5 Frugal Habits To Help Cover Pet Expenses | Pestclue

5 Frugal Habits to Help Cover Pet Expenses

Do you know there are 5 frugal habits to help cover pet expenses? Pets are an important part of any family but can also be expensive.

If you’re not careful about how much you spend on your pet, the cost of getting and caring for a pet—or more than one pet— could outweigh any benefits.

Fortunately, there are ways to cover these expenses without breaking the bank or sacrificing quality care for your beloved animal friend.


5 Frugal Habits to Help Cover Pet Expenses

Below are 5 frugal habits to help cover pet expenses you can adopt to make owning and caring for a pet easier on the pocket.

5 Frugal Habits To Help Cover Pet Expenses


1. Adopt a pet from a shelter instead of buying

Adopting a pet from a shelter is a great way to save money. Buying a pet from a breeder can be very expensive, especially if you want a popular pet breed, like Labradors or golden retrievers.

Buying a high-pedigree pet, like a dog, can be expensive because of the breeding process, and the cost of maintaining them is high.

In contrast, pet adoption from a shelter may prove less expensive than purchasing one directly from their breeder.

Shelters are often overcrowded and have limited resources for caring for animals that don’t find homes quickly enough; however, some shelters offer reduced rates on companion animals—so make sure to ask before committing.


2. Ask your vet about payment options

If your vet offers payment plans, ask for one tailored to your pet’s specific care needs. For example, if you’re paying for routine vaccinations and tests but want to save up for dental care down the road, ask your vet if there are ways that would make sense for you and your budget—and make sure it’s something that won’t invalidate coverage later on.

Additionally, consider your financing options. Some veterinarians offer in-house financing against payments made aftercare services.

This can help if you don’t have ready cash available each month to cover these expenses without having any out-of-pocket costs attached (or interest).


3. Save on food

Here are some key things you can do to save on pet food:

  • Buy pet food in bulk: If you buy your pet food at the store, buy it in bulk to get the best value for money.
  • Get a subscription plan: Many pet food companies offer subscriptions where they send out an ongoing shipment of their products every month or so (or once per week). Take advantage of this to ensure you save money by not having to replenish your supply constantly.
  • Make pet food at home: Making homemade meals is fun for owners and pets because it fosters bonding over something delicious while saving time and money on food costs. Making cat food at home is also great for cat owners because cats get bored with the same old brand-name food products and prefer a wider variety of grub.


4. Groom your pet at home

If you want to groom your pet at home, don’t be intimidated by the thought of doing it. It’s not that hard and can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Groomers always look for more clients and will charge more if you want them to do something extra for your pet. That is where YouTube tutorials come in handy. Many videos on grooming your dog or cat show what tools and products you may need and how to use them.

You can also find online tutorials on pet grooming that show step-by-step instructions on how they did their grooming session at home without breaking the bank. As a pointer, give your furry friend treats after each grooming session to ensure your pet associates the process with treats and fun.


5. Use a personal loan to cover emergency expenses without insurance

Pet insurance policies cover only a certain amount of money and don’t consider what your pet might need or how much you may need in emergencies. For example, if your pet can walk independently but has an injury that makes that difficult, most insurance won’t cover this type unless it’s severe enough. At this point, they will want proof that there was no other way.

Instead of using insurance as a crutch, especially if your policy doesn’t cover those things, consider applying for a personal loan to cover emergency expenses. Personal loans have lower monthly payments —compared to credit card debt— making them an ideal option for a pet emergency.



Pet ownership can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. With these 5 frugal habits to help cover pet Expenses, you can save money on pet care by taking a few simple steps and still provide your best friend with the care it deserves.


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