How to Get Rid of Snails in Aquarium

There are right ways on how to get rid of snails in aquarium, this will save time and the cost of infestation. For some homeowners, snails are small cube mollusks that are occasionally spotted outside or in the garden.

In reality, snails are incredibly destructive pests responsible for killing gardens and ruining large patches of grass.

Despite their small size, snails are capable of causing huge amounts of lawn and ornamental damage.

In this article, we are discussing how to get rid of snails in the house and prevent them from re-infesting our property.

How To Get Rid Of Snails In Aquarium


How to Identify Snail Infestation

In other to carry your pest control plan effectively, you need to identify the pest infesting your property.

Careless identification can lead to wrong treatment methods, costing you time and money. Snails are not like your average garden pests.

These creatures aren’t insects or bugs, but they’re actually mollusks and more related to clams or squid garden-variety.

Snails are most known for their spiral shells attached to their backs. These shells are typically variations of brown in color and most garden snails grow no larger than one and a half inches in height.

They have 1 foot which they used to crawl across surfaces and they also have tentacles or ice talks with her actualize located on the ends.

If you’re wondering, if snails become slugs by moving out of their shell, you’d be wrong snails. Slugs are both mollusks, but they’re actually different animals.

The snail shell actually holds many of the snail’s vital organs including its heart, lung and is attached to the body, with these facts, we believe you can get identify snails.


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Inspecting for Snails Infestation

Inspection is important in any pest control strategy, it is the next step you should consider. Once you know what the pest infesting your property looks like, you should consider inspecting for their presence and activities.

Snails are nocturnal pests, So you’ll most likely notice their damage before you actually see them in large numbers.

Inspecting your lawn and garden for snail activity is important to differentiate snails from other pests.

They are different approaches to identify snails infestation, snails target the leaves of garden plants,  ornamentals and are capable of eating several times their own body weight.

Over a single night, you’ll notice visible holes in the leaves of infestation plants. The leaf may try to recover and smooth out the edges, snails also eat newly sprouted grass seeds.

So, they’re a threat to anyone who may have just laid turf seeds as well, to further confirm snail activity over other turf pests.

Snails will leave visible mucus trails wherever they go, and these trails will remain for several days.

During the day, snails will try to stay out of sight away from predators, they’ll hide in moist areas like under logs or loose tree bark, you can also check underneath planters, along with tree basis and underneath loose rocks for any snails or snail eggs hidden there.


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How to Get Rid of Snails in Aquarium

Knowing where you spot snail activity is an important step as you use this to direct your treatment after identifying, and inspecting for activity on your property.

Before attempting the steps on how to get rid of snails in aquarium below, you have to ensure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE.


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Steps on How to Get Rid of Snails in Aquarium

Using Baits

You’ll need to use a bait granule like ficam, this is an easy and ready-to-use bait that’s labeled to control snails in aquariums, lawns, and gardens.

It can also be used to treat other insects including roaches, ants, and silverfish. Ficam contains the active ingredient bifenthrin.

How to Apply

  • Apply ficam at a rate of two pounds, per 1,000 square feet of the aquarium.
  • If you’re spreading ficam in a flower or ornamental garden bed life, use it at a rate of six ounces per 100 square feet.
  • You want to apply a thin layer of ficam to the targeted area.
  • Don’t apply it in piles or clumps.
  • Don’t water in the granules.
  • When applied properly on snails and other targeted pests, they will consume the bait and died after several hours.


Apply Boric Acid

Boric acid is a naturally occurring compound, it’s safe to use around children and pets when used according to label directions to use.

Spread it at a different rate, depending on where you’re applying it. Spread around your aquarium, possibly at regions you identified the trials of snails.

Note: Do not apply in your aquarium as it could be slightly poisonous and not poisonous to freshwater fish. Boric acid is practically not poisonous to aquatic life, such as water fleas, frogs, and toads.

Keep in mind, snails tend to hide upon death. So you’re not likely to see dead snails scattered on the property for best results, schedule your application ensuring there’s no rainfall in the immediate forecast.

Be sure to make a follow-up application about four to six weeks after your initial treatment.


How to Prevention Snail Infestation in your Aquarium

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check even after you’ve applied pesticides, the best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can’t happen again,

Snails are a common pest, no matter where you are in the United States, Nigeria, or the rest of the world.

You may spot the occasional snail every now and then but there are ways to make your aquarium less conducive for major infestations.


Steps to Prevent Snails from Returning to your Aquarium?

  • Start by picking up lawn debris, tree bark, branches, loose stones, or other unwanted materials around your aquarium to eliminate snail hideouts.
  • With fewer spots for snails to hide in. They’ll be less likely to hang around your aquarium.
  • Work on reducing the moisture content of your aquarium, snails that need wet or moist areas every day.
  • A fish breeder should ensure the water in the aquarium is changed once due.
  • You can trim back overhanging tree branches to remove the shade and prevent debris from falling into your aquarium.

Another way to prevent snails from investing is to eliminate their eggs. A single snail is capable of self-fertilizing and can produce up to 430 eggs in a single year.

Start by finding Snail eggs above the soil surface and exposing them to natural predators. Snail eggs have a white brown creamy or translucent appearance and can be round or oblong shaped.

An individual egg can measure around 4.25 millimeters in length and 4 millimeters in width. However, snail eggs are laid in bundles or clusters of 42 to 100 eggs making them easier to spot,

Snails can lay eggs in moist areas where you normally find adults snails. If you keep loose bricks, stepping stones, or planters and pots.

You can turn them over to potentially find clusters of snail eggs. It’s best to start in the winter after snow or frost since adults.

Snails will be dormant and you’d have eliminated any snails in time for spring. Snails are also known to bury eggs about an inch and a half underneath the soil.



Snail infestation is capable of ruining your aquarium causing losses, However, following this guide on how to get rid of snails in aquarium, we are always available to bring you effective DIY methods to assist with your pest problems. What are your secrets to keeping your aquarium snail’s-free?

Speak with us or let me know down the comment, do well to share with friends as we care about ensuring a pest-free environment

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