As soon as it comes into contact with pests, Conserve SC begins to function. You can apply again after 7 days if you’re not satisfied with the results, but only the first time.
You do not submit more than three applications within a 21-day time frame. If you need to submit a third application, you will have to wait another 21 days after the initial 21-day deadline has passed.
Please limit your annual application total to no more than 6. Bees are harmful to Conserve SC when they come into contact with treated crops or plants.
Keep reading to know more!
What Is the Conserve SC?

Spinosad, the active ingredient in Conserve SC, is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that accounts for 11.6% of the product’s composition.
The active ingredient in Conserve SC ensures that the product has a long-lasting residue and won’t wash away in the rain like other pesticides.
As soon as a pest is reported, the team at Conserve SC gets to work eliminating it and minimizing any subsequent damage to your lawn or garden.
Conserve SC will deliver effective pest control without harming specified ornamentals or turfs, whether you are running a nursery or greenhouse, an arborist, a lawn care expert, or the superintendent of a golf course.
When thrips, caterpillars, and other troublesome insects come into contact with Conserve SC, they die almost immediately.
Read also: How To Use Fendona CS Insecticide
How To Use Conserve SC Insecticide
- Calculate the square footage of the area that has to be treated to determine how much Conserve SC you will need.
You may calculate the total square footage of the treatment area by measuring its length and width and multiplying those numbers.
For general treatments on trees and ornamentals, Conserve SC may be used up to 0.2 fluid ounces per gallon (22 fluid ounces per 100 gallons, 88 fluid ounces per acre).
There is a maximum annual application rate of 58 fluid ounces of Conserve SC per acre. Every year, you can submit a maximum of six applications.
It is not allowed to apply more than 1.2 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Application rates for various pests and types of foliage can be found on the product label. - Use the correct amount of Conserve SC based on your calculations after filling up half of the chosen spray tank container with the measured water.
After you’ve filled your container up to the fill line, give it a good shake and refill it to the top. If you want everything to be evenly distributed, give your container one last shake when you’re done. - On the areas where pests are entering and leaving the treatment area, apply a perimeter barrier of Conserve SC. Use a heavy spray over the upper and lower surfaces of dense foliage, but not so much that it runs off.
Once every 7 days is fine, but no more than 3 times in 21 days. Don’t submit more than six requests in a given year. If there is a lot of rain, a second application may be necessary.
Where Can I Apply Conserve SC Insecticide?
- Aquatic plant production
- Turf grass
- Ornamental plants
- Greenhouses and nurseries
- Home gardens
- Crops
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Tree farms
- Plantations
Read also: Forbid 4F Ornamental Insecticide Miticide
What Are the Target Pests For Conserve SC?
- Annual Bluegrass Weevils
- Armyworm (Larvae)
- Ash Borer
- Asparagus Beetle
- Azalea Caterpillar
- Azalea Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Bagworm (Larvae)
- Beet Armyworm (Larvae)
- Black Cutworm (Larvae)
- Black Turfgrass Ataenius (Adult)
- Borers
- Budworms
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Looper (Larvae)
- California Oakworm (Larvae
- Cankerworm (Larvae)
- Cankerworms
- Carob Moth
- Cat Flea
- Caterpillars
- Codling Moth
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cone Moths
- Coneworms (Larvae)
- Corn Borers
- Cuban Laurel Thrips
- Cutworms (Larvae)
- Diamondback Moth
- Diamondback Moth (Larvae)
- Dipterous Leafminers
- Earworms
- Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Elm Leaf Beetle
- European Corn Borer
- European Grapevine Moth
- European Pine Sawfly (Larvae)
- Elm Leaf Beetle
- European Corn Borer
- Fall Armyworm (Larvae)
- Fall Webworm (Larvae)
- Filbert Worm
- Fire Ants
- Fireworms
- Flea Beetles
- Fleas
- Florida Fern Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Fruit Flies
- Fruitworms
- Gall Midges
- Gypsy Moth (Larvae)
- Hemlock Looper (Larvae)
- Honeylocust Podgall Midge
- Imported Cabbageworm
- Jack Pine Budworm (Larvae)
- Katydids
- Leafminers
- Leafrollers
- Lepidopterous (Larvae)
- Lewis Mite
- Light Brown Apple Moth
- Light Brown Apple Moth (Larvae)
- Loopers
- Moths (Larvae)
- Nantucket Pine Tip Moth
- Navel Orangeworm
- Obliquebanded Leafroller (Larvae)
- Oleander Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Oleanderworm
- Orangestriped Oakworm
- Oriental Fruit Mot
- Peach Twig Borer
- Pear Sawfly
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Pine Tip Moths (Larvae)
- Pinyon Spindle Gall Midge
- Redheaded Pine Sawfly
- Redhumped Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Sawflies (Larvae)
- Serpentine Leafminer Complex
- Shoreflies
- Sod Webworms (Larvae)
- Spider Mites
- Spruce Budworm (Larvae)
- Spruce Spider Mite
- Tent Caterpillars (Larvae)
- Thrips
- Tropical Sod Webworm
- Tufted Apple Bud Moth
- Tussock Moths (Larvae)
- Twospotted Spider Mite
- Variegated Cutworm (Larvae)
- Walnut Husk Fly
- Western Flower Thrips
- Western Tent Caterpillar (Larvae)
- Whitemarked Tussock Moth
- Willow Leaf Beetles
- Worms (Caterpillars)
- Yellownecked Caterpillar
Read also: How To Use Demand CS Insecticide
Tip-Off: What are the Do’s and Don’ts of the Conserve SC?
It is not recommended to apply to Conserve SC more than 10 times in a 12-month period per crop to areas of commercial production of herbaceous (non-woody) ornamentals in nurseries (including plant propagation beds), regardless of the pest being treated for (this includes thrips, leafminers, spider mites, and/or diamondback moths).
Do not use Conserve SC more than six times in a 12-month period per crop if it is being used in regions of commercial production of herbaceous (non-woody) ornamentals in nurseries (including plant propagation beds) for leafminer, spider mite, and/or diamondback moth management.
Insecticides and miticides should be rotated, and no more than three applications of Conserve SC or products with the same active ingredient or mode of action should be made in a row due to the possibility that generations of a particular pest may overlap (same insecticide group). Put only label rate parameters into use.
Instead of spraying the entire garden for pests, focus on the specific areas where issues are expected or occurring.
Do not apply to edible greenhouse crops at any stage of development, including seedlings intended for transplant.