What Does Chipmonk Poop Actually Look Like?

There have been several cases of illnesses as a result of contact with certain rodents. Chipmonk poop is also one of these disease carriers, including the chipmunks themselves.

Getting rid of rodent scat (poop) and the rodents themselves is a sure way to protect yourself from contracting diseases and illnesses.

Do you want to know what chipmonk poop looks like? Then keep reading!


What Do Chipmonks Eat?

Just before we dive into what chipmonk poop looks like, it is important that we peep into what these rodents eat.

Just like you, chipmunks feed on plants and animals. This means that they are omnivores. Omnivores are organisms (living) that consume animals and vegetables alike.

Below are the food sources that make up the chipmonk’s diet:

  • Berries
  • Flowers
  • Insects
  • Frogs
  • Worms
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Small birds (with their eggs)
  • Snails
  • Fruits
  • Mushrooms, etc.

This is what chipmoks eat and poop. Now what does chipmonk poop look like? Let us now find out!


Read also: How To Get Rid of Chipmunk Poop


What Does Chipmonk Poop Look Like?

Chipmonk Poop
Chipmunk Poop Images

Below are some highlighted features that can help you distinguish chipmonk poop:

  • Chipmonk poop is cylindrical in shape.
  • The poop is usually small in size.
  • It is hard.
  • It has slightly pointed ends.
  • They are usually uniform in size
  • They resemble rice or beans.
  • Chipmonk poop is dark in color.

You should know what chipmonk poop looks like, as this will help you identify the pest that is infesting your property and help you employ the right control methods.

However, it is difficult to spot chipmunk poop, as these rodents have a spot in their burrow where they store their feces. So, besides being omnivores like you, they still try to maintain cleanliness. Lol!

You will often find chipmonk poop around your lawns, and close to trees.


How Big is Chipmonk Poop?

A chipmonk poop resembles that of rats and squirrels but is slightly smaller than theirs. Chipmonk poop usually differs in size, measuring 0.5 to 0.75 inches in length, which is slightly larger than mouse poop.


Read also: How To Get Rid Of Chipmunks Under Your Patio


How Do You Clean Chipmonk Poop?

Chipmonk Poop
Properly Dispose of the Trash Bag
  • Apply bleach solution to the stained area.
  • Allow the bleach to soak for about 10 minutes.
  • Use a paper towel to wipe everything off.
  • Seal the paper towel in a trash bag
  • Properly dispose of the trash bag.

You will notice that we did not mention sweeping or vacuuming. Please do not sweep or vacuum chipmonk poop; rather, employ the above steps for safe cleaning.


Chipmunk Poop Prevention

Chipmunk poop can be prevented by preventing the chipmonks themselves. Chipmunks can be deterred by strong odors and bitter tastes.

Below are some natural things to use to prevent chipmunk poop:

  • Garlic
  • Vinegar
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Peppermint
  • Natural predator urine (They become afraid when they perceive the urine of a predator)


Read also: How To Attract Chipmunks: A Guide To Creating A Chipmunk-Friendly Yard


FAQs About Chipmonk Poop

How Do You Tell the Difference Between Chipmunk and Mouse Poop?

  • Chipmunk poop  is slightly larger than mouse poop
  • Mouse dung is usually scattered, while chipmunk poop is dumped in piles.


What Diseases Can Chipmonks Carry?

Chipmunks are disease carriers and must be avoided at all costs. They can transfer diseases via their poop, urine, and even fleas.

Below are diseases that Chipmonks carry:

  • Encephalitis
  • Rabies
  • Salmonella
  • Leptospirosis
  • Hantavirus
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever, etc



Chipmonk poop is a sure sign of their activity and probably indicates an infestation. This is an issue for homeowners and must be tackled immediately.

Allowing chipmunks to thrive will see them finding their way into your attics, basements, gardens, etc.

If you ever come across these pests on your property, it is important that you employ the services of pest control experts to help you safely get rid of these pests without contracting any diseases from them.

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