How Often Should I Water St Augustine Grass?

Are you wondering, how often should I water St Augustine grass? for my lawn’s lush, healthy growth. To keep this popular grass type looking great, it’s important to know what it requires.

In this article, we will discuss the ideal ways to water, fertilize, and otherwise take care of St. Augustine grass so that it grows strong and healthy in your lawn.


What is St. Augustine Grass?

How Often Should I Water St Augustine Grass?
St Augustine grass in a lawn

St. Augustine grass, or Stenotaphrum secundatum, is a warm-season grass that looks thick and green and does well in a wide range of soils. It’s popular in the south because it can handle heat and humidity.


What Is St Augustine Grass Used For?

St. Augustine grass is often used for parks, golf courses, fields, and other landscaping projects. People like St. Augustine grass because it has a nice blue-green color, can grow in some shade, and can make a thick, carpet-like field that can handle light foot traffic.

In comparison to some other warm-season grasses, it is also known for not needing as much care. St. Augustine grass is often used to fill in bare spots in lawns and gardens quickly because it grows quickly and can spread.


Where Does St Augustine Grass Grow Best?

St. Augustine grass grows best in warm, wet climates with mild winters. Especially in warm and subtropical places like the southern US, the Gulf Coast, and the area around the Mediterranean, places with moderate foot traffic and full sun to partial shade.

People often use St. Augustine grass in coastal areas where salt spray might be present because it can grow in salty soils. St Augustine grass doesn’t survive when it’s cold, and it might get hurt in places where it frosts or freezes for long periods.


Read also: How Often Should I Fertilize My Lawn in Texas?


How Do I Identify St Augustine Grass?

How Often Should I Water St Augustine Grass?
Close-up picture of St Augustine grass

There are a few key things you can look for to tell if the grass is St. Augustine grass, like:

  • Leaf Blade: The leaf blades of St. Augustine grass are broad, flat, and have rounded tips. Most of the time, the blades are a medium to dark green color.
  • Growth Pattern: This type of grass grows in a thick, carpet-like pattern. It has an above-ground stolon system that helps it spread and fill in empty spots.
  • Leaf Arrangement: St. Augustine grass has leaves that are grouped in two rows along the stems. This gives the grass a unique look.
  • Ligule: In St. Augustine grass, the ligule is an edge of hair that forms where the leaf meets the stem. The ligule is a small, thin membrane structure.
  • Stems: St. Augustine grass has rough stems that can grow up to several feet long
  • Shape of the Grass: St. Augustine grass spreads out and makes a thick field.


Should You Water St. Augustine Every Day?

No, you should not water St. Augustine grass every day. A better way to promote healthy root growth and general lawn health is to water deeply but not too often.

When you water, make sure the soil is moist to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Let the soil dry out a bit between watering to keep it from getting too wet and rooting too shallowly. Change how often you water your lawn based on the weather and its unique needs.


How Often Should I Water St Augustine Grass?

St. Augustine grass that its root is already established, You need water it deeply but not too often, about 1 or 2 times a week. This lets the water reach 4 to 6 inches deep into the dirt, which helps roots grow healthily.

When it’s hot and dry, you may need to water the grass more often to keep it from drying out. On the other hand, you can water less often when it’s cooler and rainier outside. Keep an eye on the grass for signs of dry stress, like wilting or turning a bluish-gray color. This means that it needs to be watered.

It is also best to water the grass early in the morning so that it can dry out during the day and avoid getting grass diseases. Lastly, think about how much rain your lawn gets. This can also change how much extra watering it needs.


How Long Can St. Augustine Go Without Water?

In normal situations, St. Augustine grass will survive for two to three weeks without water. But how well it can handle drought relies on things like the soil, the weather, and its overall health.

When it’s dry, the grass may stop growing and turn brown to save water. Keep an eye on the grass for signs of stress and water it if it needs it to keep the damage from getting worse.


Read also: How To Kill Water Grass In Lawn


What Is The Best Fertilizer For St. Augustine Grass?

For St. Augustine grass, the best fertilizer is one that is made just for it. Usually, it has a 3-1-2 mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

To make sure your grass always has nutrients, look for fertilizer that releases nitrogen slowly. Also, pick a fertilizer that has iron and other vitamins added to it to help the grass stay healthy and bright.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for how much to use when you apply the fertilizer in early spring when the grass is already growing. To keep the grass from getting stressed, don’t fertilize it when there is a drought or a lot of heat.


Why Is My St. Augustine Grass Turning Yellow?

Several things can make St. Augustine grass turn yellow. Yellowing can be caused by not getting enough nutrients, especially nitrogen, iron, or other vitamins.

If you water your grass too much or too little, it can get stressed out and turn yellow. Pests and diseases like brown patches or take-all root rot can also make grass turn yellow.

An imbalance in the pH of the soil, damage to the environment from extreme weather, and bad soil conditions can all make the problem worse.


How Often Should I Fertilize My Lawn in Texas?

Grass type, soil conditions, and weather are a few of the variables that determine how often a Texas lawn needs fertilizer. To fertilize St. Augustine grass in  Texas, follow the steps below:

  • Spring: The first round of fertilizer should be put down in late spring, around April or May, when the grass is growing quickly. You can use a balanced fertilizer with the right amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, or you can use a fertilizer made just for St. Augustine grass.
  • Summer: A second round of fertilizer should be applied in the middle of summer, around June or July, to help the grass keep its color and health during the hot months. Once more, use a blended fertilizer that is made for St. Augustine grass.
  • Fall: In early fall, around September or October, give the grass a third round of fertilizer to help the roots grow and get it ready for winter. To help the grass handle any stress that might come with winter, look for a fertilizer that has more potassium in it.


Read also: How To Measure Grass Height


How to Care for Your St. Augustine Grass

To take care of your St. Augustine grass, you need to pay attention to its specific needs all year long:


Once your St. Augustine grass comes out of its winter sleep, you should water it twice or three times a week. Cut the grass again, but leave the clippings in the lawn so they break down and add nutrients back to the soil. Use a weed and feed fertilizer that is safe for St. Augustine.


You should water your grown St. Augustine grass two to four times a week, depending on how well the soil holds water.

About ten weeks after you fertilize it in the spring, fertilize it again, and if the grass looks pale, give it an iron boost. When it’s hot, don’t use pesticides; instead, pull weeds by hand. If possible, mow your lawn once a week.


To get rid of weeds, use an autumn-blend fertilizer and a herbicide that is good for St. Augustine. Depending on how much rain there is, water only once or twice a week.


If the earth’s temperature drops below 68 degrees Fahrenheit, St. Augustine grass may go to sleep. During this dormancy, cut down on watering and mowing to once or twice a month.

If you need to, use a low-nitrogen fertilizer. If you are worried about crabgrass, use a pre-emergent pesticide before spring.



St. Augustine grass needs water for both health and attractiveness, but the trick is to strike the right balance. Overwatering can cause issues like shallow root growth and fungal illnesses, therefore it’s best to avoid it.

Instead, water deeply but sparingly, changing the frequency as needed according to the weather. To get the most out of your St. Augustine grass, be sure to mow it regularly, fertilize it, and follow any other care instructions.

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