How to Get Rid of Booklice | DIY Booklice Control

Are you facing booklice infestation and you would like to know how to get rid of booklice?  Despite their name, booklice are not really lice at all. They are relatively harmless, and they don’t feed on humans.

As their name actually suggests, these pests will gather where there are books, papers, and molds are found. Not only that, but they can also invest in Pantry foods and can even contribute to allergies causing a huge nuisance to homeowners.


How Do You Identify Booklice?

In any pest control plan, what you should do first is to identify what exactly you are dealing with. Wrong identification would lead to wrong treatment methods, causing your time and money.

Booklice are tiny pests, they might not be recognizable, they range in size from 1/8 of an inch in length and their body colors are pale, white, gray, brown, and against the lighter material.

Booklice can appear as simple, dark specks, but keep a close eye out if those specs moving your definitely dealing with some kind of pest. Booklice are soft-bodied wingless insects, but they do have 6 legs and antennae.

Their abdomens can be long or oblong shapes which may contribute to them being mistaken for other pests like bedbugs and termites. Remember in bed bugs are a much darker brown color. Termites tend to be larger and infest wood rather than paper.


Booklice Picture

How To Get Rid Of Booklice


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Where to Spot Booklice

After the identifying, it is believed you know what the pest looks like. Now, check around your property for their presence or find hot spots of activity.

Search indoors to sight for booklice infestations, check areas that contain paper products, stored food, areas high in moisture, common rooms with basement, pantry addict, and garage.

Ensure to check along with shelve and behind wallpaper. Note you are looking for a mold and live active booklice. If you have many older books, be sure to search within the pages and inside the bookbinding.

In pantries, check inside cereal boxes and other store products from old. Take note of any pests or mold you may find as these will direct your treatment and prevention.


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How to Get Rid of Booklice with Pesticides

After identifying your pests and inspecting for activity on your property. It is time to start treatments but before starting any treatment always ensure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE and remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry.

When treating for booklice start with a cleanup. You will need to address any infested item you have come across, most things like old newspapers, old shoes, or even foods should be thrown out.

If you found them infested with local ice foods that have been exposed to high relative humidity, they should be thrown out as well.

Due to multiple elements, if you have anything precious or vintage that you do not wish to dispose of, you recommend you get it sealed in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer for 3 days.

Afterward, you can vacuum them to get rid of any dead booklice or eggs. Once you have cleaned the infested areas, you will need to treat any remaining book Lies with Pyrid aerosol.


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Applying Pyrid Aerosol

Pyrid is a powerful botanical and ready-to-use insecticide that will begin killing labeled pests immediately on contact like booklice.

This product is made with pyrethrins, a naturally occurring compound. So treated areas are safe for even children and that move across once the product has dried and dissipated.


How to Use Pyrid Aerosol

To use pyrid, simply shake the can, hold the can about 18 inches away from the target surface and spray for 1 to 2 seconds per 1 to 2 feet also lightly spray over books.

If you have noticed booklice activity, you will also need to treat cracks and crevices with pyrid and ensure you kill all hiding booklice.


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How to Get Rid of Booklice in Crack and Crevice

For crack and crevice treatments, simply fix the injector tip into the actuator. Open the end of the straw into the crack or crevice and spray applying at a rate of 3 feet per second.

When the labeled pest that makes contact with the spray will have their nervous systems impacted knocking them down immediately.

Note: Drying is within minutes, do not allow people or pets near any treated areas for the next 2 to 4 hours.


How to Get Rid of Booklice Naturally

Knowing how to get rid of booklice naturally will cut down the expenses spent on the purchase of pest control products. It is also essential to keep pests in check.

The best way to stop booklice activity is to make sure it can’t reinfest.

  • First, start by addressing any moisture issues around the home.
  • Reduce the humidity on your property.
  • Prevent mold growth, which booklice need to feed on.
  • You may need to utilize air conditioning or a dehumidifier to reduce the relative humidity down to below 50%.
  • In some cases when a leak occurs in an attic or basement, book pages, cardboard, and storage boxes can accelerate mold development.
  • It’s recommended to keep books in plastic containers to maintain dry environments and pantries.
  • Ensure to store loose foods in glass, containers, or plastic Tupperware. This does not only keeps pests out of your food but also maintains dryness and slows mold development.



Booklice are tiny pests that infest paper and food products, but there are ways to control this pest. Carefully reading this DIY guide on how to get rid of booklice, we guarantee you will be able to address any booklice infestation on your property.

Do well to visit Pestclue for more DIY tips on pest control. We believe you are reading this piece because you had a booklice problem, so what is your bitter experience with this pest? Let us know down the comment.

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