How to Get Rid of Maggots in Garage

Having maggots in garage doesn’t mean that your garage is unkept, however, there are easy ways on how to get rid of maggots in garage.

Wastebaskets and recycling containers and sacks are magnets for maggots. Also, fly infestations are a real possibility if you store waste in your garage.

In this blog post, you’re about to find out the best way to get rid of maggots in garage together with other related facts about maggots and their infestations.


What are Maggots?

According to Wikipedia, the larva of a fly is known as a maggot. The term is most commonly used to refer to the larvae of Brachycera flies, which include blowflies, cheese flies, and houseflies, as opposed to the larvae of Nematocera flies, which include mosquitoes and crane flies.

Because maggots are the common housefly larval stage, this indicates that you almost certainly already had fly eggs in your garage in some other location.

Even if the thought of being confronted by a swarm of maggots isn’t high on anyone’s priority list, you should make the effort to eliminate them before they reach their mature form. You don’t want flies crowding your garage.


Read also: Maggot Like Worms In House | How To Get Rid


How to Identify Maggots in Garage

In the paragraphs below, we shall describe what maggots are, what they appear to be, and where maggots originate.

  1. Maggots resemble very little worms that are a creamy hue, and the largest of them can grow to be up to 20 millimeters (or three-quarters of an inch) long.
  2. Maggots do not have any legs, but they do have two small hooks that they use as their mouthparts when they are feeding. Maggots feed on dead animals.
  3. At any time of the year, maggots and flies have the potential to become a nuisance, particularly in the spring and summer when fly activity is at its peak.
  4. During this stage of development, maggots exist for around five to six days before transforming into pupae and, ultimately, becoming adult flies.
  5. The larval stage of flies is known as a maggot.
  6. Maggots are almost always in the larval stage of either house flies or blow flies when they are seen in residential areas.
  7. The maggot larvae flourish in filthy and unsanitary environments, and they are capable of wreaking havoc on anyone who consumes them by eating food that has not been properly cleaned.
  8. Within a period of time ranging from seven to twenty hours after being laid, fly eggs develop into maggots and hatch.
  9. When the larvae hatch, maggots emerge, and they immediately begin feeding on whatever they can get their mouths on, with a particular preference for putrid and filthy materials.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Maggot in Trash Can | Step by Step


Picture of Maggots

Below are pictures of maggots:

how to get rid of maggots in garage

how to get rid of maggots in garage


Read also: Stable Flies: Facts and How to Get Rid


Why Do I Have Maggots in my Garage?

There could be a number of factors contributing to the presence of maggots in your garage. Maggots are able to thrive in any environment, regardless of whether you have a habit of keeping things clean or prefer to let things remain undisturbed.

It’s possible for flies and the larvae they produce to call garages their home (maggots). Maggots hatch from fly eggs that are laid in warm, moist materials that later serve as a source of food for the adult fly.

Garbage, rotting vegetables, and feces from both humans and animals are examples of these materials. Below are the factors that contribute to the presence of maggots in your garage.


1. Carpets and Mats Used in Garages

There is a risk of getting a maggot infestation in your garage if you keep door mats or carpet there. Mold and mildew can develop on these mats, which in turn attract flies and, eventually, maggots.

As was mentioned earlier, flies are drawn to anything that has a pungent smell. In the event that there is mold or mildew existing in your garage, there is a possibility that flies and maggots will be drawn to the area.


2. Discarded Items in the Garage

Garbage bags, trash cans, recycling containers, and recycling bins or bags all serve as magnets for maggots. Flies are likely to congregate in your garage if you keep any kind of rubbish in there, even recyclables.

After that, the female flies will lay eggs, which will result in a population explosion of maggots in your garage. It’s common knowledge that flies are drawn to things that smell bad.

It is likely that you may find maggots in scenarios involving garbage; therefore, it is recommended that you relocate your trash cans.


3. Animal Feces and Decay

It’s possible that this is happening because you have a dead rodent or other tiny animal stuck within your house somewhere. You are aware, I have no doubt, that maggots follow after the dead body.

Regardless of the size of the animal that had lived there, flies will be drawn to the smell of decay.

Even if you only have anything as insignificant as a dead mouse or lizard, this will still be enough to draw flies to the area.

It is very easy for rodents such as mice, rats, lizards, and even squirrels to become entombed and starve to death inside of your garage if its primary use is to store items.


Read also: Lots of Flies In House Suddenly | Reason Behind This Mystery


How to Get Rid of Maggots in Garage Naturally

How to get rid of maggots in garage? Wondering what you can do to get rid of the maggots that have taken up residence in your garage?

Below are our professional recommendations for getting rid of the maggot infestation you have without having to get in touch with a pest control firm.


Get your Hands on Some Salt and Spray

There are two things that maggots can’t live without water and salt. Use a huge amount of table salt to dry out the creepy crawlies.

Sweep the maggots into a plastic bag and toss them once they’ve died. Make sure to properly clean the area they have infected.


Don’t Let Smelly Foods and Waste into the Garbage

The simplest method to prevent an infestation in your garage is to get rid of anything that is decomposing or odorous in the first place.

In order to keep flies at bay, you need to get rid of your garbage cans outside, look through any old items that might be hiding something decomposing, and otherwise thoroughly clean your garage.


Maggots Should be Doused with Hot Water

Heat up a large pot of water and then pour it into your trashcan to kill any maggots that may be present or down your garbage disposal if you find them there.

To get rid of all the maggots, you may need to repeat this procedure several times.


Juice from lemons or limes Works Fine

Maggots can be killed using the potent citric acid in lemon or lime juice.

Lemon or lime juice can aid in the process of eradicating the maggots, but you will still need to thoroughly clean and sanitize the area where they were found.


Use Diatomaceous Earth on Them

There are several ways to use diatomaceous earth in the house. To get rid of maggots from carpets or other fibrous areas, use this procedure.

Make sure the maggots are well covered with the gruel. Deadly dehydration is caused by the powder adhering to the creatures’ bodies.

Clean the area thoroughly and dispose of the maggot carcasses in a garbage bag.


Vinegar Saves the Day

Vinegar is too acidic for maggots to survive. A mix of 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar should be poured immediately on the maggots. Remove the maggots and sanitize the area after letting the mixture settle for about an hour.


Read also: Small Flies In House All Of A Sudden


How to Kill Maggots in Garage Using Chemicals and Sprays

When planning on how to get rid of maggots in garage with chemical and spray method. First, put on your protective gear and try integrated pest management (IPM), which involves sanitation and kitchen improvements to inhibit maggot infestation.


Begin with Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Garage

Maggots are attracted to decaying food and grime, thus the first step in preventing an infestation is to eliminate the source of the filth and perform thorough cleanliness.

The kitchen is probably the most important place to pay attention to, as this is where food spoils and waste accumulates, both of which attract flies and maggots.

Remove any moisture sources, throw out any expired food, and take out the garbage after cleaning your tables and counters.


Use Permethrin Spray

Bug repellent sprays come in a variety of forms, from mosquitoes to flies to maggots.

Not all Wylie sprayers will remove the flies and maggots that have been left behind, but they are excellent for preventing them from returning in the future.

If you’re spraying anything delicate, like tents or other soft products, this is a must-have product.


Use Martin’s IG Regulator and Flex 10-10 Insecticides

As soon as your home has been sterilized, you should treat the maggots using Flex 10-10 and Martin’s IG Regulator.

Professional quality liquid insecticide Flex 10-10 treats flies and other pests, while insect growth regulator Martin’s IG Regulator disrupts the fly and maggot life cycle by impairing the development of eggs, larvae, and adults. Both products are available at your local hardware store.

Maggots and flies can’t reproduce as a result of this combo. It’s possible to blend Flex 10-10 and Martin’s IG Regulator in a handpump sprayer for targeted applications and use them both indoors and outdoors at the same time.

Use 6.4 fl. oz. of Flex 10-10 per 1 gallon of water. Use 1 oz. per gallon of water for Martin’s IGR. Flex 10-10 and Martin’s IG Regulator can cure up to 1,500 square feet.

Add your Flex 10-10 to a pump sprayer and fill it halfway with water. Then, measure out your treatment area’s square footage and use that amount of Flex 10-10 as directed.

Close the sprayer top and shake the solution to combine the remaining half gallon of water.

Add the correct amount of Martin’s IG Regulator to the mixture and agitate again. Once you’ve produced a low-pressure mist with your sprayer by pumping it a few times, you’re ready to apply.


Apply Chemical that contains Boric Acid

Boric acid, a natural pesticide, and repellant are readily available in a powdered form. You can use boric acid to kill maggots in your garage carpets, rugs, and anywhere else you see them.

Using a vacuum with a disposable bag option, you can easily remove the maggots from your garage after the boric acid has killed them.


Use a Fly Trap

When it comes to ridding your home of maggots and other pests, prevention is the best medicine. Fly traps can be used to catch and destroy any flies that are present in your garage as a starting point.


Utilize Pyride Aerosol Pesticide

Pyrid Aerosol can be used to kill maggots and flies that are hiding in crevices or structural cavities that are difficult to reach.

Fly-killing pyrethrum pesticide Pyrid features a straw applicator tip for use in cracks and crevices. Pyrid doesn’t leave a residue and is applied directly to pests, killing them in a matter of seconds.

Using the straw applicator tip, attach the Pyrid nozzle to the nozzle of the aerosol and apply to areas of concern.


How Do You Prevent Maggots in Garage?

It is only when basic hygiene standards are not maintained that maggots appear in an environment, whether it be at home in a kitchen, in a garage, or in a restaurant.

As a result, if you have not taken protective steps. You can prevent future maggot infestation by following these steps on a regular basis.

  • Clean your tables and counters in the kitchen and dining room.
  • Use an antibacterial cleaner to clean the floors.
  • Wrap everything in airtight containers.
  • Make sure your waste bags and cans are properly sealed so that nothing can get inside and breed.
  • Make sure there are no fly entry spots by caulking all cracks and crevices.



We believe that with products and tips you now know how to get rid of maggots in garage. Pest control companies aren’t always necessary to get rid of maggot infestations.

If the problem gets out of hand, you may want to consider hiring one. To avoid both flies and maggots, use these natural and chemical methods to get rid of them.

Also, maintain the cleanliness of your garage at all times. Don’t forget to share any other home treatments you may know of below.

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