Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer When administered according to the directions on the product label, fertilizer is safe to use around children and pets.
When using or handling this product, wear the appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) whenever possible.
For lush, healthy grass and lawns, apply Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer three times during the summer, every two months.
Keep reading to find out more about this product.
Description of the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer

Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer for lawns and grass that withstand hot, muggy summers is an efficient fertilizer.
This slow-release granule is ideal for use with Bermudagrass or St. Augustine. An additional micronutrient package is also added to the fertilizer.
The micronutrient package encourages lush, green grass without encouraging overgrowth, allowing you to enjoy your lawn for longer between mows.
With no chance of burns, Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 is the ideal product to include in your summertime lawn care regimen.
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How To Use the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer
- Follow the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer Label Instructions and Apply:
One to two days prior to application, prepare your lawn by cutting it to its typical height and giving it a good watering at least one day in advance.
By keeping your grass mowed, you can create a less dense treatment area, which will make it easier for the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer to get to the soil.
By watering your soil, you can prevent it from drying out during treatment, which would reduce the product’s efficiency.
Determine the square footage of the treatment areas to determine how much Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer you will need to use.
Multiply the area’s length by breadth to get this. The product label specifies that you should apply 5 pounds of product for every 1,000 square feet of treated area.
Spread the appropriate amount of Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer onto your spreader when it’s ready to apply. Ensure that the grass is completely dry before applying.
Distribute your product evenly across the entire treatment area. Distribute half of your granules using a push spreader in parallel lines throughout your space once, and then distribute the remaining half at an angle perpendicular to cover the entire surface.
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When To Use the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer
When your grass is vigorously growing, this is the ideal time to apply the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer.
This will vary depending on the type of grass that is on your lawn and the area in which you reside. Generally speaking, this product should be applied no later than the end of August and no earlier than March.
Where To Use the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer
- Southern Lawns (where it is hot and humid)
- Southern Turf (where it is hot and humid)
- Golf courses
- Sport fields
What are the Target Pest of the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer?
- Annual Yellow Sweetclover
- Aster
- Black-eyed Susan
- Black Medic
- Broadleaf Plantain
- Bull Thistle
- Burning Nettle
- Buttonweed
- Carolina Geranium
- Common Chickweed
- Mouseear Chickweed
- Crimson Clover
- Sweet Clover
- White Clover
- Cocklebur
- Common Mullein
- Creeping Jenny
- Curlydock
- Dandelion
- Dichondra
- Dollarweed
- Florida Pusley
- Ground Ivy
- Henbit
- Horsenettle
- Lambsquarters
- Morningglory
- Mustard
- Nettle
- Oxalis
- Plantain
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Prostrate Knotweed
- Prostrate Pigweed
- Prostrate Spurge
- Prostrate Vervain
- Common Purslane
- Russian Thistle
- Sheep Sorrel
- Sowthistle
- Spotted Spurge
- Stinging Nettle
- Thistle
- Virginia Buttonweed
- Virgina Creeper
- Wavyleaf Bullthistle
- Wild Aster
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Garlic
- Wild Geranium
- Wild Onion
- Wild Radish
- Wild Strawberry
- Wild Vetch
- Yarrow
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What is the Shelf Life According to the Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer Label?
The Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer can be kept for three years in a dry place until needed.
Additional Product Information?
What are the Active Ingredients? |
What are the Possible Areas of Application? | Outdoors |
What Is the Product Type? | Fertilizer |
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? | No |
Which Products Can Be Compared To This Product? | Nitro-Phos Superturf 19-4-10 Fertilizer |
Is It Safe To Use Around Children and Pets? | Yes, it is safe to use around children and pets. |
What Is Its Formulation? | Granular |
Where To Buy Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer
Granular Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer is full of vital nutrients that keep turf and lawns robust and healthy during the summer heat. Southern lawns are particularly well-suited for this fertilizer.
Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer Because contains too much nitrogen, it is not appropriate for newly planted sod or grow-in plants.
Thank you for reading!