It is not uncommon for people to hear the sounds of these creatures on their walls, floors, or ceilings. What do termites sound like? is one important question to note as those sounds may result from these pesky bugs.
It’s also possible that they don’t hear anything at all, but find their pets staring intently at something seemingly random, as if they, too, are hearing something that they aren’t.
What Do Termites Sound Like In Walls?
Head-banging is the termites’ loudest noise. Soldier termites make rattling noises by banging their heads against the walls of their tunnels when they feel threatened.
Their colonies are alerted to a potential threat by the vibrations created by these movements With their mouths, termites also generate clicking and rustling noises as they burrow through the wood.
Swarms of flying termites may also be heard buzzing around homes during the spring mating period.
What Are Common Termites Noise?
Read also: What Do Termite Eggs Look Like?
Buzzing Sounds:
The fact that certain termites have wings is something that is unknown to a great number of people. These termites come from colonies that are in danger of being overpopulated.
They go in swarms around the area in search of new colonies to establish. The winged ants that are alive and well today will evolve into the leaders and queens of future colonies.
The spring and summer months, when temperatures, humidity, and rainfall are at their highest, are the times of the year when you are most likely to encounter one of these.
Rustling Sounds When Eating:

Termites have powerful mandibles that they use to eat away at the wood, which is how they destroy it.
A rustling sound will be heard coming from the wood in your house that is being eaten away by termites. This is the result of a whole colony of termites moving around inside your walls and gnawing on the wood there.
Clicking Sounds From Head Banging:
Termites are able to communicate with one another and the rest of the colony by making a clicking sound.
They accomplish this by rapidly hitting the back of their heads against the wood. In most cases, they will do this in reaction to a potential threat in order to alert the remainder of the colony.
Termites are sensitive to the vibrations that are produced by banging, despite the fact that they are unable to hear audible sounds.
This head banging can be heard by us humans as a unique clicking coming from within our walls or timber. This clicking comes from within our walls or timber.
What Are Signs of Termite Infestation?
Read also: Can You Hear Termites Eating?
Termite Droppings:
Drywood Termites prefer not to have their tunnels blocked with feces. Visible evidence of an infestation is left behind when the frass is pushed out of the nest.
It’s possible that termites are infesting your home if you find little dark pellets that look a lot like coffee grounds.
Hollow Wood Sound:
When you tap on solid wood, it has a gratifying thud that comes back to you. If, on the other hand, your piece of wood is full of holes, you will notice that when you tap it, it has a very hollow sound.
If the wood fails the tap test, you should contact a pest management company as soon as possible because the wood’s structural integrity will have been significantly affected.
Fallen Wings:
This is the time of year when you have the best chance of actually seeing termites in your house if they are there.
If you find what appear to be flying termites but are actually little insects with long, translucent wings, you may have found alates. Finding the big wings, which are eventually lost by alates, is another indicator that you are dealing with an alate.
How Can Termites Sound Be Used To Find Infestation?
Termites can be seen tunneling through beams in the walls, floors, and ceilings of a structure. Because this results in the formation of a void, infested wood will produce a characteristic sound when it is struck with a hammer.
A well-trained professional who specializes in termite treatment may also find that making use of a regular stethoscope similar to the kind used by medical professionals is helpful in determining the locations of active termite colonies.
If a homeowner hears sounds and noises consistent with termites, they should not delay getting in touch with a professional pest treatment service because there is a good chance that they have substantial colonies of termites either within their homes or in the surrounding surroundings.
Read also: How Long Do Termites Live?
Related Top Pick: Do Termites Smell?
The decaying wood left behind by termites may also emit an unpleasant odor. It’s possible that termites have damaged the wood in a way that allows it to soak up water during a rain storm.
An unpleasant musty or mildewy smell may develop in the wood as it decays due to the conditions described above.
If you have any reason to believe that your house or property may be infested with termites, you should immediately contact a qualified professional who is familiar with the telltale indicators of termite activity and can assess the scope of the problem.