
Tordon RTU Herbicide: A How-To-Use Guide

It is not advised to use Tordon RTU herbicide to get rid of weeds. We advise using an herbicide that is labeled for the particular area being treated when weed control is necessary.


It may take up to two weeks for Tordon RTU to destroy vegetation. If there are no results after 7 to 10 days, please reapply.

Keep reading to discover more usage guides!


Description of the Tordon RTU Herbicide

Tordon RTU Herbicide
A Picture of the Tordon RTU Herbicide

This herbicide is ready to use and is sprayed as a cut-surface treatment. Tordon RTU does not require diluting or mixing with water or any other liquid because it is ready to use.

It is made with 2,4-D and picloram as its active ingredients, and it can be applied in a number of ways to manage trees. It can be used as a stump remover and applied via injection, frill, or girdle treatment.

This herbicide is effective against dogwood, hickory, cedar, and other difficult-to-control trees. For clearing trees that are encroaching on forest areas and harming other non-cropland areas, this herbicide is the best option.


Read also: How To Use Plateau Herbicide For Prairie Grass Management


How To Use Tordon RTU Herbicide

  • Follow the Tordon RTU Herbicide Label Instructions and Apply:

This herbicide can be applied in a variety of ways. One milliliter of this herbicide should be used for tree injection, and it should be injected every two to three inches between the injection sites, through the bark of the tree all the way around at ground level.

Use this herbicide to spray or paint the solution on the stump’s cambium, which is the area close to the bark, in order to kill tree stumps.

When applying frill or girdle treatments, you should use an ax to make a single, overlapping hack girdle or “frill” of cuts through the bark all the way around the tree. Next, apply enough paint, or Tordon RTU, to the damaged areas to ensure that they are moist.


Read also: How To Use the Sonora Herbicide


According to the Tordon RTU Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?

  • Non-cropland areas
  • Forest sites
  • Fence lines
  • Roadsides
  • Rights-of-way


When To use the Tordon RTU Herbicide

When a tree or tree stump needs to be removed from a specified area, this herbicide might be used.

Applications of treatment can be applied at any time of the year, but avoid treating maple trees when their sap is flowing in the spring.


What are the Target Pests of the Tordon RTU Herbicide?

  • Ailanthus
  • Alder
  • Aspen
  • Birch
  • Cedar
  • Cherry
  • Dogwood
  • Elm
  • Firs
  • Green Ash
  • Gums
  • Hawthorn
  • Hickory
  • Hornbeam
  • Maples
  • Oaks
  • Pecan
  • Persimmon
  • Serviceberry
  • Sourwood
  • Sweetbay


Read also: How To Use Finale XL T&O Herbicide


What is the Shelf Life According to the Tordon RTU Herbicide Label?

As long as it is stored in accordance with the product label, this herbicide can last up to one or two years. Tordon RTU should be kept in a dry, cold storage area.


Additional Product Information?

What are the Active Ingredients?
  • 5.4% Of Picloram
  • 20.9% Of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
What are the Possible Areas of Application? Outdoor
What Is the Chemical Type? Herbicide
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? No
Which Products Can Be Compared To This Product? Tricolpyr 4
Is It Safe To Use Around Children and Pets? Yes, it is safe to use around children and pets.
What Is Its Formulation? Ready-To-Use


Where To Buy Tordon RTU Herbicide?


Watch the Explanatory Video on How To Use the Tordon RTU Herbicide



It is not advised to use this herbicide to get rid of weeds. We advise using an herbicide that is labeled for the particular area being treated when weed control is necessary.

As a ready-to-use herbicide, Tordon RTU doesn’t need to be diluted or mixed.

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