
How to Get Rid of Skinks

How to get rid of skinks, and signs of skink infestation are the major questions asked when discussing skinks. Skinks are not really lizards, since they have different characteristics from the lizard species.


Although Skinks are not animals that pose threats to humans, sharing your home with a lizard is not quite safe. That’s why in this article, we have brought out answers through research on how to get rid of skinks.


How Do I Describe a Skink?

Lizards that are classified as skinks are members of the family Scincidae, which is part of the infraorder Scincomorpha, including about one thousand five hundred distinct taxonomic genera and containing a large number of reported species.

One of the most varied groups of lizards is the Scincidae family, which has many different species.

Compared to other types of lizards, skinks have shorter legs and may be found in a variety of settings, with the exception of the arctic and subarctic regions. Skinks can also be found in Australia.

The bodies of skinks are usually cylindrical in cross-section, and the majority of species have heads that are shaped like cones and long tails that taper toward the tip.

Skinks that live in burrows or on the ground may have adapted features such as a transparent “window” scale in place of a moveable lower eyelid. These skinks are able to see through the window.

While digging, the animal can see clearly because of this adaption, which also shields its eyes from dust and other debris.


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What Is the Behavior Of Skinks?

Digging and burrowing is a behavior that is shown by several different species of skink. The majority of them spend their time underground, where they are relatively protected from any dangers, and occasionally even excavate passageways for easier movement.

Additionally, they utilize their tongues to sniff the air and locate their prey in the environment. They are capable of being ravenous hunters.

When they come across their victim, they give pursuit until they have it cornered or have gotten a good bite on it, and then they consume the animal in its whole.


Where Do Skinks Live?

A wide variety of animals are skilled burrowers. The number of species that live in the soil or in caves is far higher than the number that lives in trees or in water.

Some of them are able to “swim” in the sand, especially the species that live in deserts, such as the mole skink or the sand skink that may be found in Florida.

Some move across the grass tussocks using an action that is remarkably similar to what others do.

The vast majority of skinks are diurnal, or active during the day, and spend their time basking on rocks or logs during the daylight hours.

The habitat requirements of skinks may be rather precise, with some species being dependent on plants and others being dependent on land and dirt.

The family of reptiles known as skinks is cosmopolitan; members of this family may be found in a broad variety of environments all over the world, with the exception of the boreal and polar areas.

There are many different species that may be found in different environments, such as grasslands, mountains, and deserts.


What Do Skinks Feed On?

The diet of a skink is primarily composed of insects due to its carnivorous nature. Flies, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars are all common types of prey for these creatures.

Earthworms, millipedes, centipedes, snails, slugs, isopods, woodlice, moths, tiny lizards including geckos, and small rodents are among the other prey items consumed by different species.


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What are the Predators of the Skinks?

However, this can be problematic for species like the Anguilla Bank skink, which has a long gestation time and is, therefore, an accessible target for predators like the mongoose, who frequently threaten the species to at least near extinction.

Various skinks are prey for a wide variety of predators, including raccoons, foxes, possums, snakes, coatis, crows, cats, dogs, herons, hawks, lizards, and other small terrestrial vertebrate predators.


Picture Of A Skink

Below is a clear picture of a Skink

How to Get Rid of Skinks
Picture Of A Skink


How Do I Describe a Skink Infestation?

How can you tell whether skinks have made their way into your home?

When skinks invade, it’s because they need a safe haven, a source of food, and a breeding ground.

You can check out the suggested locations below to see whether you have a skink infestation.

The skinks may be lurking in closets or other small, dark places, so it’s a good idea to check there. Skinks prefer to congregate in close quarters or under shelter.

You should also look beneath the bed, the sofa, the chairs, the desks, the bookcases, and the tables. Other common hiding spots for skinks are cabinets, vents, baseboards, cushions, and plants in containers.


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How to Get Rid Of Skinks Infestation?

In general, skinks are not a threat to humans. If you happen to discover one in your home, you can be assured that it will be more terrified of you than you will be of it.

It is true that skinks are slimy and slithering, but they’re not dangerous.

The only real risk is that they might make your house their permanent habitat, finding safe haven in cracks and crevices. During breeding season, that may easily become a catastrophe.

Want to know how to get rid of skinks? try some of these methods:

  • Neem oil, lavender oil, and basil oil are just some of the essential oils you may spray.
  • Obtain a feline companion, the Black Cat in particular.
  • Trim the grass, and remove some bushes.
  • Stop air from escaping via holes in the wall.
  • Position glue traps in the shadows.
  • Get into the habit of weekly thorough cleaning.
  • Put in new glass and replace any damaged netting.
  • Take the garbage out on a regular basis.



We have come to the end of the subject topic, how to get rid of skinks, after having been through all the interesting reads listed above, and achieving answers to your questions.

This is how far we can go on this. If you have questions relating to the subject topic, do let us know via the comment section below.

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