Flea vs Bed Bug Bite; Facts, Comparison and Symptoms

Flea vs Bed Bug Bite, on seeing this many questions begin to run through your mind, luckily for you the question concerning flea vs bed bug bite is contained in this article with detailed answers.

In the world we find ourselves we are bound to make choices in various eras of our lives, it is always a fun fact comparing and contrasting two different things. In such situations, it’s always which is better in some certain qualities or characteristics. Many of such questions could be flea vs bed bug bite which is more hazardous and as you read further you’ll get to know.


Read also: Fleas on People; How Dangerous are Fleas to Humans?

Flea Bite vs Bed Bug Bite

Is this a bed bug bite?

Is this a flea bite?

How do I identify them when I see them?

How are they similar?

Well, most of these questions might arise and you may want to know more about this species. Search no more as you’re in for luck. As we go further you’ll find everything you need to know about these little guys.


Read also: What Do Flea Bites on Humans Look Like?

Facts About Flea

What Is A Flea?

A flea may be described as a small creature with no wings but is capable of jumping incredible heights. Although this creature lacks the ability to survive on its own, it is only capable of surviving as an external parasite on the body of mammals and birds. Fleas are usually brown in color, grow to about 3mm (0.12 inches) long, and have flattened bodies.

As external parasites, they are curtailed to a Host(the body on which they live and derive food from, either mammal or bird). A flee without a host could be said to be referred to as a walking dead as it won’t have a nutrient source.


Where do fleas live?

Now we know what a flea is, it is important we know where these little flightless creatures live.

We sometimes ask this question, If Fleas live Outside In Dirts, How do they get into our homes? Well here is an answer to that question: Fleas usually dwell and survive in warm, moist places and are found in dirt awaiting the arrival of a host. The host could be a mammal or a bird, and the flea attaches itself to the fur of the host. When the host (bird or mammal) goes inside the home, it descends from the body of the host to your carpet, plants indoors and even furnishings.

So any place warm, moist, and dirty could be the habitat of a flea, including our homes.


Read also: BedBugs vs Tick; Facts, Differences, Identification, and Prevention


What do fleas eat?

Who wouldn’t need food to survive? well, these hopping creatures are no exception as one of the main purposes of living or dwelling on a host is to feed. Fleas survive by consuming blood from warm-blooded animals, including humans. They, however, prefer dwelling on hairy animals such as dogs, rabbits, and cats as humans are not so hairy as these other animals.

Mouth Part Of A Flea

All insects are endowed with mouthparts that serve various purposes. There are insects whose mouthparts are used for biting and chewing, piercing and sucking and even boring holes.

The mouthpart of a flea is used for piercing and sucking, which is why they are capable of feeding on the warm-blooded animals. The epipharynx(a structure that overlaps the mouth) and the maxillae(the upper mandible) are in the form of stylets used for piercing the skin of its host. During feeding, the tip of the epipharynx is inserted into a capillary. The epipharynx together with the maxillae forms a tube known as The Feeding tube. 

Adaptation Of Flea

The body parts of a flea are for specific purposes and these body parts help the flea adapt to its environment. Below are these body parts and how they help the flea survive the environment:

  • Strong Claws: When fleas are scouting through the skin of the host they may dislodge or fall off the skin of the host, that is when their claws come into play. They use these claw to hold on to the skin of their host.
  • Flattened Bodies: Fleas are able to move through the skin of their host due to their flattened bodies. It is just like putting a thread through a needle, it is able to pass through because of how flattened and little it is. That is how it is with a flea.
  • Long Hind Legs: As was stated above fleas are wingless creatures, but they aren’t so hopeless as they have long, strong hind legs which they use in hopping great heights on their hosts and wherever they inhabit.
  • Mouthparts: The mouthpart of a flea is also important for adaptation as it is used in piercing through the host animal. The mouthpart aids in feeding (sucking of blood).

Flea Bite

As was stated earlier fleas feed on their host by sucking blood from them. A host could be human or non-human animals such as pets that are kept in our homes. Flea bites are not really tragic or impactful on a person’s health but can trigger allergies in their host. Flea bites are usually small red spots that appear mostly around the feet, ankles, or legs.

Flea bites are not really noticeable since they don’t carry any diseases, but as we go further you’ll get to know the symptoms of a flea bite.

After reading this, flea vs bed bug bite you might already have an answer, but wait until you read on bed bugs.

Symptoms of Flea Bite

There is only one symptom of flea bite as it is not really noticeable:

  • Triggers Allergies: Fleas do not carry diseases so they are not really dangerous, but a bite from this flightless creature may give rise to allergies which may include itching and even swelling. Due to the itching, the skin becomes irritated and a rash appears. You might be tempted to scratch the bite, which may cause a secondary infection worse than the bite.

Still pondering right, flea vs bed bug bite… as you go on your doubts will be cleared

Fact About Bed Bug

What Is A Bed Bug?

Bed bug…why are they called bed bugs? Well, this may be funny but a true fact; they are called bed bugs because they feed on humans while they sleep in their beds. Bed bugs are found almost everywhere people tend to gather, including homes, hotels, schools, offices, and even public transportation, so they really are everywhere.

Bed bugs are red-brown in color, adults are ¼ inch long, and they have 6 legs, possess antennae, they are flat but oval when unfed and swollen when fed.

Where Do Bed Bugs Live?

Surely, you’ll want to know where these little creatures live. Well, these guys are usually found in small cracks close to a human environment. They can be found virtually everywhere, in the furniture, behind the wallpaper, baseboards, and even upholstery. They are also known to survive in temporary habitats including your backpacks. Crazy right? still a true fact.

What Do Bed Bugs Eat

Just like the flea, bed bugs are known to feed on the blood of an animal. But one thing that contrasts both of these creatures is that bed bugs feed solely on human blood, unlike the flea. Although they still feed on other warm-blooded animals such as dogs, birds, cats, and even rodents.

Mouthpart Of A Bed Bug

The mouthpart of a bedbug is specially adapted for piercing and sucking. In bed bugs, the labium constitutes 3 jointed proboscides. The mandibles and maxillae form sylets, but the mandible stylets are blade-like while the maxillae stylets are saw-like.

Bed Bug Bite

Since bed bug feeds mainly on human blood, a human is likely to be more affected by this pest. Bed bugs bite the exposed skins of humans and animals to feed on their blood, although they do not transmit any diseases. Bed bugs commonly bite the face, neck, hands, and arms, so to prevent bites from these guys ensure to cover your entire body by putting on pajamas.

Now you’ll ask so flea vs bed bug bite, which is more dangerous? just read on

Symptoms Of Bed bug Bite

  • Red Spots.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Red spots are arranged in a cluster.
  • Red spots are located on the face, neck, arms, and hands.


Flea Vs Bed Bugs Pictures


Flea vs Bed Bug Bites


Flea vs Bed Bug Bites
Bed Bug


Flea vs Bed Bug Bite, Which Is More Critical?

Certainly, you expected a definite answer to the question (bed bug bite is more dangerous than flea bite or the opposite case) but if you’ve paid close attention to this article, you should see that these two pests are very similar in behavior and even feeding habits, only some slight differences between them both.

So now the big question is thrown back to you, Flea vs Bed Bug Bite?


We hope we’ve been of great help to you with this article. If any complaints or you’ll love us to give more information on this topic Contact us to find out more.



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