If you guessed the king of the air to be number one on the list of animals that start with E then you guessed right. But the second animal is one that we presume you have never heard of.
Through research and studious nights, we have listed in this article the top 5 animals that start with E, beginning with the king of the air, the eagle.
In this article, you will find that the animal you expected to be in the top 5 of animals that start with E wouldn’t even be mentioned as there are many before it.
What are the Top 5 Animals That Start With E?
1. Eagle:
![Animals That Start With E [Top 5] In The World 1 Animals That Start With E](https://pestclue.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
The eagle is one of the largest birds, with only a few condors and vultures being comparable in size.
The largest known species of eagles, such as the harpy eagle and Steller’s sea eagle, have a weight of up to 20 pounds and a wingspan of approximately 7 to 8 feet, measured from one wingtip to the other.
On average, females are typically larger than males, although the exact reasons for this disparity remain uncertain. One possible explanation is that a larger female size may serve to safeguard the offspring in the absence of the male.
Apart from their size, eagles are also characterised by their large beaks, which have a downward-sloping point, and four prominent talons on each foot.
In addition, these organisms possess small projections known as “spicules” on their feet, which aid in capturing prey.
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Where is the Habitat of Eagles?
These avian species are distributed globally, inhabiting a wide range of habitats spanning from the frigid northern tundra to lush tropical rainforests and arid deserts.
There are only two species, namely the bald eagle and golden eagle, that are commonly found in North America. On the other hand, nine species are exclusive to Central and South America.
The Eastern Hemisphere harbours the highest density of these, especially in the continent of Africa. Numerous islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans possess unique species.
What Makes Up the Diet of Eagles?
These avian species are considered top-level predators in all ecosystems in which they reside. This is evident in their anatomy, as birds possess sharp beaks and talons that are specifically adapted for tearing and ripping flesh.
Additionally, it does not hesitate to scavenge for food that has been abandoned or preyed upon by other animals.
2. Eagle Ray:
![Animals That Start With E [Top 5] In The World 2 Animals That Start With E](https://pestclue.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
The physical characteristics of these organisms vary slightly based on the specific species, yet they all possess a broad and flat body accompanied by a lengthy tail.
The fish exhibit substantial growth, reaching an average length of approximately 6 feet, which encompasses their tail.
However, the lengths of these fish can range from 2 to 15 feet, with the spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) being the largest species.
In general, males tend to be smaller than females. The wingspan of these creatures typically ranges from 5 to 9 feet.
The fins of these fish are characterised by triangular corners, which sets them apart from other stingrays and manta rays within their family.
Eagle rays possess distinct fins that enable them to thrive in both deep water and near the surface, distinguishing them from other large fish.
Eagle rays possess a rhombus-like body shape, which is accompanied by wide fins.
The mouths of these organisms possess a rounded shape and protrude outward, enabling them to capture and perceive their prey located on the seafloor.
The length of the tails is approximately two to three times greater than the length of their entire body.
The jaws of these creatures are equipped with flat teeth that are well-suited for crushing and grinding the shells of their prey. Various species exhibit distinct patterns and colours on their bodies.
The backs of the patterns can be blue, black, or grey. Certain individuals exhibit a uniform coloration, whereas others possess distinct patterns, akin to the distinctive nature of human fingerprints.
Where is the Habitat of the Eagle Ray?
Eagle rays are well adapted to the warm tropical waters found in the Pacific and Indian oceans.
Most benthic fish typically inhabit the depths of water bodies, whereas these particular fish reside in shallower regions, ranging from the water’s surface to depths of up to 100 feet.
These organisms primarily allocate a significant portion of their time to swimming near the sandy ocean floor, where they engage in the consumption of small marine organisms. Shallow coral reefs are also a habitat where they can be found.
What Makes Up the Diet of the Eagle Ray?
Eagle rays are piscivorous marine creatures that primarily consume molluscs and crustaceans found on the seabed.
These organisms have a broad diet, consuming various types of marine life including prawns, oysters, clams, and sea urchins.
These animals employ their elongated snout to forage for sustenance and their wide teeth to pulverise the rigid exoskeletons of their prey.
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3. Eared Grebe:
![Animals That Start With E [Top 5] In The World 3 Animals That Start With E](https://pestclue.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
The typical length of eared grebes ranges from 11 to 13 inches, with an average weight between 9.3 and 15.9 ounces. The wingspan ranges from 20.5 inches to 21.6 inches.
Eared grebes are characterised by their red eyes and a short, thin black bill. The black-necked grebe is known by its other common name due to its blackish-brown head, neck, breast, and upper wings during the breeding season.
Furthermore, these birds develop a fan of feathers in an ochre colour on their head that stretches from behind the eye to beyond the ear coverts.
The sides of the body display a maroon-chestnut or tawny hue, whereas the undersides of the wings and the lower part of the body exhibit a white colouration.
Where is the Habitat of the Eared Grebe?
Eared grebes are distributed across Europe, Asia, North America, and certain regions of Africa. Some individuals also reproduce in restricted regions in the northern portion of South America.
Eared grebes engage in breeding activities within freshwater lakes and ponds that possess a sufficient quantity of emergent vegetation.
Following the conclusion of the breeding season, these organisms undertake a migration to designated locations referred to as “staging areas” to undergo the moulting process.
The staging areas comprise saline lakes that typically harbour significant populations of brine shrimp.
Following the moulting process, these birds proceed to migrate towards coastal marine estuaries or saline lakes to spend the winter season.
What Makes Up the Diet of the Eared Grebe?
Similar to other grebes, eared grebes are carnivorous creatures that opportunistically consume aquatic prey that can be accommodated within their mouths. Nevertheless, they exhibit a certain degree of preference for certain types of prey.
The avian species typically engage in hunting activities targeting larger prey such as molluscs, crustaceans, fish, frogs, and tadpoles through the method of diving into bodies of water.
The duration of their submersion can extend up to 30 seconds, although the majority of dives typically endure for only 15 seconds.
Besides engaging in diving, they also engage in hunting by capturing insects that are either airborne or aquatic, found on the surface of the water.
Eared grebes mainly rely on brine shrimp as their primary food source in saline lakes during the moulting stage. Prey is usually consumed in its entirety, which may result in digestive complications.
Consequently, both adult and juvenile birds consume their feathers, forming a mass in the stomach that acts as a filter to remove undigested substances. These substances are later expelled as pellets.
4. Earless Monitor Lizard:
![Animals That Start With E [Top 5] In The World 4 Animals That Start With E](https://pestclue.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
When considering monitor lizards, one often associates them with large and robust creatures such as the Komodo dragon.
These lizards can reach lengths exceeding 8 feet and weigh between 200 and 300 pounds. Monitor lizards exhibit significant variation in size, with the earless monitor lizard being relatively small.
On average, the total length of this object is approximately 16 inches, and it weighs around 2 to 4 ounces.
The lizards exhibit a uniform, dark orange-brown hue, complemented by a lighter shade on their undersides. Sexual dimorphism is observed in lizards, where males exhibit distinct physical differences compared to females.
These differences include larger sizes around the base of the tail and wider heads. On average, males tend to be slightly larger than females.
Where is the Habitat of the Earless Monitor Lizard?
The earless monitor lizards are exclusively found in a singular location on Earth, specifically the equatorial island of Borneo situated in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.
Borneo, the third largest island globally, is currently claimed by three nations. Indonesia is located in the southern region, while Malaysia occupies the northern and northwest areas.
The nation of Brunei, located within the borders of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, declared its independence in the year 1984. The lizard is considered a protected species in all three countries.
Borneo is home to a diverse rainforest ecosystem, characterised by abundant rivers and mountains.
The island harbours a diverse array of plant and animal species, such as the Malayan tiger, orangutans, king cobras, and the clouded leopard.
What Makes Up the Diet of the Earless Monitor Lizard?
The preferred food source of this carnivorous reptile seems to be crustaceans, which they capture in the streams found in their lowland habitat.
These creatures possess exceptional swimming skills and can capture crustaceans, small fish, and frogs while submerged in water.
The earless monitor, when held in confinement, has been observed consuming various food sources such as eggs, frog meat, crustaceans, and other small pieces of meat.
The feeding behaviour of captive individuals has been documented, where they consume small frogs both on the surface of muddy soil and underwater.
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5. Earthworm:
![Animals That Start With E [Top 5] In The World 5 Animals That Start With E](https://pestclue.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
When observed under a magnifying glass, it can be observed that the segments of the object, except for the front and back, are adorned with rows of small hairs known as setae.
These structures assist in stabilising the animal during locomotion and provide stability during the mating process. The number of body segments possessed by a worm is contingent upon its specific species.
The mouth is safeguarded against the intake of undesired soil through a protective flap known as a prostomium. The prostomium aids in the worm’s perception and spatial awareness.
Certain types of worms utilise a specific anatomical feature to firmly grasp onto plants and subsequently transport them into their underground dwelling for consumption.
The worm lacks teeth but possesses a robust muscular mouth that aids in propelling food into its digestive system.
Earthworms do not possess auditory or visual organs, yet they are capable of perceiving and responding to their surroundings.
Organisms possess the ability to perceive light through specialised structures known as the Light cells of Hess, as well as receptors that enable them to detect vibrations, touch, taste, and smell.
Where is the Habitat of the Earthworm?
These animals inhabit warm, dark, and moist environments. The potential sources of organic matter include soil, decaying plant material, and compost.
These organisms are distributed globally, with certain species exhibiting invasive tendencies. Despite the preference of earthworms for warm and moist environments, they exhibit a dislike for excessively high temperatures.
The number of them is lower in tropical climates compared to temperate zones. Optimal performance is observed within a temperature range of 59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
What Makes Up the Diet of the Earthworm?
These animals are considered omnivorous because they consume both plant and animal matter. In essence, these organisms consume the substances present in their surroundings, such as soil, manure, or decomposing plant matter.
The digestive system of the organism in question is characterised by its simplicity. The digestive tract in humans is a linear passage extending from the oral cavity to the rectum, lacking the twists, turns, or convolutions observed in other organisms.
After the process of digestion, the remaining substance is excreted in the form of small pellets known as castings.
Watch the Video Below For More Animals that Start with E:
The table below shows a summary of the top 5 animals that start with E as mentioned above:
1. | Eagle |
2. | Eagle Ray |
3. | Eared Grebe |
4. | Earless Monitor Lizard |
5. | Earthworm |
Now that you know the top 5 animals that start with E as well as their habitat and diet, do well to tap that share button so your friends will be informed as you are!
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