It is important to know how to get rid of brown banded roaches that have already made your home their home. If the infestation appears to be out of your control, you should contact a trusted local pest management specialist.
In the article below we will be discussing how to identify these roaches and possible ways to get rid of them.
What Are Brown Banded Roaches?

Invading species of cockroach native to Cuba include the brown banded cockroach. It is believed that The brown banded cockroach found its way to the United States by human travel in 1903 when it swiftly became one of the most formidable pests in the Northeastern, Southern, and Midwestern regions.
While typically called home-invading roaches, The brown banded cockroach has also been reported to enter hospitals, grocery stores, restaurants, industries, apartment complexes, and more.
When they infest a building, they can be found in places like the upper cabinets in kitchens, ceiling lights, and electrical equipment.
These pests have also been discovered in a variety of other places, such as furniture, drapes, picture frames, and light fixtures. Because it loves dry, warm habitats and avoids water, the brown banded cockroach differs from other cockroach species.
Aside from that, they’re ravenous eaters who will eat anything from your cabinet’s candy to the wallpaper glue. In fact, the brown banded cockroach will even consume other insects including other roaches.
The brown banded cockroach lives for around 206 days or a little over six months. Male and female brown banded roaches seem slightly different, with the female being somewhat darker than the male.
Brown banded cockroaches, of both sexes, are brown and about half an inch long. Two brown “bands” run the length of their wings, and they have six legs, two antennae, and a six-legged body.
While both sexes of the brown banded cockroach are capable of flight, it is the male who takes to the skies when startled. The female often runs when she feels threatened.
The brown banded cockroach’s rapid reproduction is one of the main reasons it is so difficult to eradicate. These pests can generate up to 14 egg capsules in their lives, with each capsule carrying up to 18 individual eggs.
Though adult brown banded cockroaches choose to live higher up as in cupboards or light fixtures, they commonly lay their egg cases beneath furniture where the eggs will be covered and safeguarded.
These egg casings are often yellow in color and sometimes the embryos are visible in the encasements when further developed.
The black smudges or streaks left behind by the pests’ droppings in locations where they spend most of their time could also be signs of an infestation in your home.
The brown banded cockroach is a nocturnal pest, but if you have a huge infestation, you may find them during the daytime as well. In reality, the most prevalent evidence of a brown banded cockroach infestation is often a physical observation.
The brown banded cockroach is an unattractive pest, and cockroaches, in general, are viewed with revulsion and contempt by many people.
To everyone’s relief, it turns out that these insects aren’t harmful in the typical sense.
However, despite the fact that they are not poisonous or capable of biting, they can still pose a threat to human health.
Because the brown banded cockroach has such a wide diet, it often congregates in places like toilets, beneath cabinets, and even near regions where garbage and rotting food are prominent.
When they move through these spaces, they can take up bacteria on their bodies, and these bacteria can be transferred to surfaces and into food storage areas such as cupboards and pantries by them.
People who come into contact with a brown banded cockroach may become infected with diseases like salmonella or E. coli, according to research.
Brown banded cockroaches have also been reported to exasperate allergies and asthma in sensitive people. They can be especially damaging to young children who battle with asthma and have been known to produce mild allergy symptoms like red eyes and runny noses as well as full-blown asthma episodes.
As a result, don’t overlook any indications of a brown banded cockroach problem. It’s also vital to understand why you may have had an infestation in the first place so you can avoid it from happening again.
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Why Did Brown Banded Roaches Infest My Home?
Cockroaches, in general, and brown-banded cockroaches in particular, are often associated with filth, however, this is not always the case.
In truth, roaches are fairly widespread in residences throughout the United States, and identifying an infestation of brown banded cockroaches can be especially challenging if you don’t know what to look for.
If you do have an infestation, don’t worry – it doesn’t mean you are unclean or your home is unsanitary.
One way brown banded cockroaches can get into your house is through cracks in the foundation. These parasites can be found in a wide variety of places, including contaminated food and household items.
The most typical way for brown banded cockroaches to enter houses is through infested furniture or foods that are brought into the household.
With that being said, these pests can sometimes come into your home via vulnerabilities in your property’s exterior including cracks, crevices, gaps in doorways, or tears in screens.
Like many pests, brown banded cockroaches seek out warmth, shelter, and food. Our human homes provide the perfect habitat for the brown banded cockroach, and once they get inside they typically lay low in the shadows and go undiscovered for weeks and even months.
How To Get Rid of Brown Banded Roaches?
Now we want to know how to get rid of brown banded roaches. It is imperative that you eliminate any brown banded cockroaches that have already taken up residence in your home.
If the infestation seems out of your control, it’s advisable to contact a local pest control expert in the region you trust.
However, it is perfectly possible to get rid of the brown banded cockroach on your own when you apply the proper tools and implement the right plan and approach.
There are a few steps you must take in order to eradicate the brown banded cockroach:
- Clean thoroughly
- Remove clutter and clear out cabinets and cupboards
- Dust and vacuum beneath the furniture
Read more: Types of Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches
How To Get Rid of the Brown Banded Roach Permanently?
1. Invest In Quality Garbage Bags: The smell of rotting food in the garbage can attract bugs, therefore it’s critical to have a garbage can with a lid and to take regular precautions to avoid leaving it in the bin overnight.
Along with investing in quality garbage containers and trash bags, you can also consider spraying waste with ammonia or peppermint oil overnight to help soften the fragrance of rubbish and further prevent bugs.
2. Keep Pet Food Properly Sealed: Pet food can attract pests including the brown banded cockroach, rats, ants, flies, and more. It’s a good idea to establish a mealtime schedule with your dog or cat to help keep pests at bay and to keep the food fresh.
Food should be kept in an airtight container when your dog or cat is not actively eating, according to the experts.
The same should go for any pantry foods as well such as cereal, candy, crackers, and chips.
3. Clean Crumbs: As a first step, make your home as uninviting to bugs as possible. Cleaning up crumbs and food particles in your kitchen and not letting dirty dishes sit in the sink overnight are two ways to comply with this rule.
Even if you must leave dishes in the sink, it is recommended that you leave them in soapy water.
4. Vacuum Your Home More Frequently: This cockroach is well-known for residing in high places, yet it commonly lays its eggs beneath household items like furniture or appliances.
To prevent new infestations from happening, be sure you’re careful about vacuuming and sweeping beneath the furniture.
It’s also crucial to remove clutter and clean out cabinets often. Keep a watch out for telltale signs of the brown banded cockroach, and take efforts to routinely clean locations they are known to potentially infest.
What are the Home Remedies To Get Rid of Brown Banded Cockroaches?
In addition to the above-mentioned products, you may also employ home treatments and everyday ingredients to remove and prevent the brown banded cockroach.
You probably already have a number of substances in your medical cabinet or in your pantry that will keep away not only the brown banded cockroach but also a variety of other pests from your home.
What are the home remedies:
- Soapy Water Spray
Using dish soap and water to kill brown banded cockroaches one at a time may not be the most efficient way to get rid of a big number of them, but it is an effective approach to do so on contact.
To manufacture your own roach spray, pour several drops of liquid dish soap and two cups of water into a spray bottle. Mix the solution until it is sudsy and keep the product on hand to spray any brown banded cockroaches that come your way.
Wasps, flies, mosquitoes, and ants can all be killed with a spray of liquid dish soap.
- Powdered Sugar and Borax
Borax is typically used for domestic cleaning and washing, but it’s also a common chemical used for pest control. In its pure form, borax is relatively harmless to people and dogs. Borax, on the other hand, expands when exposed to water.
Brown banded cockroaches can be easily eradicated using this method. Borax and powdered sugar can be mixed together and left in places where roach activity is suspected.
The bait attracts roaches, and the roaches consume it. The borax will then expand in their stomach and kill them if they subsequently find water to drink.
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- Instant Potato
If you want to get rid of roaches quickly and safely, you can use instant potatoes, in the same manner, you would borax. Even if you don’t add anything else to the dry, starchy flakes of instant potatoes, the roaches will find them irresistible on their own.
Leave little heaps of instant potatoes throughout your home for a safe and effective technique to eliminate roaches.
What Are the Best Insecticides For Getting Rid of Brown Banded Roaches?
- Combat Roach Killing Bait
It makes logical to employ baited poisons on the brown banded cockroach since it is such a voracious pest. Fipronil is the active ingredient in the Combat roach bait seen above. The bait stations are packaged in a way that makes them inaccessible to children and dogs, despite the fact that this chemical is toxic to both.
These stations are also good for tiny roaches like the brown banded cockroach and are effective on other kinds of small cockroaches as well including German cockroaches.
- Advion Cockroach Gel Bait
This kit comprises multiple gel plungers to aid reach spots where roaches like to hide, like cracks and crevices, and in cabinets or along floorboards.
Schools, businesses, restaurants, hospitals, and other institutions employ this bait on a regular basis. This treatment is especially suited for heavy infestations of brown banded cockroaches and works using the active component Indoxacarb.
- Raid Ant and Roach Killer
People who want to get rid of a bug problem in their house quickly sometimes turn to the product Raid. The aforementioned product from Raid is especially an ant and roach killer and will work against pests like the brown banded cockroach.
This solution does not leave a long-lasting or disagreeable odor and in fact, is meant to smell like lavender. This is a fragrance pests dislike but people prefer to enjoy.
This treatment kills on contact and can continue eliminating bugs for up to four weeks. It comes in a 12-ounce spray container and contains Cypermethrin as the active component. People and pets may be harmed as a result.
How to get rid of brown banded roaches? The first step in preventing and treating cockroaches is correctly identifying the species involved. Treatment methods can differ by species.
Similar to other species, brown banded cockroaches are not restricted to high-moisture environments, thus a thorough inspection may be necessary to discover and identify them.
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