Black Fly Control: DIY Steps For Effective Eradication

Studying black fly control is crucial due to the high activity of these pests during springtime, which pose potential harm to humans or livestock through their bites.

If you find yourself plagued by the presence of black flies, allow us to provide you with our expert pest control recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to efficiently eliminate these bothersome creatures.


Step 1: How To Identify the Black Fly

Black Fly Control
A Clear Image of the Black Fly For Easy Identification
  • The black fly, also known as the buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white socks, can be quite a nuisance. Our expert pest control team is equipped to handle any critter measuring between 2 and 6 millimetres in length.
    These pests come with short legs and captivating large eyes. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered!
  • The pest control expert has observed the presence of antennae and large wings.
    True to their name, black flies are predominantly black in colour, although it is worth noting that a small percentage may exhibit variations in colouration, such as yellow or orange hues.
  • While males acquire the majority of their sustenance from nectar, it is worth noting that a significant portion of flies derive their sustenance by consuming blood from livestock.
    Our esteemed female black fly, known for her remarkable reproductive capabilities, possesses the ability to deposit a staggering quantity of up to 500 eggs following a satisfying blood meal.
    These eggs, patiently awaiting their moment, will undergo the miraculous transformation into new life within a span ranging from a mere few days to a modest month.
    Females are the ones who will nibble on humans, livestock, and other creatures, as they need blood to lay eggs. Males, on the other hand, stick to sipping nectar.
  • Eggs are laid exclusively in flowing water, ensuring their safety as they consume bacteria and algae with the aid of silk particles.
    Black flies are most active during the daytime when wind speeds are low, as that is when they prefer to feed.
    Rest assured, areas inhabited by humans will remain free from the intrusion of flies in their quest for sustenance.
  • Pests tend to exhibit increased activity during the months of May and July.
  • Common areas targeted by these bothersome pests include the neck region, the area situated behind the ears, and the lower legs’ posterior region.
    Bites can cause significant discomfort, often resulting in swelling and itching.


Read also: Fungus Gnat Control: 4 Steps to Follow


Step 2: How To Inspect For Black Flies

Black flies, those pesky little critters, just love to make their homes and multiply in the vicinity of flowing water.

Our specialised expertise in pest control allows us to effectively address the egg-laying activity of pests in sites such as rivers and lake areas.

Rural properties in proximity to flowing water may experience heightened black fly activity compared to suburban residential areas, contingent upon the specific geographical conditions.

Please keep track of any running water sources that may be on or close to your property if you have experienced a black fly infestation.

Inspect high-traffic zones frequented by livestock, such as barns or pens. Female black flies, known for their blood-sucking tendencies, will indulge in a feast on the animal’s precious life force, while their male counterparts will be irresistibly drawn to the animal’s excretions.

Black flies tend to favour areas with running water as prime egg-laying spots. If you are currently experiencing the presence of black flies within your living quarters, it is possible that they have taken up residence in a nearby vicinity.

To ensure the well-being of your livestock, it is highly recommended to conduct a thorough examination of your animals for any signs of bite marks or wounds in the vicinity of their ears and mouths.

Fly bites are known to cause red, swollen welts on animals. Black flies, those pesky creatures, have a tendency to gather in large numbers and cause quite a nuisance for anything unfortunate enough to cross their path.


Step 3: How to Carry Out Black Fly Control

  • Measurement:

In order to effectively address your concern, it is essential to ascertain the precise square footage of the designated area prior to product application.

To effectively address your concern, we shall commence by multiplying the length and width of your area together, resulting in the square footage.

For outdoor applications of Flex 10-10, the recommended mixing rate is 6.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water, as per our pest control guidelines.

Our pest control solution is designed to effectively treat 1,000 square feet with just one gallon. To effectively address a 2,000-square-foot area, it is recommended to combine 12.8 ounces of Flex 10-10 with 2 gallons of water.

When utilising Flex 10-10 for your animals, the appropriate mixing rate shall be determined based on the level of fly infestation.

To effectively address typical circumstances, it is recommended to combine 4 teaspoons of Flex 10-10 with each gallon of water.

To effectively address severe conditions, it is recommended to combine 8 teaspoons of Flex 10-10 with one gallon of water.

  • Mixing:

Having obtained the necessary information regarding the quantity of product required for your treatment area, it is now time to commence the formulation of your solution.
Please ensure that your spray tank is filled halfway with water. Next, kindly introduce your preferred quantity of Flex 10-10 before proceeding to add the remaining half of the water.

Securely seal the container and vigorously shake it.

  • Application:

Once the dilution of Flex 10-10 in water has been completed, the application of the solution may commence.

Apply a targeted spray to effectively address regions where black flies may alight for repose, including surfaces like walls, ceilings, screens, door frames, window frames, and comparable locations.

Ensure the complete evacuation of all livestock and individuals from the designated area and diligently safeguard all food items prior to the application of our solution.

Please exercise caution and avoid applying Flex 10-10 in close proximity to water sources. For optimal pest control on your animals, it is recommended to utilise a fan spray setting.

Ensure that an ample amount of product is applied to thoroughly saturate the hair, particularly the top line, underlines, flanks, withers and any other areas affected by infestation.

Our pest control experts recommend a regular reapplication of treatment to your valuable livestock every 5 to 12 days until all fly activity has been effectively eradicated.

Flex 10-10 offers an effective solution for combating black flies in the air. It can be applied using a space spray or an automatic misting system, ensuring thorough treatment.

For effective pest control, it is recommended to utilise the appropriate equipment and apply Flex 10-10 at a rate of 3.2 fluid ounces per 1 gallon of spray dilution.

Please ensure that no humans or animals are present in the vicinity during application, and kindly maintain the area closed off for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Utilising an automated misting system, we shall establish a strategic setup within livestock or animal housing regions.

Our proficient team will expertly concoct and administer a precise solution consisting of 0.09% permethrin and 0.09% PBO. Pest control is achieved by expertly blending ½ a gallon of our potent product with 55 gallons of water.

Our pest control experts ensure that the delivery rate remains at a maximum of 1.25 fluid ounces of solution per minute.

Additionally, our automatic misting system is designed to prevent the release of pesticides in areas where feed or water is directly exposed to spray mist.


Where Can Black Fly Control Products Be Purchased?


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Step 4: How To Prevent Black Flies

  • Ensure that you maintain a clean and tidy environment by conducting regular cleaning sessions. Additionally, make sure to properly dispose of any waste or garbage in a timely manner.
    To prevent pests, it is advisable to utilise trash cans equipped with secure lids to effectively conceal your trash.
  • Prevent pest infestations in your yard by ensuring proper drainage and eliminating standing water around your house.
  • Ensure that you diligently maintain a clean environment by promptly removing pet droppings from your home and yard.
    Additionally, contemplate the installation of screens on your doors and windows as an effective measure to prevent bugs from infiltrating your living space.
  • To effectively prevent black flies from infesting your surroundings, it is recommended to regularly apply Flex 10-10 as a residual protection.
    Retreat every three months to ensure a strong barrier that repels these pesky insects from the treated areas.


Read also: Phorid Fly Control Tips You Must Know


Watch an Explanatory Video on Effective Black Fly Control



Black flies, notorious pests, become highly active during the spring season while remaining relatively inactive throughout the winter months.

If you neglect to address the issue, your valuable livestock may suffer irreversible harm due to the presence of a black fly infestation.

Eliminate black flies by ensuring meticulous cleanliness and prompt disposal of all waste materials. By prioritising sanitation measures, flies will be discouraged from frequenting your property.

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