Can Dogs Eat Farro? Key Facts to Note

If you’re a dog owner who is conscious about providing a well-rounded and nutritious diet for your sweet furry friend, you may have wondered, “Can dogs eat farro?” Farro is a very high protein-vitamin healthy grain choice for many people.

Even though farro grain is safe for humans to eat, is it safe for our dogs to eat? In this article, we will talk about dogs and farro, the origins of farro, types, benefits, risks, recommended servings, and the role of grains in dog food.


What is Farro?

Can Dogs Eat Farro
Picture of Farro

Farro is an ancient grain that traces its origins back to Mesopotamia. Contrary to popular belief, farro is not a single type of wheat but a term that encompasses three distinct grains:

  1. Einkorn Farro (Triticum moncoccum)
  2. Emmer Farro (Triticum dioccum) and
  3. Spelt Farro (Triticum spelta) 

Farro is a very flexible grain that can be used in place of rice, quinoa, or buckwheat. You can eat it by itself, add it to soups, stews, and salads, or mix it with fruit and cream to make a delicious breakfast dish. Although each variety of farro has distinct qualities of its own, they all have a rich, nutty flavor and a chewy texture when cooked.


Can Dogs Eat Farro?

Yes, dogs can eat farro, but it should be served in moderation and cooked properly. You can buy farro for dogs here.


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Health Benefits of Eating Farro for Dogs

Dogs, like people, can benefit from farro’s nutritional benefits. Here are some of the main advantages of feeding farro to your dog:


1. Fiber for Digestive Health

Farro is a great source of fiber, which is very important for keeping your  dog’s digestive system in good shape. Also, if your dog gets enough fiber it can help control bowel movements, stop constipation, and improve the  overall health of your dog. 


2. Essential Minerals

Farro has a lot of important minerals, like iron and magnesium, in it. Iron is needed for your dog to help your dog’s organs to work right and  also for air to get to all parts of the body. On the other hand, magnesium is a part of metabolism and many biochemical processes. 


3. Protein Source

Protein is an essential nutrient for dogs, as it is responsible for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Farro contains a significant amount of protein, making it a valuable addition to a dog’s diet. 


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Health Risks of Feeding Farro to Dogs

Even though farro can be good for a dog’s health in many ways, it’s important to understand that there are risks that can come from giving your dog farro so that you watch out for these signs and stop giving them immediately:


1. Gluten Sensitivity or Allergies

Farro is a type of wheat grain and contains gluten. Just like some humans, some dogs may have gluten sensitivity or allergies. If your dog has a known sensitivity to gluten, it’s best to avoid feeding them farro or any other wheat-based products. 


2. Digestibility Issues

Uncooked farro grains are not easily digestible for dogs and may cause gastrointestinal distress. It is important to properly cook farro before serving it to your dog to ensure better digestibility and nutrient absorption.


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Recommended Servings of Farro for Dogs

Even though farro can be healthy for your dog, it shouldn’t be the main thing they eat. Dogs are mostly meat eaters, so they should be given mostly meat-based proteins as it is their source of  energy. Dogs should only get a little bit of farro every now and then.

Can Dogs Eat Farro
Serving of Farro

Here is a simple guide to feeding farro to your dog:

  1. Rinse farro thoroughly to remove any powdery coating.
  2. Put it in a pan,  and put in 3 cups of water to a boil.
  3. Add 1 cup of rinsed farro to the boiling water and reduce the heat to low.
  4. Cover the pan and let the farro simmer for about 30 minutes or until it becomes soft and chewy.
  5. Allow the cooked farro to cool before serving it to your dog.
  6. Remember that every dog has unique dietary needs, so it’s always best to talk to your vet before giving your dog something new to eat.


Grains in Dog Food: What’s Okay and What to Avoid

While farro can be a safe and healthy grain option for dogs, it’s important to understand the role grains play in dog food. Grains are commonly used as fillers in commercial dog food.

Here’s a breakdown of what’s okay and what to avoid when it comes to grains in your dog’s food: 

Good Grains for Dogs

  • Farro
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oats

These grains will provide valuable nutrients and fiber to your dog’s diet when properly cooked and served in moderation.


Grains to Avoid for Dogs

  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Soy

These grains are known common allergens for dogs and may cause digestive issues or allergic reactions. It’s best to avoid dog foods that contain these grains if your dog has known sensitivities or allergies.

Remember that grains should not be the primary component of your dog’s diet. For their health and well-being as a whole, they need to eat a healthy and varied diet that includes high-quality proteins.


Additional Information: The Technical Side of Farro for Dogs

From a technical standpoint, it’s important to note that dogs have a different digestive system than humans. While farro may provide nutritional benefits for us, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will have the same effect on dogs.

Dogs have shorter and more acidic digestive tracts, which are adapted for a carnivorous diet. While they can digest some grains, their main nutritional requirements are met through animal-based proteins.

It’s always recommended to consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet, including introducing new grains like farro. They will be able to provide personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs and dietary sensitivities.



In conclusion, When it comes to grains in dog food, farro is considered safe, but it’s essential to choose a high-quality dog food that uses grains appropriately and avoids common allergens like wheat, corn, and soy. By providing a balanced and varied diet that meets your dog’s specific nutritional needs, you can ensure their overall health and well-being for years to come.

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