How To Get Rid Of Blue Winged Wasps

Are you dealing with blue-winged wasps and wondering how to get rid of blue winged wasps?  Blue-winged wasps, also known as mud daubers, are a common sight in many areas.

These wasps are good for keeping spider numbers in check, but having them near your home can be scary.

We will look at different ways to get rid of blue-winged wasps, answer common questions about how they behave and sting, and give you advice on how to keep them from coming back in the following subheadings. Read on!


How Do I Identify A Blue Winged Wasp? 

how to get rid of blue winged wasp
picture of A Two-spotted Scoliid Wasp. Photo Credit: David Jeffrey Ringer @iNaturalist UK

To know if a wasp is a blue-winged wasp, look for these signs:

1. Blue Wings: Blue-winged wasps have wings that are blue and sometimes see-through near the tips of their wings.

2. Black Body: Most of the time, their bodies are black, but some species have blue or green shiny spots on them.

3. Slender Body: Blue-winged wasps’ bodies are thin and long, like those of many other types of wasps.

4. Long Legs: Their legs are long and dark, usually black.

5. Size: Blue-winged wasps are usually small to medium-sized, but this depends on the species.

It’s possibly a blue-winged wasp if you see a wasp with these features. It’s important to remember, though, that there are many species of wasps, and some may have these features while others may not. If you’re not sure how to identify them, it’s best to ask a local expert to help you.


Can Blue Winged Wasp Sting?

Yes, blue-winged wasps are capable of stinging. When they are scared or angry, they use their stingers to protect themselves. You have to be careful when you’re near blue wasps to avoid getting stung.


Are Blue Winged Wasps Dangerous? 

Most of the time, blue-winged wasps are not dangerous to people unless they are provoked or attacked. Their stings can be painful, but they are not mean and don’t usually go about stinging people.

But, like many stinging insects, the sting is their way of fighting back if they feel threatened, so it’s best not to bother them or their homes. If you come across blue-winged wasps, give them space and let them do their thing without you getting in the way.


Read also: How To Make Paper Wasps Trap: Extensive Guide


Can a Wasp Bite You?

Yes, if it perceives that it is being threatened or provoked, a wasp will bite you. On the other hand, unlike bees, wasps normally use their stingers to sting rather than to bite.

To lessen the likelihood of being bitten or stung by a wasp, it is advisable to maintain your calm and avoid making any sudden movements if you come across one.


What Can Angers a Wasp?

A wasp can get angry about many things. If you move quickly or make a lot of noise, it might feel scared. They can also be drawn to strong smells like food or perfume.

This can make them feel defensive. They can get angry if their nest is disturbed or if they think their home is being threatened. To avoid getting stung, it’s best to stay cool if you see them and not disturb them.


Which Wasp Has the Worst Sting?

The tarantula hawk wasp is widely considered to have one of the most painful stings among insects. This species of wasp is known for its big size and bright colors.

It got its name from the way it hunts tarantulas—by paralyzing them with its sting and then laying eggs on them.

The Schmidt sting pain index rates the sting of a tarantula hawk wasp as one of the worst. Some people have said the pain was instant, unbearable, and made them unable to move.

Fortunately, this species doesn’t usually attack people unless they are provoked and it only happens very rarely.


Read also: Wood Wasp Sting: Identification and How to Get Rid


What Is the Most Aggressive Wasp?

Paper wasps have gained a reputation for being the most aggressive wasps. When protecting its nest, this wasp species is notoriously possessive of its territory.

In response to perceived threats to their nest, paper wasps will sting aggressively and repeatedly. To avoid getting stung, stay careful around paper wasps, and don’t destroy their nests.


How Toxic Is a Wasp Sting?

Wasp stings can be toxic and cause pain, heat, and swelling in different ways at the sting site. Some people, especially those who are allergic to wasp venom, can have more serious responses to a sting, like having trouble breathing, chest pain, or even anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that can kill the person.


How To Get Rid of Blue Winged Wasps

Blue-winged wasps can be removed by following these steps:

  1. Find The Nests: Blue-winged wasps like to build their nests in safe places, like under porches, in eaves, or lofts. Try to find these nests to find out how bad the blue-winged wasp infestation is.
  2. Remove The Nests Carefully: Once you’ve found the nests, use a long-handled tool or a strong stream of water to carefully remove them. To avoid getting stung, wear protective clothes and be careful when you get close to the nests.
  3. Seal Entry Points: Look around your house for cracks or holes that wasps could use to get in. Fill them up with caulk or another suitable sealant to stop new infestations.
  4. Use Deterrents: You could use fake wasp nests or plants that are known to keep wasps away as deterrents.
  5. Seek Professional Help: If the problem is serious or if you’re dealing with dangerous wasp species, it’s best to call a pest control expert for safe and effective removal.
  6. Use Insecticides: Insecticides can help control blue-winged wasp numbers, but be careful and follow the directions on the bottle. Look for insecticides that say on the label that they can kill wasps and spray them where wasps are busy.
  7. Keep Your Property Clean: Blue-winged wasps are drawn to places with lots of spiders because their larvae eat spiders. Keeping your yard clean and free of spider webs can make wasps less interested in it. Clean up trash, clutter, and other places spiders might like to live regularly.
  8. Monitor Wasps’ Activity: Keep an eye on your property regularly for signs of wasp activity, like nests being built or more wasps flying around. Early detection will help you address the issue before it becomes a larger problem.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Sand Wasps


More on How To Get Rid Of Blue Winged Wasps

Here’s a video that explains How To Get Rid Of Blue Winged Wasps:



Blue-winged wasps need to be carefully removed, steps need to be taken to keep them from coming back, and sometimes professional help is needed.

When you follow the steps we have provided here, you can get rid of blue-winged wasp nests and reduce the risks that come with having them around.

Remember to always be careful around wasps and get help from a professional if you need it.

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