How to Get Rid of Crane Flies | DIY Crane Fly Control Guide

In cases of crane fly infestation, the solution is to tide down on how to get rid of crane flies in the house or outdoor. What you should know is that Crane flies are common pests found throughout the United States.

They’re the big lanky insects that find their way inside during summer evenings and fly all over our ceilings, despite their size, adult crane flies are really harmless, but not everyone knows that it’s the larvae that are actually destructive.

Turf pests forming patches of brown grass in an otherwise green and healthy lawn could be a result of crane fly larvae.

So, in this article, you learn how to identify and get rid of crane flies on your lawn. So your grass can stay green throughout the year.

How to Get Rid of Crane Flies
Crane Flies


How to Identify Crane Fly Infestation

In any pest control process, identification is part of the first step you should attempt as you will be able to tell what exactly you’re dealing with. This is important as it shades more light on how to get rid of crane flies.

Grasses in your lawn can die due to fungus, pests, and stress factors. Adult crane flies grow to be about 2 inches long, they have slender bodies with long thin legs.

Some people mistakenly call crane flies mosquitoes, but mosquitoes are only 1/4 of an inch long.

It’s only female mosquitoes that have the piercing mouthparts to bite humans and animals. All crane flies both male or female lack any piercing mouthparts.

Some people might also refer to crane flies as mosquito hawks either because they look like giant mosquitoes or is the thought that these crane flies hunt mosquitoes.

Neither is true since adult crane flies don’t eat and actually die just a few days into adulthood.

Your crane fly control should focus on targeting the larvae since these immature flies eat grass to grow and pupate into adults.

Crane-fly larvae also called leather jackets can grow to be about 2 to 3 inches long, larvae lack legs and they can be white, gray, green, or brown in color.

Crane-fly larvae can also be distinguished by their finger-like appendages at the tail end of their bodies.

Crane-fly larvae are active during spring and fall. Adults will lay egg clusters in bodies of water, or in moist soil.

Once they hatch, they will feed on surrounding plant material. The information above will help you in identifying crane fly and it’s larvae.


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Signs of Crane fly Infestation

Once, you know what your pests identified the pest(s) you’re dealing with, what you should do next is inspect your property for signs of Crane flies.

  • Check around the property to confirm their presence or find hot spots of activity.
  • Check your lawn for patches of brown or dying grass. You can use your hands to come along the edges of discolored patches to look for larvae on the surface.
  • You’ll also need to dig to check underground.
  • Dig one-foot square about 3 inches deep along the edge of any patches you found to lift up the grass and note, if there’s any pest activity, you may see a couple of larvae, but if there’s a higher number clustered in that square foot patch, and is cause for action.
  • Adult activity can also indicate potential larvae activity, crane flies breathe near egg-laying sites. If you see adult crane flies on your property, you can expect to see larvae soon after.


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How to Get Rid of Crane Flies in the House and Outdoors

Safety must be ensured at all times when dealing with any pest control equipment (chemicals and gadgets). Be sure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE.

Remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry. To get rid of crane flies on your property, you’ll need to use insecticides labeled for crane fly control like

  1. Bison insecticide,
  2. Bifen L/P granules,
  3. Reclaim IT and
  4. Martin’s IG Regulator

Bison and Bifen L/P is a granular insecticide that will need to be watered into the soil. We also recommend following up with a broadcast treatment of Reclaim IT and Martin’s IGR.


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Using Bison or Bifen L/P Granules

When searching for effective ways on how to get rid of crane flies, both Bison and Bifen L/P insecticides have similar effects and methods of application. This means you have to choose one for application.

How to Apply

  1. Applying by using Bison or Bifen L/P granules with a push, a spreader.
  2. Apply with the labeled rate of 4.6 pounds of the product per 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
  3. Load your spreader with the proper amount of Bison or Bifen L/P and evenly distribute it all throughout your treatment area.
  4. Broadcast half your granules in parallel lines, once across the area, then broadcast the other half at a perpendicular angle to cover the area in its entirety.
  5. Once you’ve finished your Bison or Bifen L/P application. They’ll need to be watered into the soil to reach the turf’s root zone.
  6. Do this with an application of Reclaim IT and Martin’s IG regulator.


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Using Reclaim IT and Martin’s IGR

Reclaim IT and Martin’s IG Regulator will need to be mixed together with water before application.

This solution won’t only aid in activating the Bison or Bifen granules but will also provide effective control for the crane fly larvae and many other insects.

How to Apply

  1. Apply the label parade of 0.75 fluid ounces of Reclaim IT per 1,500 square feet of the treatment area.
  2. Applying Martin’s IG Regulator, use 1 fluid ounce per 1,500 square feet.
  3. We recommend using a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer to make broad applications throughout the entire lawn.
  4. Use water to push the Bison or Bifen granules down into the soil.
  5. Use a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer to remove the Ritz bar from the nozzle.
  6. Ensure the sprayers control valve, and your water pump is off.
  7. Attach the nozzle to the hose, add the proper amount of Reclaim IT and Martin’s IG Regulator.
  8. Fill the reservoir with enough water to treat the entire lawn.
  9. Ensure you thoroughly coat the area and water into Bison or Bifen granules.
  10. Use at least two gallons of water per 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
  11. Check to confirm your control valve and water pump are still off, reattach the reservoir to the nozzle.
  12. Once you’ve ensured a tight connection. You can now turn the water on to spray.
  13. To kill crane fly larvae in your lawn evenly distribute the entire amount of product over your treatment area.

Note: As you make your application, keep an eye on the amount of product you have left in the sprayer reservoir.

When the liquid in the reservoir runs out. No more product will be applied when spraying liquid products. Also, ensure to apply on calm days when wind speeds are low to minimize drift.


How to Get Rid of Crane Flies Naturally

  1. Eliminate unwanted water sources: Crane flies breed in water and moist soil.
  • Proper watering: You’ll need to regulate the amount of water, your lawn receives and retains. When you water your lawn, give your grass 1 to 1½ ounces of water. Once a week deep watering. Once a week will give your lawn the water it needs. And will make your lawn less appealing for crane flies through the rest of the week. If there’s a heavy rainfall that meets the required amount, then there’s no need to overwater.
  • Regular raking: Early rake and aerate your lawn to promote air circulation.
  • Trimming: Trim back tree branches to reduce shade and encourage evaporation.
  • Regular Mowing: When mowing your lawn, mow to a taller height, about 3 to 4 inches to encourage root growth.
  • Apply fertilizers: Ensure you fertilize your lawn with the proper amount of nitrogen it needs. So it can stay healthy and fight against minor pest activity.


Last Thoughts

Crane flies and their larvae may be destructive pests, pestclue is always available to help you manage and control pest infestation without hiring any pest control expert.

Following these DIY guides on how to get rid of crane flies, you will eliminate crane fly and their larvae completely and permanently from your home and lawn.

No knowledge is a waste, ensure to share these DIY hacks. Also, let us know your experience kicking out this pest from your home.

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