or new to learning about spiders or you are considering keeping one as a pet, knowing how to handle them well is important.

Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to pick up and hold a tarantula, what to do if one is on you, and other helpful tips.


What are Tarantulas?

How To Pick Up A Tarantula
How To Pick Up A Tarantula

Tarantulas are big, hairy spiders that belong to the Theraphosidae family. They are usually large and for some people, they look scary, with some species having legs that can reach up to 12 inches (30 centimeters) long.

These spiders live in different parts of the world like the Americas, Africa, and Asia, and they can be found in places like rainforests, deserts, and grasslands.

Tarantulas are active at night and will use their keen senses to hunt for food like insects, small rodents, and even other spiders.

If tarantulas feel threatened, they protect themselves by flicking tiny, irritating hairs from their bodies at predators.

These hairs can be annoying to the skin and sensitive areas, which helps the tarantula stay safe without fighting.

Some people like to keep tarantulas as pets because they are interesting to watch and don’t need a lot of care. Their unique behaviors and appearance make them fascinating to study, whether they are in the wild or kept in a home as a pet.


Do Tarantulas Bite?

Yes, tarantulas can bite, but they usually only do so when they feel in danger. Most tarantula bites are not harmful to people and may cause some pain, swelling, and redness, similar to a bee sting.

However, some people might have stronger reactions, especially if they are allergic to the venom.

Always handle tarantulas gently and give them space to reduce the chance of being bitten.

If you are bitten by a tarantula, it’s best to wash the area with soap and water and get medical help if there are signs of an allergic reaction or if the symptoms don’t improve.


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Are You Supposed to Hold Tarantulas?

You can hold a tarantula but that depends on things like the type of tarantula, how it behaves, and how comfortable you are with handling it.

Some tarantulas are calm and okay to handle, while others might be defensive and more likely to bite.

You need to handle them gently to avoid stressing them out and also respect them as living creatures and not handle them when they’re shedding their skin or seem stressed.

Although Some people like holding tarantulas, it’s not necessary for their well-being, they will still be fine if not held.

Many people prefer to watch and interact with them from outside their enclosures to give them space and let them behave naturally.


Do Tarantulas Feel Touch?

Yes, tarantulas can feel touch. They have tiny hairs all over their bodies that are sensitive to things like movement and air.

These hairs help them notice changes around them, like if there’s something they can eat or if there’s danger nearby.

When you handle a tarantula, be careful so you don’t scare or hurt it. If a tarantula feels threatened, it might act defensively and bite you.


Do Tarantulas Like Being Held?

Tarantulas don’t have feelings like people or other social animals do. They like to be by themselves in their homes.

While some tarantulas might be okay with being held a little, it’s best to remember that it can stress them out.

If you decide to hold your tarantula, be gentle and pay attention to how it’s acting to make sure it’s not getting upset.


Read alsoAdopting a Tarantula – Is It the Right Pet for You?


What to Do If a Tarantula Is on You?

If a tarantula is on you and you don’t like it, stay calm and move slowly so you don’t scare it. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Be calm: Getting scared or moving quickly might frighten the tarantula, and it might act defensively.
  2. Gently try to brush it off: Use a soft touch to try to get the tarantula to leave your body. You can softly blow on it or use a gentle brush to help it move away.
  3. Guide it onto a surface: If the tarantula doesn’t want to go, you can gently move it onto something nearby, like cardboard or a container, using a soft brush or your hand if you feel okay doing that.
  4. Do not move quickly: Move slowly and carefully so you don’t scare the tarantula more.
  5. Clean the area: If the tarantula leaves any irritating hairs on your skin, wash the area gently with soap and water to get rid of them.
  6. Check for any signs of distress: After you take the tarantula away, look for any signs that it might be distressed or hurt. If you see anything wrong, ask a vet or someone who knows about tarantulas for help.


Where Do Tarantulas Hide in the House?

Tarantulas usually live in warm, dry places like deserts, grasslands, or forests. But if one gets into a house, it might hide in dark, quiet places where it feels safe and can find food.

Common hiding spots in a house are basements, closets, and places with things to hide under. They might also hide under furniture or in cracks in walls or floors.

Garages or sheds can also be good places for them to hide, especially if there’s a lot of things there.

If you think there’s a tarantula in your house, be careful when you look for it because it might bite if it feels scared. It’s best to get help from pest control or people who know about exotic pets to remove it safely.


Where Do Tarantulas Like to Be Outside of The House?

In the wild, tarantulas live in different places depending on their type and where they are.

Many make burrows in the ground to live in, which keeps them safe from other animals. These burrows can be simple or very deep and give them a safe place to rest.

Tarantulas also hide under rocks or logs on the ground to stay cool or hide from other animals. Some species of tarantulas live in trees or bushes and make homes out of silk in the leaves or branches.

They are good at climbing and can be found at different heights in the trees. Some tarantulas like dry places like deserts, while others like wet places like rainforests.


Read also: What Is a Tarantula Hawk Wasp? | Facts & Identification


How to Pick Up a Tarantula

Handling a tarantula should be done carefully to make sure both the tarantula and the person handling it stay safe. Here are some steps to do it safely:

  • Prepare a suitable container:

Before you handle the tarantula, get a small container with a lid that closes tight. You can use this container to gently guide the tarantula into a safe place if you need to.

  • Approach the tarantula calmly:

Approach the tarantula calmly and slowly to avoid scaring it. Quick movements or loud noises can make the tarantula nervous and cause it to act defensively.

  • Use a soft brush or tool:

If the tarantula doesn’t want to move, you can softly guide it onto your hand or into the container using a gentle brush or tool. If you’re not comfortable, don’t force it or touch it with your bare hands.

  • Support the tarantula’s body:

When you hold the tarantula, make sure to support its body gently and securely so it doesn’t fall or feel unsafe. Don’t squeeze or press on the tarantula, as this can hurt it or make it stressed.

  • Observe its behavior:

Once you’re holding the tarantula, watch how it acts carefully. If it seems upset or uncomfortable, like if it moves quickly or raises its front legs, it’s better to put it back in its home or another safe place.

  • Limit handling time:

Keep the time you handle the tarantula short to avoid stressing it out. A few minutes is usually enough, especially if the tarantula isn’t used to being handled.

  • Place the tarantula in the container:

After you’ve picked up the tarantula, gently put it in the container with the lid on securely. This will give the tarantula a safe place where it can be watched or moved if needed.

  • Wash your hands:

When you’re done handling the tarantula, wash your hands well with soap and water to get rid of anything that might irritate your skin or cause allergies.


More on How to Pick Up a Tarantula

This video explains how to pick up a tarantula



Handling a tarantula needs patience, carefulness, and respect for these special animals.

If you follow the steps in this article, you can pick up and handle a tarantula safely and keep stress low for both you and the spider.

Whether you like tarantulas or are just interested in them, knowing how to handle them correctly is important for building a good relationship with these spiders.

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