Baby Flamingo: Identification & Behaviour

The baby flamingo follows their parents around like little hawks. They watch the adults and learn how to behave in order to survive by imitating them.

Some of the most communicative creatures on Earth are flamingos. A flock can consist of as few as two birds or as many as tens of thousands of birds.

There’s little question that flamingo parents get lots of help raising their offspring. Do you want to find out more about the baby flamingo? keep reading fam!


How To Describe the Baby Flamingo

Instead of the brightly coloured feathers seen on adult flamingos, the baby flamingo sports the dull grey or white downy feathers typical of other birds their age.

The chick’s body temperature is kept stable by the down’s insulating properties. The flamingo baby is born with small, straight, and bright pink beaks.

There are no contrasting colour spots on the bill like there are on older birds. Their pink, plump, and hefty legs are a sight to behold.

After 48 hours, the swelling begins to go down. Seven to ten days after hatching, the beak and legs become completely black. The juvenile birds’ beak will begin to curl downward at around 11 weeks of age.


Read also: How Do I Identify Birds that Are Pink?


What Does the Flamingo Baby Look Like?

The embryo develops into an embryonic chick in around 27-31 days. The usual weight of the newborn is between 73 and 90 grams (2.5 and 3.2 ounces).

When first hatched, a flamingo chick is about the size of a tennis ball (with legs). In most cases, a female flamingo will only lay one big egg. The egg is larger than a large chicken egg and looks like a chalky white oval.

Their lengths vary between 78 and 49 millimetres and 90 and 55 millimetres, and their weights are between 115 and 140 grams.


What Does the Flamingo Baby Beak Look Like?

The flamingo is easily recognized by its bent beak, one of its most distinctive features. Flamingo chicks don’t automatically have this trait, which may come as a surprise to some.

Young flamingos, on the other hand, have shorter, more slender beaks. They couldn’t milk from their mothers if they were born with a curved beak, thus scientists believe this is an evolutionary characteristic.

Flamingos’ beaks gradually lengthen and alter in shape as they mature. When they are old enough to be weaned from their mothers’ milk, the young birds’ curved beaks match those of their parents’.

But have you ever considered the benefits to the flamingo family provided by the curved beak of the young bird? Come on, let’s go on an adventure!

Flamingos “filter feed” to maintain their robust health, as they subsist nearly entirely on tiny crustaceans and other aquatic creatures.

They achieve this by inverting their heads and scooping mud with their beaks. The animals then shake their heads from side to side to get rid of the mud and abandon their meal.

Flamingos would not be able to remove their prey from the muddy banks without the help of their bent beaks.


What is a Baby Flamingo Called?

Given that baby flamingos belong to the avian species, it is not unexpected that they are occasionally referred to as chicks.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that these diminutive avian creatures possess a distinctive appellation, namely “flaminglets.”


What is the Behaviour of the Baby Flamingo?

After an approximate duration of five days, the fledglings will vacate the nest and congregate with cohorts of juvenile flamingos, thereafter reuniting with their progenitors for the purpose of sustenance.

Parent birds possess the ability to discern the identity of their offspring through auditory cues, as vocalization takes place several hours prior to the chick’s emergence from the egg.

This vocal interaction develops a significant connection between the parents and the developing flamingo baby.


How Does the Baby Flamingo Eat?

Baby Flamingo
Picture of a Baby Flamingo Feeding From its Parent

In the avian species, it is seen that both parents engage in the process of regurgitating a specialized fluid known as “crop milk” into the mouths of their offspring.

The aforementioned practice is often carried out for a duration of four to six weeks, or until the point at which the beak of the baby flamingo has sufficiently matured to effectively process solid sustenance.

They may continue to get nourishment from their parents until they are around 10 to 12 weeks old, by which time the chicks are able to feed themselves.


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What Does the Flamingo  Baby Feed On?

The parents of a flamingo chick will feed it only “crop milk” at first. Crop milk is produced in the upper digestive tract lining by both parents.

Fat and protein content are both high and the milk’ is a vibrant red. It is a semisolid material that resembles pale yellow cottage cheese, rather than the liquid state of mammalian milk.


When Do Baby Flamingos Leave Their Nest?

Flamingo chicks often remain on the nest mound for between five and twelve days after hatching. When they are healthy and able to walk, usually after four to seven days, they will depart the nest.

Under its parents’ watchful eye, the chick will venture out of the nest to investigate its surroundings before making its way back to the nest for a meal.

The nest of a flamingo looks like a mud mound with a small opening on top. It can take as long as six weeks to complete and measure up to 30 centimetres in height.

The nest is built by the adult birds out of a variety of materials including mud, sticks, stones, and feathers.

The incubation period lasts between 27 and 31 days, during which time the male helps keep the egg warm while the female tends to the young.


When Do Baby Flamingos Leave Their Parents?

Baby Flamingo
Baby Flamingos are Often in Flocks

The adults gather the chicks into big groupings, called a crèche, at around the three-week mark after hatching. The young birds are raised by a small group of adults and are fed exclusively by their parents.

Within the safety of the flock, the young birds will begin to forage for food on their own. At around 10–12 weeks of age, baby flamingos take their first flight.


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Flamingo eggs are big, and the incubation period can last from 27 to 31 days. Their mud nests can be as tall as 12 inches! Therefore, flamingos tend to mate in the wet season when there is plenty of mud.

Once the nest is constructed, both the male and female flamingo will take turns roosting on the egg to keep it warm until the time comes for the hatchling to emerge.

If after reading this article you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us via the comments section provided below!



Do Flamingos Lose Their Pink When Raising Babies?

Baby Flamingo
Picture of a Parent that Has Lost Some of its Pink Colors

Flamingo chicks are nearly all white when they are hatched. Feathers acquire their distinctive rosy colouration after ingestion of mother’s milk.

When a flamingo chick is weaned from its mother’s milk, it transitions to a diet rich in pink alpha and beta carotenoid pigments to preserve its distinctive plumage.

The milk that a mother flamingo gives her chicks is a vibrant shade of red. Milk contains proteins taken directly from her body.

For the mother flamingo, what does this mean? The solution is straightforward: while she is breastfeeding, her feathers lose some of their color. Therefore, flamingos who are still nursing are less intelligent than their peers.


Can the Baby Flamingo Fly?

Around 11 weeks after hatching, juvenile flamingos get their flight feathers. Around the age of two or three months, they have the ability to fly.

Flamingo chicks don’t learn to fly from their parents; rather, they learn by trial and error.


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