How to Train Your Dog to Be Calm

Do you know how to train your dog to be calm? Every pet owner wishes to have a calm and well-behaved pup. However, our wishes are not always answered as your dog may sometimes be overexcited, and it’s crucial to learn different ways to calm your dog.

Teaching your furry friend to stay calm can help curb unwanted behaviors such as barking, jumping, or pulling on the leash. In this article, we are exploring various methods you can use to train your pup to be calm and relaxed.


Why Should You Teach Your Dog to Be Calm?

Teaching your furry baby how to stay calm has many benefits. They are better prepared for stressful situations that may cause unnecessary stress or anxiety.

Allbreeds has many resources that can help you keep your dogs relaxed and helps reduce any adverse reactions they might have towards other humans or animals while on walks or attending social gatherings.

Teaching your pup relaxation techniques gives you peace of mind knowing that your pup is not anxious during these events.

It helps your furry baby remains focused and attentive throughout the outing without displaying any destructive behaviors, such as excessive barking, digging, or scratching furniture at home.


How to Train Your Dog to Be Calm

Training your pup to remain calm and relaxed requires patience and consistency. Here are some tips you can use to train your dog to be calm:

How to Train Your Dog to Be Calm

1. Reinforce Verbal Commands

Dogs respond best when clear instructions are spoken in a firm yet gentle tone. Therefore, avoid using phrases like ‘no’ during training sessions unless necessary. Instead, using words like ‘not right now, sweetheart’ whenever possible ensures a smoother transition into understanding what it means when told something by its human parents. 


2. Start With Basic Commands

Before attempting more complicated tasks like staying still while someone else pets it, start by introducing simple commands such as sit and wait. Then slowly progress onto basic obedience lessons before moving on to anything else related to relaxation and calming down exercises. This ensures that the initial foundation skills needed for later success have been established before progressing inwardly toward true mastery over all discipline areas.


3. Train on Impulse Control

If your dog is easily excitable, it will benefit from impulse control training. This training helps your pup resist the urge to act on its wants and instead obey your command.

This includes teaching your dog not to bark or lunge when seeing other dogs, people, or animals on walks. Practice this by having someone else walk past with a treat and calling their name as soon as they start barking or lunging at the distraction. Then, reward them with a treat if they do not react and respond to your command.


4. Reward Calm Behavior

When training your pup to remain calm, you must reward all desired behaviors, such as staying still or lying down for extended periods. Rewarding these actions will reinforce your pup’s understanding of what is expected from them.

Add verbal praise, such as ‘good job staying so still’ during training sessions. This helps foster trust between the owner and the pet, which can then be used to strengthen the bond further.


5. Adjust the Time Your Dog Must Stay Calm Before Giving Them a Reward

Start small by setting shorter durations for your pup to stay still before rewarding. Then gradually increase the time until you get to a point where your dog can stay for extended periods of expected obedience without any external rewards.

This gives you a better understanding of your furry baby, ensuring their behavior is necessary irrespective of the situation.


6. Choose a Place for Your Dog to Settle

You must provide your canine companion with a comfortable place where they can relax away from human interactions.

Choose somewhere quiet yet comfortable such as beneath bed covers and blankets or inside a covered crate. Choose a place that offers your pup privacy but is also easily accessible in case of feeding or potty breaks.

Once you’ve established a calming corner and have created a routine for your dog to follow, your next step is to have your dog settle in the place without a treat. Then, once your pup has mastered it, you can train outside the home area and try restaurants.


7. Keep Your Dog Distracted

Using toys or treats as a distraction can help keep your pup’s mind off any potential distractions that may be present. While it may not eliminate their hyperactive behavior, providing something to focus their attention on should help curb adverse reactions toward the stimulus.


8. Do Not Give Your Dog Negative Attention

Avoid scolding or punishing your pup for bad behavior; ignore them and reward good behavior. This reinforces your dog’s understanding that only positive outcomes come from behaving correctly, and there is no need to act out negatively to receive its owner’s affection or approval.


9. Introduce Games

You can introduce your dog to many games to help them stay busy and relax. And as we all know, a tired dog will have no energy to throw a tantrum. So introduce games like playing fetch, hide-and-seek, or tug-of-war.

These games will tire out your dog while teaching them how fun staying calm can be. Introduce these activities gradually to reduce stress levels otherwise associated with overwhelming environments like parks.

This will help your pup stay calm and focused solely on the task rather than anything else, which could lead back to unwanted behaviors such as barking excessively.


10. Engage Your Dog’s Nose

Since the nose is the primary sense organ, have your pup smell something calming. Lavender or vanilla can be an essential oil. Place scented air fresheners near their cots. But first, ensure that your pup is not allergic to the scent. Consult your veterinarian.


11. Check the Energy You Are Emitting

Dogs are sensitive creatures and often pick up on subtle emotions from their owners consciously or through body language signals given off unconsciously during interactions.

Therefore, avoid being around your pup when you are stressed or anxious, as they can pick up on these emotions.

You must also not display your feelings of frustration, anger, or impatience when training your pup. You can work with an expert who can teach you how to manage your body language and retain a positive mindset when handling your furry baby.


12. Hire a Dog Training Expert

Teaching your dog basic commands is easy for owners. However, you must leave the more complex training in the hands of the experts.


How to Eliminate Bad Behavior in Your Dog

The following tips can help eliminate or minimize bad behavior in your furry baby.

How to Train Your Dog to Be Calm 

1. Control the Barking

Unwanted barking is one of the most common behavioral problems many puppy owners face. But, unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix.

Instead, adopt a gradual training process until the pup eventually understands what’s expected from them each time they bark out unnecessarily loud due to excitement or anxiety.

Begin by identifying potential triggers like passersby or strange noises. Then use verbal commands, such as quiet, whenever necessary. Initially, you’ll be required to offer your dog treats but withdraw them once you notice your pup consistently obeys the commands.


2. Adjust the Way You Interact With Your Dog

Adjusting how you speak and act around your furry baby to maintain calm while ensuring they understand your expectations is essential.

Keep your voice gentle yet firm at the same time while maintaining direct line sight whenever possible, encouraging good behavior.


3. Introduce Other Dogs or Pets

Introducing your dog to other animals may not seem like an immediate solution for calming down, but believe it or not, socializing has its benefits. If done correctly, this could help alleviate anxiety caused by specific scenarios where pups feel uncomfortable with unfamiliar territory, thus reducing the chances of hyperactivity.


4. Exercise With Your Pup

Exercise can be an excellent outlet for pent-up energy which can often cause hyperactivity in your furry baby. Therefore, take your pup out for a walk or jog, or you can play a game of catch in your backyard. This will tire your pup, mentally and physically, resulting in a calmer and relaxed pup.

You can also reward your dog for motivating them for future sessions after the exercise.                  


5. Let Your Dog Relax After Exercise

Letting your pup settle down after vigorous activity is just as important as making sure they get plenty of exercise in the first place. You can do this by providing them with a quiet, comfortable spot away from all the noise and distractions.


Final Thoughts

Training your pup to remain calm is essential for your pet’s mental health and a better relationship with you. Through patience and consistency, owners can teach their furry babies how to stay relaxed in most situations, including outings, vet visits, and socialization events.

Besides, you must understand what triggers your pups’ anxiety and introduce activities that help keep their minds off potential distractions are key when training dogs properly. And don’t forget to reward good behavior.

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