Orange Crab Spiders: Are These Critters Venomous As Proposed?

Orange crab spiders, belonging to the family Thomisidae, earned their name for their sideways movement of crabs. Unlike many spiders, they have relatively smooth bodies with less hair.

These spiders display a variety of vibrant colors adapted to their hunting grounds, often residing in flowers and plants.

This habitat preference has led to them being dubbed Flower Spiders, as they frequently wait inside flowers to ambush unsuspecting prey, such as bees.

Although they are capable of biting, their venom is harmless to humans and poses no significant danger. We’ll explore more about orange crab spiders in this article.


What Do Orange Crab Spiders Look Like?

Orange Crab Spiders
Picture of the Orange Crab Spider

If you don’t know if you are dealing with a crab spider (Thomisidae), look closely to see if they look like a crab in that their front legs are held up and out, their 4 – 10mm bodies are a bit flatter than other spiders, and, like a crab, they are walking sideways.

Additionally, check to see if they look a bit neon in color (yellow, green, or orange) or sometimes white or brown.

The female grows 6-7 mm.  They are slow-moving spiders that do not actively hunt like wolf spiders.

Instead, they remain stationary and await an ambush for some unsuspecting insects to land in front of them.

Their bite is not dangerous to humans. The first two pairs of legs in most crab spiders are longer and heavier than the third and fourth pairs and are armed with spines for holding and grasping prey.

The females usually stand guard with their egg sacs. The egg sacs are fastened to the vegetation and are usually flat.


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Are Orange Crab Spiders Venomous?

Orange crab spiders are shy and non-aggressive, preferring to run away from danger rather than fight. They don’t build webs but do create flat nests for their eggs on plant leaves. Female crab spiders are an exception, as they will guard their nests until the eggs hatch.

If you see an orange crab spider in your home or get bitten by one, don’t worry. Their venom isn’t harmful to humans unless you’re allergic. These spiders usually can’t even break human skin with their bites.

Orange crab spider bites leave two tiny puncture marks from their fangs, which they use to inject venom into their prey. While their venom is strong enough to kill larger insects, it’s not dangerous to us. However, bites from larger crab spiders can be painful.

A bite from a giant crab spider can feel like hitting your fingernail with a hammer, causing pain, swelling, and discoloration. The pain may spread to your hand but generally goes away after a few hours.


How to Keep Orange Crab Spiders Away from Homes

If you find a crab spider in your house, it’s likely there by accident. Crab spiders prefer to be on a leaf, under bark, on a flower, or in the crevices of a tree trunk in your garden. If you spot a brown-speckled, flat, crab-like spider and want to identify it, gently poke it with a long stick.

If it spreads its long front legs and moves sideways, it is an orange crab spider. Here’s what you should do:

  • Carefully check all flowers and plants for orange crab spiders before you bring them inside, especially flowers recently cut from a garden.
  • Make sure to capture, discard, or relocate individual spiders that have wandered inside because they reproduce rapidly.
  • Remember to remove, or regularly inspect, any potted plants and flowers inside the home, as this is the most likely spot a crab spider would reside indoors.


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In conclusion, orange crab spiders, with their shy and non-aggressive nature, play a beneficial role in controlling insect populations.

Their unique ability to camouflage and their habit of guarding their nests make them fascinating creatures.

While their bites can be painful, they pose no significant threat to humans. These vibrant spiders add a touch of intrigue and natural pest control to our gardens.

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