Sac Spider Bite: Description, Signs & Treatment

A sac spider bite can cause significant discomfort, characterised by symptoms such as redness, swelling, and burning sensations. This article describes the sac spider and outlines the symptoms associated with its bite.

To effectively manage sac spiders, it is recommended to eliminate their silk sacs, particularly those found at the junction of the ceiling and wall, as well as in the corners of the ceiling.

One can use a hoover to remove the sacs, but it is advisable to take the bag outside once the task is completed.


What Does a Sac Spider Look Like?

Sac Spider Bite
Picture of a Sac Spider

These spiders are occasionally called “yellow sac spiders” and are typically pale yellow in hue, sometimes exhibiting a slight greenish tint.

Like many other spiders, sac spiders generally avoid interacting with humans and usually enter indoor spaces unintentionally.

The sac spider is frequently encountered in residential settings and is frequently misidentified as the brown recluse due to their similar body shape.

However, the sac spider can be distinguished from the brown recluse by the absence of the distinctive “fiddle” pattern on its body.

Sac spiders generally exhibit a preference for consuming a diverse range of spider species, as well as other insects commonly found in gardens.


Read also: Yellow Sac Spider Control: How To Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders


What is the Behaviour of the Sac Spider?

Sac spiders are predatory spiders that utilise their silk sac solely for shelter or for containing their egg capsules.

These creatures exhibit nocturnal behaviour, actively seeking prey during nighttime hours, primarily targeting other insects.

The bite of a commonly encountered sac spider may be mistakenly identified as a bite from a brown recluse spider. Injuries progress comparably, albeit with significantly reduced severity.

While the sac spider bite may cause discomfort, it typically does not have significant medical implications, except for individuals with allergies.

The symptoms associated with reactions, such as swelling, delayed healing, and the presence of ulcerated sores surrounding the bite area, are sufficiently similar to cause confusion.

In the event that you have a suspicion of being bitten by a spider, it is advisable to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or become more severe.


Where Does a Sac Spider Live?

Sac spiders can be observed in outdoor environments such as gardens, where they can be found under vegetation, bark, in rolled leaves, and organic debris.

Sac spiders are frequently transported in agricultural commodities like grapes and can enter residential premises through produce.

During the autumn season, it is frequently observed that these arachnids tend to appear indoors as they start to search for heat due to the decreasing temperatures outside.

Sac spiders possess the ability to effortlessly scale smooth surfaces and tend to build silk-based shelters resembling sacs at the junctions of walls or ceilings.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Sacs Spider in 4 Easy Steps


What are the Signs of a Sac Spider Bite?

The bite of a Sac spider initially causes little or no pain. However, if pain is felt, it is typically a sharp burning sensation. Since most bites occur during the night while the person is asleep, the symptoms are usually noticed later.

These symptoms typically appear around 2-8 hours after the bite. The bite is characterised by two small yellow-green spots that are 4-8mm apart, indicating the locations where the fangs entered the skin.

The presence of these marks, located beneath the skin and characterised by a wide opening, can be used to diagnose envenomation caused by Cheiracanthium spiders. These marks are only observable within the initial 24-hour period.

Following a duration of 4 to 8 hours, the region undergoes inflammation, characterised by symptoms such as redness (erythema), swelling (oedema), and pain.

A bull’s eye lesion, characterised by a central haemorrhagic vesicle, has the potential to form. After approximately 4-5 days, the affected area sheds its damaged tissue, forming a non-uniform, circular, open sore with dead tissue, measuring up to 10 mm in width.

The wound is aseptic, has a limited duration, and initiates spontaneous healing after 10 days. However, in some instances, the healing process may extend for several months.

In extreme cases, a skin graft may be necessary. Certain patients may experience a slight increase in body temperature, general discomfort, and a headache within a period of 1 to 3 days.

This particular condition is occasionally misidentified as tick bite fever. Tick bite fever symptoms typically manifest after an incubation period of approximately 10 days.

At this point, the bite itself will have darkened in colour, and the surrounding area will exhibit signs of swelling and redness.


How To Treat Against a Sac Spider Bite?

The focus of treatment should be on preventing secondary infections. The sac spider bite is considered to be free from bacteria, and antibiotics are only necessary if an infection develops.

However, using an antibacterial cream and covering the sac spider bite with gauze can help prevent secondary infections.

There is no need for antivenom or anti-tetanus injection. Spider venom possesses an antibiotic property that effectively eradicates infections.

It is advised not to physically alter the bitten area or employ conventional remedies, as these actions may facilitate the dissemination of venom and potentially introduce infection. A doctor is typically necessary only in the event of a secondary infection.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders



Individuals who sustain a sac spider bite may encounter symptoms such as redness, swelling, and a burning sensation.

It has been suggested that applying hydrogen peroxide to the affected area and using an ice pack can help reduce swelling caused by a sac spider bite.

However, it is always advisable to consult a qualified professional for guidance on treatment options.

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