How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders

There are several ways on how to get rid of yellow sac spiders, these spiders are normally known to be beneficial spiders. Not only do they hunt insects, but they’ll also hunt down larger more threatening spiders.

However, yellow sac spiders are not hesitant to bite humans, when we disturb them. They become nuisance pests.

In this article, we are discussing how to identify and get rid of yellow sac spiders, so you can keep these pests outside of your home.


What are Yellow Sac Spiders?

Scientifically, yellow sac spiders are also known as Cheiracanthium. The yellow sac spiders belong to a genus of araneomorph spiders in the family Cheiracanthiidae.

Yellow sac spiders are pale in color and have an abdomen ranging from beige to yellow. Both male and female yellow sac spiders are 5 to 10 millimeters (0.20 to 0.39 inches) in size.


Read also: Yellow Garden Spider; Fact, Identification, Behavior & Control


Where does Yellow Sac Spider Live?

These spiders build nests in gardens when fall and winter come, they find their way inside our homes. Some homeowners have even been unfortunate enough to find them in clothing, but not before suffering a painful bite from this Predator. 


Read also: The Most Dangerous Spider in the World with Pictures


How to Identify Yellow Sac Spider

What you should do first when planning any pest control strategy is identifying what exactly you’re dealing with.

Carelessness and improper identification can lead to wrong treatment methods and this will cost you time and money.

Yellow sac spiders are small pests growing to be about a ¼ an inch in body length. If you include its legs, then it’s about 1 inch.

These spiders are named yellow sac spiders, they can often not be yellow in body color. Some of these spiders can appear very pale or even brown, or lime green in some cases.

The cephalothorax is often a darker shade than the rest of the spider’s body, there’s often a dark stripe running down the middle of the abdomen.

Although this may not be so apparent in every spider. And the tip of the legs is often a darker shade than the rest of the leg.

Yellow sex spiders are often confused with brown recluse spiders, especially when someone is bitten. And despite her in question, they remain unseen, visually.


Picture of Yellow Sac Spider

How to get rid of yellow sac spider


Yellow Sac Spider’s Bite

Brown recluse spiders are about the same size as yellows sac spiders. However, these spiders are guaranteed to be brown recluse spiders are identified by their violence-shaped marks on their cephalothorax.

If you’ve been bitten by a dangerous spider like the brown recluse or you can’t identify the spider that bit you.

You should immediately seek medical attention, but know that a yellow sac spider’s bite is much milder than a brown recluse spider, or even a hobo spiders bite.

The bite is still painful and toxic, the bite spot will swell with a possibility of blistering but recovery usually occurs within several hours.


Inspecting for Yellow Sac Spider Infestation

Inspection is the next attempt of any good pest control strategy. Once you know what your pests look like, check around your property to confirm their presence, habitat, or activity.

What do Yellow Sac Spider Live?

Check outdoors around your property for yellow sac spiders, typically, these spiders live in gardens and underneath the debris.

What does Yellow Sac Spider Eat?

The yellow sac spiders hunt their prey. They don’t build webs like other spiders instead they build sleep sacks, wherever they nest.

These spiders tend to stay near their sleep segment on the hunt. And they also use it to house their egg sacs.

Yellow Sac Spider Eggs

Yellow sex spider egg sacs look like a cluster of about 30 to 40 individuals spherical eggs, loosely held together with a thin layer of silk.


Yellow Sac Spider Infestation

The yellow sac spider begins infestation mostly during the fall and winter months. Typically, they invade outdoors during the winter since they will be seeking damp habitat.

During the warmer months, they invade indoors, yellow sac spiders will inhibit many rooms establishing a sleep sack along the edges, or corners of a room.

You may want to prioritize searching rooms that have high moisture and are seldom visited since other pests are food sources to these spiders.

They invade structures that are attracted to these pests, check underneath and around any clutter or furniture since these are common hiding places for spiders and many other pests.


How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders

After identifying, your pests and inspecting for activity on your property. It’s time to start treatment before starting any treatment;

Note: Always ensure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE and remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry before applying chemical treatment.


Product Required for Yellow Sac Spider Elimination

They are several effective pest control product used to get rid of yellow sac spider, in the case, we will focus on insecticides produced mainly for this spider. Below are the products:


Using Bifenthrin-based Liquid Insecticide Concentrate

We recommend you use a bifenthrin-based liquid insecticide concentrate, when applied properly the bifenthrin will leave a long-lasting residual that will control a wide variety of pests first.


How to Apply Bifenthrin Liquid Insecticide Outdoors

  • Apply the product as a perimeter treatment around your home for a bifenthrin product with a concentration of 7.9 percent active ingredient.
  • You’ll mix the solution at a rate of 0.33 fluid ounces to 1 whole fluid ounce of product per 1 gallon of water.
  • Use the higher amount if you’re dealing with a heavy pest infestation.
  • Apply with a 1-gallon handheld pump sprayer since it makes both mixing and applying the product quick and simple to mix your solution.
  • Proceed by filling your sprayer halfway with water.
  • Add your measured amount of product into the sprayer. Then add the remaining water up to the 1-gallon line.
  • Close the sprayer and shake to ensure even distribution.
  • Pump the sprayer a few times to produce a low-pressure spray to apply your solution as a parameter application.
  • Just sprayer along your home’s outer perimeter.
  • Spray 3 feet up the structure and 3 feet outs.


How to Apply Bifenthrin Liquid Insecticide Indoors

  • Apply your solution indoors, treat entry points like doors and windows, and we’re pests may be hiding.
  • Pay close attention to cracks and crevices, this includes baseboards closets around water, pipes, and behind, and underneath appliances.
  • You’ll also want to treat in attics, basements, and garages.
  • If you encounter any spiders while applying the solution, you may spray them directly as residual effects from insecticides have little effect on spiders.
  • Anyway when complete allow the solution to dry.

The product will leave behind a residual that lasts for up to 90 days and will control. Many pests are vulnerable to bifenthrin that makes contact with, the residual will have their nervous system impacted eventually dying in several hours.

After you’ve finished applying the bifenthrin solution, any future encounters with spiders can be controlled with the contact spray, like pyrid aerosol.


Using Pyrid Aerosol

Pyrid is a ready-to-use botanical insecticide that is made with pyrethrins and pimpernel butoxide or PPO. Simply shake, aim, and spray pirate onto the spider.

Just like bifenthrin, this product will impact the pest’s nervous system logging it down immediately and killing it within minutes after chemical treatment. We suggest you set up glue traps to monitor for any further activity.


How to Prevent Yellow Sac Spider Returning

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check, even after you’ve applied pesticides, the best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can’t happen.

To stop yellow sac spiders from invading your home. You’ll need to:

  • Seal and close any potential entry points found during your inspection, fix cracks and crevices.
  • Fill all holes with caulk while larger voids may need to be stuffed with copper mesh.
  • Repair any torn screens or a fixed brush or rubber seals on two doors and windows.
  • Clean and pick up clutter inside and outside your property.
  • Ensure that spiders have nowhere to establish themselves on your property, forcing them to seek shelter elsewhere.
  • Pick up any debris on the ground and rig leaf litter away from your lawn, keep firewood properly.
  • Stack wood logs as far away from your home as possible.
  • Indoors, pick up and remove storage items, bins boxes, and other clutter in order to prevent these spiders from establishing habitat.

Finally, keep up with time to Applications of your bifenthrin-based insecticide when applying a product with 7.9% bifenthrin with the previously used mix rate.

It will leave a powerful residual that will last for up to 90 days. We recommend you spray quarterly to keep pests away for a year-long while.



Yellow sac spiders are normally beneficial, they can pose a danger when they establish nests in or near our homes.

Following the DIY guide on how to get rid of yellow sac spiders, we are always available to bring you effective methods to deal with your pest problems. What are your secrets to keeping your property safe from spiders?

Speak with us or let me know down the comment, do well to share with friends as we care about ensuring a pest-free environment

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