How To Use Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide

The timing of fungicide applications must be considered. In order to get the best effects from Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide, it should be applied during the onset of disease-promoting weather conditions.

As long as you follow the directions on the label, using Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide is risk-free. When handling Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide, it is imperative that you always use the necessary protective gear.

If you want to enter, you should wait until the region is fully dry. Do not ingest or give to livestock-treated plants.

If you want to know when and how much Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide to use on your plants, read the label first. This fungicide’s efficacy varies widely depending on the type of plant and the severity of the illness it’s meant to combat.


What Is Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide?

Chlorothalonil Df Fungicide
Picture of the Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide

The beautiful plants on the label won’t be harmed by using this water-dispersible granule on warm- or cool-season grasses.

Tree farms, sod farms, golf courses, ornamental fields, nurseries, and greenhouses can all legally employ chlorothalonil DF.

This dry flowable fungicide has a contact mode of action and is simple to apply. It can be tank mixed with other fungicides already on the market.

Brown patch, dollar spot, algae, anthracnose, leaf spot, rust, fusarium, and many others are all efficiently controlled and eliminated using this solution.

Dollar spot, brown patch, algae, leaf spot, and more can all be prevented with Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide. Using this fungicide repeatedly in the same area is safe, as it will not breed resistance.


Read also: How To Use Daconil Ultrex Fungicide


How To Use Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide

  • Square footage is calculated by taking the length of a given area and multiplying it by its breadth. Using the formula: (square footage / 43,560) x (decimal) = (acres), we may calculate the total area of a given plot of land. Using Chlorothalonil at a rate of 1 to 2.5 pounds per acre in 100 gallons of water is standard practice. To treat an area measuring 3 acres, for example, you would combine 3 to 7.5 pounds of product with 300 gallons of water. The prevalence of a condition and the location of an application both impact the number of applications received.
  • To use, calculate how much Chlorothalonil DF you will need, then add half that amount of water to your spray tank. To achieve a thoroughly blended final result, add the remaining water and give it a good stir.
  • Don’t stop the blending process while you’re in the middle of filling out forms. To get the best results, your applications should be consistent and complete. Disease suppression and plant health are prerequisites for re-treatment applications.
  • There must be an untreated buffer zone of at least 150 feet wide between the area to be treated and any marine or estuary water bodies for aerial and air-blast applications, or 25 feet wide for ground applications.


Where Can I Apply Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide?

  • Tree crops
  • Sod farms
  • Golf course fairways
  • Golf course tees
  • Greens
  • Ornamental plants grown in fields
  • Nurseries
  • Greenhouses


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What Are the Target Pests For Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide?

  • Actinopelte Leaf Spot
  • Alternaria Leaf Spot/Leaf Blight
  • Anthracnose
  • Anthracnose Blight
  • Anthracnose Leaf Blotch
  • Ascochyta Blight
  • Autoecious
  • Bipolaris Leaf Spot
  • Black Spot on Roses
  • Blight
  • Botrytis
  • Botrytis Flower Spot
  • Botrytis Leaf Spot
  • Brown Blight
  • Brown Patch
  • Brown Rot
  • Canker
  • Cephalosporium Leaf Spot
  • Cercospora Leaf Spot
  • Cercosporidium Leaf Spot
  • Copper Spot
  • Corynespora Leaf Spot
  • Coryneum Blight
  • Curvularia Flower Spot
  • Curvularia Leaf Spot
  • Cyclaneusma
  • Cylindrosporium Leaf Spot
  • Dactylaria Leaf Spot
  • Dichondra
  • Didymellina Leaf Spot
  • Dollar Spot
  • Dreschlera Leaf Spot
  • Fabraea  Leaf Spot
  • Fusarium Leaf Spot
  • Gloeosporium Black Leaf Spot
  • Grey Leaf Spot
  • Ink Spot
  • Leaf Spot
  • Lophodermium
  • Marssonia Leaf Spot
  • Melting Out
  • Monilinia Blossom Blight
  • Mycosphaerella Ray Blight
  • Myrcothecium Leaf Spot
  • Needle Rust
  • Nematostoma Leaf Blight
  • Ovulinia Flower Blight
  • Phoma Twig
  • Phylosticta Leaf Spot
  • Ramularia Leaf Spot
  • Red Thread
  • Rhabdocline
  • Rhizoctonia Aerial
  • Rhizopus Blossom Blight
  • Rhizosphaera
  • Scirrhia Brown Spot
  • Scleroderris
  • Sclerotinia Flower Blight
  • Septoria Leaf Spot
  • Sirococcus
  • Speedling Blight
  • Sphaeropsis Leaf Spot
  • Stagonospora Leaf Scorch
  • Swiss Needlecast
  • Tan Leaf Spot
  • Tip Blight
  • Volutella Leaf Blight
  • Web Blight


Read also: How To Use Cyonara Lawn and Garden RTS Insecticide



At all times tank mixes Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil DF with a fungicide of a different chemistry, and/or alternative applications of a fungicide of a different chemistry and Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil DF to prevent the evolution of tolerant or resistant populations of fungi.

We do not recommend using Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide on residential lawns. We advise using Martin’s Systemic Fungicide RTS to treat lawns and gardens for a wide range of fungal infections.

If the treatment does not work after following the instructions for using Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil DF, a tolerant or resistant strain of fungi may be present. Forego using Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil DF during the upcoming growing season.

Thanks for reading!

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