Does Borax Kill Ants? 4 Homemade Borax Repellents

Does borax kill ants? There are about 4 homemade borax ant repellents for effective control. When it comes to keeping ants at bay, most of us just run to the nearest store and pick up whatever is available.

While these ready-made solutions are effective to some extent, they also have their own set of disadvantages. Luckily, there’s no need for these commercial products when you have easy homemade ant repellents in your arsenal!


Does Borax Kill Ants?

Does Borax Kill Ants

Borax, vinegar, cinnamon oil, and copper are some inexpensive materials that can be used as effective home remedies for ants. Read on to know more about the effectiveness of each of these inexpensive DIY ant-repelent ideas.


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4 Homemade Borax Ant Repellents

Below are the 4 effective homemade borax ant repellents.

Does Borax Kill Ants


1. Borax Ant Repellent

Borax is among the most effective ant repellents. This simple chemical compound is frequently used in commercial insecticides, making it very effective in keeping all kinds of ants away.

In fact, borax is one of the simplest home remedies you can make against ants, and it is also very safe for use around children and pets.


How to Prepare and Use

  • All you have to do is mix one tablespoon of Borax powder with one tablespoon of sugar
  • Add one tablespoon of food-grade oil.
  • Mix it well to form a smooth paste.
  • Spread it on areas where ants are commonly found.
  • Borax powder is sticky and will draw ants toward it.
  • They will carry it back to their nest where it will stop the growth of the colony.


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2. Vinegar And Sugar Ant Repellent

This is a very effective ant repellent since vinegar is a potent deterrent against ants. The ants will be attracted to the vinegar smell and start marching towards it, only to quickly get stuck in it and die. And the sugar in the mix makes it even more attractive to ants.


How to Prepare and Use

  • All you have to do is mix one tablespoon of vinegar.
  • One tablespoon of sugar.
  • Spread the mixture in areas where ants are commonly found.

The vinegar smell of this ant repellent will also help keep away other insects, and it can be used as a natural repellent for fleas and roaches. This is a safe and effective ant repellent for kids, pets, and the environment.


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3. Cinnamon Oil Ant Repellent

The strong smell of cinnamon oil is an effective ant repellent. The cinnamon smell will effectively repel ants and other insects as well.

Cinnamon oil is a natural and safe ant repellent for people and pets and can be used as a natural repellent to keep away fleas and roaches as well. It can be used as a repellent indoors as well as outdoors and works well against numerous kinds of ants.

All you have to do is:


How to Prepare and Use

  • Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon oil with one tablespoon of sugar.
  • Add two tablespoons of water.
  • Mix the ingredients well to form a smooth paste.
  • Spread the mixture in areas where ants are commonly found.


4. Copper Strips Ant Repellent

The strong smell of copper is an efficient and effective ant repellent. The strong smell of copper will drive away ants and other insects as well. Copper strips are one of the best ant repellents you can use indoors.

The good thing about it is that it stays effective for many years, making it a good long-term solution to get rid of ants. Since it is a chemical-free ant repellent, you can use it safely around children and pets.


How to Prepare and Use

  • All you have to do is mix one tablespoon of copper carbonate with one tablespoon of sugar.
  • Add one tablespoon of water.
  • Mix the ingredients well to make a smooth paste
  • Spread the mixture in areas where ants are commonly found.



Ants are one of the most annoying pests to deal with. While they aren’t harmful to humans, they make their presence felt through the destruction they leave behind.

If you notice an ant infestation at home, it is important to get rid of them quickly before the problem gets out of hand.

There are many commercials and repellents available in the market that may or may not work for you. Thankfully, there are some effective home remedies against ants as well.

Borax, vinegar, cinnamon oil, and copper are some inexpensive materials that can be used as effective home remedies for ants.

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