What Does a Field Mouse Look Like? Identification

A lot of people do mistake the field mouse for the house mouse, we came up with this info-field topic ‘what does a field mouse look like?’ To help identify what a field mouse looks like also provide all the facts you need to know about the field mouse.

As you keep reading, you get to know these facts and in the case of mice infestation, you will be able to know the right mice elimination methods to implement.


How Do I Identify a Field Mouse?

They are several characteristics used to identify the field mouse. Below is the list:

Scientific Identification:

The field mouse scientifically known as Mus musculus is a species of rodent that is modest in size and belongs to the order Rodentia. It is distinguished by its pointed muzzle, wide, rounded ears, and long, nearly hairless tail.

It is one of the species in the genus Mus that has the highest frequency of occurrence. Even though it is a wild animal, the field mouse has benefitted tremendously from its association with human civilization.

As a result, completely wild populations are substantially less prevalent than the semi-tame ones that are located close to human activity.


Read also: Field Mice vs House Mice | Differences and Similarities


Size and Weight:

Adult field mice have a body length of about 3–4 inches and a tail length of about 2–4 inches, measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. The weight is normally between 40 and 45 grams.

The ears and the tail contain a scant amount of fur. The length of the hind feet is only 916–34 inches in comparison to the length of the hind feet of Apodemus mice; the normal gait is a run with a stride of about 4.5 cm, despite the fact that they can jump vertically up to 45 cm.


Body Color:

The field mice and laboratory mice are produced in a wide variety of colors, ranging from white to champagne to black.

In the wild, the field mouse color range from gray to light brown to black, but fancy mice and laboratory mice are produced in a variety of colors. They have short hair, and some subspecies, but not all, have a lighter belly color than others.


Read also: Field Mouse Vs House Mouse: Facts, Similarities, and Differences



The field mouse is able to thrive in many different environments; you can find them in and around homes and business buildings, as well as in open fields and agricultural grounds.

Upon careful inspection, newborn boys and females can be differentiated from one another due to the fact that the anogenital distance in males is approximately twice as long as that in females.

The tail, which is utilized for balance, has only a thin covering of hair because it is the principal peripheral organ of heat loss in thermoregulation.



The field mouse is a mammal that belongs to the Glires clade, which means that, in addition to lagomorphs, treeshrews, flying lemurs, and other primates, they are among the closest relatives of humans. The field mouse is not a primate.

Some people are increasingly treating the three commonly recognized subspecies as though they were entirely separate species:

  • Mus musculus castaneus, sometimes known as the southeastern Asian field mouse found in Southern and Southeastern Asia.
  • Western European house mouse, also known as Mus musculus domesticus; this species comprises both the laboratory mouse and the fancy mouse mostly found in South America, Africa, Western Europe, North America, and Oceania.
  • The common house mouse, Mus musculus, is native to Eastern Europe.


Read also: 20 Effective Ways on How to Keep Mice Away From Your Bed


Behavior and Habitat:

The field mouse are nocturnal or crepuscular in their behavior, and they avoid being exposed to intense light. It has been estimated that a field mouse kept in captivity will sleep for an average of 12.5 hours every day.

They make their homes in a wide variety of secretive locations close to supplies of food, and they build their nests out of a wide variety of materials that are soft.

The field mouse is a territorial creature, and in most cases, there is one dominant male that resides with numerous females and their progeny. Dominant males show mutual respect for one another’s territories and will typically only enter the territory of another dominant male if there is space available.

If two or more males of the same species are confined in the same enclosure, they will likely fight with one another unless they had been nurtured together from infancy.



A field mouse that lives in houses consume mostly plant materials, but they will eat almost anything. They do this in order to obtain the nutrients that are created by bacteria that live in their intestines, and they do it by eating their own feces.


Reproduction and Sound:

When mating, the male is smelling and following the female, and the calls are at their most frequent; nevertheless, the cries continue after mating has commenced, at which time the noises are concurrent with mounting behavior.

The Pheromones produced by females have the ability to coax males into making these sounds. The complexity of the vocalizations has led many to compare them to the songs of various birds due to the fact that they appear to vary from individual to individual.

Although females are capable of producing ultrasonic cries, they normally do not do so during the mating behavior of the species. In female mice, the process of copulation results in the development of a mating plug, which blocks subsequent attempts at reproduction.

Initiation of pregnancy can take place even in the absence of the plug, therefore its presence is not required for this process to take place. The size of the litter will not be affected either by the presence or absence of the plug.

This plug will remain in place for approximately 24 hours. The gestation cycle lasts between 19 and 21 days, and females typically give birth to anywhere from 3 to 14 offspring on an average of 6 to 8.

A single female field mouse can have anywhere from 5 to 10 litter in a single year, the mouse population can grow quite rapidly. Breeding can take place at any time of the year.



Mice found in homes have been known to spread disease, contaminate food, and chew through food packaging, in addition to posing a health risk.

Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have compiled a list of diseases that can be passed on by rodents, the field mouse is only responsible for the transmission of a small percentage of those diseases.

Even though the majority of cases of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) in humans are mild and are frequently not identified, the disease can be transmitted by the field mouse. However, this does not mean that it is a regularly reported illness in people.

There is a level of caution associated with the idea that pregnant women should avoid contracting lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV).

They have fewer flea infestations than rats do because the fleas that field mice normally carry exhibit little tendency to bite humans rather than their natural host. The field mice are not typically considered to be a vector for the bubonic plague.

The disease known as rickettsialpox, which is strikingly similar to chickenpox and is caused by the bacteria Rickettsia Akari and is spread by mice in general, is extremely uncommon, normally mild, and clears up within two to three weeks if it is not treated.

To our knowledge, the sickness has not been responsible for anyone’s death. The disease known as murine typhus, which is also known as endemic typhus, is brought on by the bacteria Rickettsia typhi and is spread by the fleas that live on rats.

Fleas on cats and mice are less prevalent means of transmission than fleas on rats, which are the most common vectors. Rat fleas are the most common vectors.


How Long Does a Field Mouse Live?

The average lifespan of a field mouse in the wild is less than one year due to the high amount of predation and exposure to harsh surroundings that they face. They do, however, have a life expectancy of two to three years when kept in protected conditions.


Movement: Does a Field Mouse Run and Jump?

The field mouse will run, stroll, jump or stand on all fours most of the time, but when they eat, fight, or try to orient themselves, they rear up on their hind legs with additional support from the tail.

This activity is known as “tripoding.” The field mouse is adept at jumping, climbing, and swimming. They are also thought to be thigmotactic, which means that they typically want to keep in contact with vertical surfaces.


What Does a Field Mouse look Like?

The underbelly of field mice is covered with white hairs that reach back behind their tail, and they are gray or tawny in color. They also have lighter-colored or whiter feet. The field mouse has a short, fine-haired tail that is about the same length as its body.


Pictures of a Field Mouse

what does a field mouse look like

what does a field mouse look like


Where Do Field Mouse Live?

It is common for a field mouse to burrow and nest in settings like fields, farmland, and tall grasslands, as well as tree stumps, tree limbs, and dense vegetation. Climbing is no problem for these little rodents. They’ll use the opportunity to build nests if they can get into your house, attic, cellar, barn, garage, or shed.


Why Do I have a Field Mouse Infestation in My Yard?

In the fall, when the weather cools down, or when their outside nesting places are disrupted during harvest, field mice become a nuisance for homes. For the most part, field mice get access to houses via the roof, chimney, and cracks or crevices around or beneath exterior doors and windows.


How Long Can Field Mouse Survive Without Food?

Field mice, like most mouse species, require a lot of food in order to survive. They can digest food quickly because they acquire moisture from it.

For the most part, a field mouse can survive for three to four days without nourishment. It can, however, go roughly a month without drinking water.


Is Field Mouse Deadly to Humans and Pets?

Humans are shunned by most mouse species, including field mice but in most cases, pets like cats and dogs will prefer to chase them. They are also rarely deadly to humans and pets.

However, if a field mouse feels threatened or is cornered, it may attack pets and people. However, field mouse bites are typically not life-threatening and can be treated quickly. In addition, filed mice are not known to be infected with the rabies virus.

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